Friday 14 April 2023

Abus na Kumu promotes savings culture

We can change Papua New Guinea if we believe and promote culture that benefits our lives, a culture that ultimately makes us content to live peacefully among others. 

Saving money to invest in durable assets or will become our social security is critical for us.

Modern money may not be our traditional asset and culture  for trade and business, so we are introduced to its importance in trade for survival.

But in this rapid changing global village, we have no choice but to adapt and value the importance of money- more so the value in saving.

Abus Na Kumu a PNG owned business is taking the lead in promoting savings culture.

They should be commended for this and imagine every business proactively does it for their employees.

We would have a society with thousands or millions of people who are rich just by having additional cash in their pockets or bank accounts and who do not just live off a fortnightly pay packet.

 Well Abus na Kumu owned by former rugby union star and PNG Pukpuk Richard Mark officially signed up their entire work force including management and their business to a savings and loan company.

Mark says Nambawan Savings & Loan Society Limited have been their nambawan corporate customer from the beginning as well.

Over the time Abus na Kumu provided their services, they’ve also been exposed to some of Nambawan Savings and Loans product informations and they are pleased to open their employees savings accounts.

The NSLS team visited the Abus na Kimu base at Port Moresby's Kennedy Estate and signed up all their team members.

Picture by Abus na Kumu Facebook 

They now look forward to building a savings culture.

Good luck to the Abus na Kumu team but for all of us, developing and practising a savings culture is critical for us.

Talk to our children when they are at tender age of ten and when they are in their teenage years they are deeply grounded.

When they are starting their twenties they may alrrady have equity for a loan, a car and can access business loan.

They can achieve many other things because they have a savings as security.

Let's do it...

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