Saturday 30 March 2024

National Broadcasting Corporation provincial radio station IDs

In case you forgot.

These are the provincial stations identifications.


NBC Morobe, Nek Bilong Kundu

NBC Madang Nek Bilong Garamut

NBC East Sepik Nek Bilong Sepik 

NBC Sandaun Maus Bilong Sandaun


NBC Manus Nek Bilong Chauka 

NBC  New Ireland Nek Bilong Drogo 

NBC East New Britain Nek  Bilong Tavurvur

NBC West New Britain Nek Bilong Tavur  

NBC Bougainville Nek Bilong Sankamap 


NBC Western The Voice of the Sunset

NBC Gulf The Voice of the Seagull 

NBC Central Kibi Gadona 

NBC Milne Bay Voice of the Kula 

NBC Northern Voice of Oro 


NBC Souhern Highlands Nek Bilong Muruk 

NBC Enga Karai Bilong Miok 

NBC Western Highlands Nek Bilong Tarangau

NBC Eastern Highlands Krai Bilong Kumul

NBC Simbu Krai Bilong Mambu

Friday 29 March 2024

PNG punters labelled Pacific Racing University students

 It's like a whole day's work every day for some of these punters at Pacific Racing betting locations. 


But you know why they are committed to just punting, the winning stats on paper is very lucrative for a less than K10 gamble. 

See this flexi accumulator bet above.

This is for K8 gamble that all the NRL teams chosen would win between 1 to 12 points.

The total amount to be won is more than K105, 000 but Pacific Racing's maximum payout is only K60,000.

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Three man Supreme Court bench refuse bail application by Paul Paraka

A three man bench of the Supreme Court in Waigani this morning dismissed an application by convicted lawyer Paul Paraka for bail pending his appeal.

Justice Panuel Mogish delivered a unanimous decision on behalf of Justices Iova Geita and Peter Toliken.

They found there were no exceptional circumstances and change of circumstances pleaded by Mr Paraka who is serving a jail term of 20 years for misappropriating K 160 million  of state monies.

What is very interesting about Mr Paraka's case is that he began applying for bail as soon as he was convicted.

He has also filed an appeal and that is essentially his move in asking for bail.

Mr Paraka's argument has been that if there is an appeal, a convicted person can be allowed bail and courts have inherent powers to consider that.

His bail applications before the National Court and lately before Justice Susan Purdon-Sully have been refused.

The three man Supreme Court bench have now found Mr Paraka's case to be rare in PNG and in the Australian jurisdiction where a convicted prisoner can apply for bail.

In their published decision the bench held that while bail is a right for anyone, situations before conviction and after conviction are different and very much depends on showing exceptional circumstances.

The Supreme Court found there has not been much change regarding the circumstances as stated by Mr Paraka in his six affidavits filed  between late 2023 and this year rendering his application an abuse of process.

Among his grounds Mr Paraka raised moving on from his earlier application before a single judge Purdon-Sully were on medical grounds. He has a heart condition that needs a stent operation.

Challenges to accessing  medical services at Bomana prison, food and stress.

A new ground Mr Paraka raised before the three man Supreme Court bench was concerning the vote of no confidence.

The bench ruled convicted persons should not venture into political issues and they should not expect to receive special treatment.

The court had also considered that Mr Paraka had undergone a successful balloon stent operation for his heart.

The court says change of circumstances must be relevant and exceptional but Mr Paraka who was representing himself in court was attempting to take a second bite without providing convincing evidence.

Mr Paraka will continue serving his term in jail pending his appeal.

What's the biggest amount you won at the pokies?

 Be honest with yourself.

What's the biggest amount you won gambling at poker machines?

If you randomly do visual calculations, you have lost alot over time.

This is despite you concluding that it was just a minimum amount of K300 every fortnight.

You multiply that by 26 forts and you have lost quite a lot.

The wins in  between if there were are still marginal because probability with these machines favour the owner.

Tuesday 26 March 2024

NBC is truly a national news organisation

 Last week provincial journalists for the National Broadcasting Corporation attended a training on Mobile Journalism (MOJO) in Port Moresby.

The training also expanded into crafting news, focus on social media ethics and how to video and edit stories.

The training further  delved into the use of available platforms to send high resolution packages for television news.

The additional good news is all the 20 provincial journalists were gifted with MOJO kits to start producing and sending news to Port Moresby.

