Wednesday 12 April 2023

Tabubil to Telefomin road to connect by Christmas 2023

The Tabubil-Telefomin road completion will impact businesses in 2024. 

Will it be different in Telefomin after the road is delivered in December 25 2023, yes or no?


Minister Solan Mirisim has bravely calendared the Prime Minister James Marape to overnight in Telefomin on the 25th of December 2023. The entourage is expected to drive from Kiunga to Telefomin by road for the first time. As promised James Marape will deliver the Tabubil-Telefomin road to the people of Telefomin. This emancipation is the brave focus of these leaders many months ahead of their busy schedule. This clearly indicates their determination and seriousness to liberate their people through accessibility. As this access road creeps closer to Telefomin I am beginning to retract my feeling away from just the road and connectivity and think about Mirisim-Marape connectivity as a package. Thus, we should have an underlying reason for us to receive this road from James Marape then to just ‘receive the road’. 

The construction of this new road into remote area of Telefomin will trigger significant impacts on the local community and environment. The local leaders, Telefomin DDA and the government must be looking ahead to promote socio economic viability with its people to celebrate with their road. Here are some basic things that the Telefomin people can do to prepare for the new road with the help of their leaders and government.:

Elias Nanau with dancers from Telefomin during the swearing in of TDDC members in 2020

What I am listing are simple and basic but has a lot of weight.

1. Plan for increased traffic: With the construction of the new road into Telefomin, there will likely be an increase in traffic to the area. The current roads are muddy, bumpy and substandard. This could impact the local economy as well as the environment. The community and leaders can prepare for this by developing plans for managing traffic flow and ensuring that roads and infrastructure are in good condition. Develop better town roads with better and sizable pebbles from a quarry. 

2. Develop emergency response plans: The new road could also bring new risks, such as accidents and natural disasters. The community and leaders should develop emergency response plans to ensure that they are prepared to deal with any emergencies that may arise. This will require a detail and systematic support from appropriate governments.

3. Protect the environment: The construction of the road could also have an impact on the local environment, such as deforestation and soil erosion. The community and leaders should work to protect the environment by implementing sustainable practices and protecting important habitats and species. Not only that but the boundaries and corridors of this road must be carefully demarcated and protected. 

4. Plan for economic opportunities: The new road will bring economic opportunities to the area, such as increased tourism and trade. The community and leaders should plan for these opportunities by developing businesses and infrastructure to support them. The government’s vision of SME spread must truly flourish here.

5. Engage with the government and contractors: The government and contractors responsible for the construction of the road should be engaged in discussions with the community to ensure that their concerns and needs are being heard and addressed. This will help to ensure that the road is built in a way that is beneficial to the community and minimizes negative impacts.

The mastermind of this road is Solan Mirisim, no doubt. The administration of DDA and LLG must propagate and offer the current MP the support to think about economic viability and road sustainability.

The earlier cry of Telefomin, “ Give me the road and leave me alone” can not become a reality if the above are not addressed.
Whilst the leaders are summoned to deliver this road with its impact, the people must show course towards this new infrastructure and the leaders’ effort.
Telefomin people must be willing to embrace this road with care and make good use.

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