So what does that mean?

The NBC now will air high quality video news for viewers.

The downside though. 

It's pressure on journalists to file for various news programs.

NBC news programs

■ National TV News

■ Current Affairs for TV

■ Current Issues Radio

■ Business Daily Radio

■ NBC News Radio

At each provincial station there is only one journalist who has to prepare provincial bulletin and send news to the national newsroom in Port Moresby.

More than 10 years ago I went for a job interview at EMTV.

Before the interview ended they asked if I had any questions. 

I asked how EMTV would fair as there was the new Kundu 2 TV.

The response I got was they were here then for the last 30 years and they will still be here.

Indeed but maybe Kundu 2 transitioning to NBC Television has made leapts and bounds. 

It is due to launch its analogue to digital program and a new world class standard TV studio in July. 

Judge says 6000 pending bench warrants

The National Court in Waigani has begun hearing bail applications monthly and also looking  into cases of accused persons on bench warrants since 1984.

The court registry has released lists of accused on bail and those on bench warrants.

Justice Panuel Mogish who heads the criminal courts at Waigani said earlier last month his court would hear bail and bench warrant cases every month.

There are about 6000 outstanding bench warrant  cases through out the country since 1980s.

Justice Mogish has appealed to leaders and communities not to harbour accused who are on bench warrants.

They can be of danger to communities.

Justice Mogish  said they should be handed over to courts to prosecute them.

He said it's not the role of police alone to apprehend them and hand over to the courts.
The criminal court in Waigani has received lists of accused of bench warrants.

Meantime Justice Mogish has challenged a public prosecutor to obtain statements from witnesses to prosecute an accused.

The accused Martin Saweya has been in custody since 2022 but his case has never been trialed yet.

Justice Mogish said this is one of the oldest cases and it can't drag this long.

If the public prosecutor does not file witness statements when the case is called again in April, Saweya's lawyer can file an application to discharge his case.


Monday 25 March 2024

Violence against men in Papua New Guinea

 Have you been violated by your wife or partner?

Do you want to share your story and challenge the status  quo, change the narrative for a fair Papua New Guinea?

We got to speak out.

If we do not. Our sons will cop the biased shit in future. 

Our law is not fair to males. It protects females.

As such females will do anything immoral to hurt you emotionally.

You can't react by inflicting any physical violence because they will  report you to police and there is little police could do.

They will just have  to arrest you because that's what the law says.

They will not hear ýour argument or justification that you reacted to  an immoral act your  wife did.

That is something you have to tell or inform your lawyer to argue in court.

With the current  approach with law favouring females, in  my strong opinion it is a recipe  for social decay  and promotion of immorality to be  indulged in by females.

Why? They are confident that the law protects them from any physical reaction from men.

The law has not  solved violence and is not promoting a happy healthy society that starts with building strong family institutions.

Guys let's get our stories recorded by writing

 There's  no more difficulties with you and me not owning a platform to publish our stories. 

We don't need big printers and cameras and satellite for TV broadcast or transmitters for radio signals. 

Here, your mobile phone and internet data connection is your platform.

You are reading this from a free blog site from blogger.

Just open a GMAIL account go to and  create your free blogspot.

Take pictures with your mobile phone, write any story that you want your blog to publish and publish.

You are on the roll.

Share  your publications on social media and drive traffic.

You can earn money by activating Google Adsense.

Alternatively to earn higher income, you can liaise with companies to display their advertisement on your blog site. 

They send the advert to you and you use Elfsight to create HTML tags  and embed that to your website, the ads are now live.

You can charge probably K10 for 24 hours depending on your traffic and reach. 

Our stories can best be digitised by writing and publishing videos or photos.

Port Moresby's ghetto

 Don't mess with life.

You can be reduced to such a life living under a make shift shelter hidden in a corner at a street in prime location like Boroko.

Life is a struggle.

Port Moresby doesn't have reliable statistics about homeless ness and ghetto squatting.

But people like police officers and private security personnel who work into nights and mornings know very well what life is for many struggling Port Moresby inhabitants. 

Many of these people survive through informal sales of betel nut and cigarettes.

There could be drugs sold under discrete business deals, just in the name of survival.

The National Housing Corporation has come under spotlight by commentators. 

The big issue. What has it done to address housing woos in the country.

In metropolitan areas like Port Moresby and Lae- affording a decent home is challenging.

Families are living in one bedroom renting at K300 per fortnight (USD 100.00)

This is what struggling  families are enduring.

If one is on a K50,000 per annum salary, you can not afford a decent home.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Elevala lass is 50th Hiri Hanenamo queen

 The story of the famous Hiri trade on the southern coast of Papua New Guinea is more than 50 years old.

But commemoration of this significant cultural trade is this year 2024 reached 50.


Part of the event is crowning of the Hiri Hanenamo queen and this year is a beautiful lass from Ele Vala ( a hamlet in the big Hanuabada village) just near Port Moresby Technical College. 

She is Henao Heni.

Steamship Trading Company who had been in Papua New Guinea doing business before the country's birth in 1975 is the major financial supporter.

A home on the Sepik River collapses


This is an account by Emmanuel Peni who lost his home due to floods in the Sepik region.

I lost my house this morning due to the floods amd the earthquake.  At 9.30am, standing at this fancy hotel lobby, wearing H&M jeans and a shoe bought in Sydney  's QBV, and seeing people in png struggling gives me perspectives. 

 I just saw a disabled child walking by the hotel, at the gate, dressed in rags looking into the hotel with wonder and realised:  the issue of my house falling over and collapse,  due to flooding amd the earthquake last night,  is by measure of human suffering,  nothing.  I long for peace.   

This I know we can not attain, but this perspective keeps me going on and balances my loss and pain.  ❤️❤️🙂❤️😎

The East Sepik Provincial government is responding to the disaster. 

Read here what Governor Allan Bird said.

Sandis Tsaka re-elected PNGRFL Chairman

Sandis Tsaka was re-elected as the Chairman of the PNG Rugby Football League following the Annual General Meeting held at the Lae International Hotel yesterday. 

Sandis Tsaka was voted in for the fourth time as the Chairman of Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League. 

He received 32 votes while his opposing candidate Tony Sipa received 13 votes. 

NBC Sports is awaiting an official statement with details from the PNG Rugby Football League however many supporters of Tsaka have already posted on social media about the successful re-election of Sandis Tsaka.  

In other outcomes of the PNGRFL AGM, Jacob Ivaroa is said to be the new Chairman of the PNGRFL Southern Confederate, ousting former Chairman Gwaibo Mairi who held that post for a long time. 

Sources who attended the AGM stated that Ivaroa won the race with 10 votes while Gwaibo Mairi got 3 votes. 

PNG Law Society protests against break down in respect for laws

📣 Selling audio recording 

To researchers, broadcasters, commentators, lawyers, journalists, police officers, correctional service officers etc in Papua New Guinea and overseas.

If you're interested to hear what the PNG Law Society President Hubert Namani  said during the protest against the PNG government to restore law and order in March
2024,  here it is.

Papua New Guinea in the South Pacific has made bad headliners in 2024.

A terrible public unrest in the capital Port Moresby with shops looted and burnt on January 10, 2024.

Then there was massacre in the upper highlands region of the country.

The Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika condemned the looting and unrest during the legal year opening which has the theme "Adherance to the rule of law".

Now the law society in PNG protests that the government should immediately look into addressing the law and order concerns.

The law society also called on the James Marape led government to address many other development concerns.


Beng Beng: Vanimo identity

 Walk into the Port Moresby's Jackson Airport and you see someone arriving from Vanimo.

A known person would call out "oi sampela Beng Beng kam".

It's this Indonesian made sweet chocolate many in Vanimo buy at Batas (PNG Indonesia border).

Most say the taste the Batas ones have is different from ones bought in Port Moresby.

We need food experts to comment about this.

Indonesian products cheap near Batas, Wutung

 The last time I visited Indonesian Batas near Wutung in Sandaun was in 2012.

I was a reporter for the National Newspaper and was covering elections in Vanimo.

Since my last visit, I was told today the place has transformed so much that it's like "downtown Port Moresby."

I was gifted this beautiful victory collection "T" shirt. It costs an amazing K10.

The price wowed me.

In Port Moresby it would cost around K30.

Makes me think people who live in West Sepik are able to import this merchandise at reasonable amount paying fair import tax and retail. 

The selling price could be less than K30 in Port Moresby.

Let's do it Sandaun.

Saturday 23 March 2024

Flood inundated villages along Sepik River

 Governor  Allan  Bird issues statement about the provinces responses to Sepik River flood 

On Thursday, we did a tour of parts of the river basin to gauge the extent of the flooding affecting our people.

Continuous rain up in the highlands and along the Sepik basin has resulted in higher than normal flooding. Our river people build homes on high posts to account for annual flooding, unfortunately this current flooding is quite rare. If my memory is correct, we had similar floods in 1982 and 1996.

The district and LLG managers are making assessments of the worst hit areas. Meanwhile the LLG presidents, public servants, MP Wewak and I had a meeting to urgently agree on assistance to be delivered where most needed.

So far we have had two casualties as the result of a land slip in Balam, Dagua LLG, Wewak.

All LLGs are authorised to use K200,000 each to provide relief in those LLGs affected by flooding. DDAs and the ESPG will step in where needed. All assistance will be coordinated on the ground by the respective Ward Members.

Our most affected LLGs are Tunap Hunstein, Ambunti, Gawi, Karawari, Yuat, Keram, Angoram and Marienberg. All food gardens, water sources and many homes are now under water in the worst hit areas.

The immediate need is for canvas, clean drinking water and food (carbohydrates). The people still have plenty of fish and wild protein.

For clean water, we will be talking to our partners to quickly deploy filter buckets for every affected family or water containers that they can refill. We have a current program that distributes filter buckets from the USA. We intend to expand that programme rapidly.

For food, LLGs not affected by flood are urged to supply fresh sago, taro or other crops as necessary through a coordination mechanism set up by the provincial administration.

The PHA is ready to respond to the outbreak of water borne diseases as they arise and medicines and teams are on standby. Emergency medical response is also on standby to respond to any critical emergency requests.

We thank our partners, Samaritan Aviation, our business community, our Churches, our Chamber of Commerce and our people for their support and resilience.

We expect help to be delivered within the 10 days and we expect this crisis to continue for at least 6 weeks.

We urge the business community not to entertain any individual requests for help. If any donations are required from the business community, the Provincial Administrator, Mr Samson Torovi will be writing officially.

We hope this clarifies the situation and should anyone have any issues, please consult our Provincial Disaster Office managed by Mr Warakai.

This message has been disseminated by NBC Wewak as well.

NBC regional journalists trained to use mobile journalism

 Mobile Journalism or MOJO is now the cliche in producing news as technology advances and making production kits portable.

NBC Managing Director Kora Nou urging journalists to look after MOJO kits. Senior camera man Wari Ila videos using the MOJO kit

Regional journalists from across the country took part in a training facilitated by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation International Development (ABCID) to use MOJO kits. 

They were presented with the kits to ply their trades in respective provinces.

NBC Board Chairman Ian Tarutia apprrciated the journalists and encouraged them to continue committing to their profession.

Mr Tarutia said the most important asset is any organisation is human capital and with him at the helm since July last year, their focus would be to ensure staff are looked after.

Despite dilapidated infrastructure like buildings that are as old a 50 years, the organisation will embark on revitalizing them and ensuring NBC remains relevant for its viewers and listeners. 

Mr Tarutia has suggested town hall meetings to engage with the provincial on a regular basis to outline what the board and executive management desires and to get updates from what is happening in provinces.

Monday 11 March 2024

Hekari United women's team focused

 The Hekari United FC women’s football team are currently in Honiara Solomon Islands gearing up for their first game tomorrow in the second edition of the OFC Women’s Champions League.

Touching down in Honiara on Thursday this week, the Hekari United FC women’s football team are focused to do well in this year’s edition of the OFC Women’s Champion League in Honiara.

Hekari United FC Coach Erickson Komeng told the media in Solomon Islands that the girls are determined this time to win the top prize after finishing as runner ups last year in the inaugural edition of the tournament in Port Moresby.

Coach Komeng said they have prepared well and are looking forward to their first game tomorrow against Tafea FC of Vanuatu.

Their other pool matches later will be against Avatu FC of Cook Islands and Henderson Eels of Solomon Islands.

Sunday 10 March 2024

PNG Hunters open season with a win

The SP PNG Hunters kicked off their season on a high note with a 36-22 victory over the visiting Wynnum Manly Seagulls side at the Santos National Football Stadium in Port Moresby on Saturday.

After 12 minutes of game time, the visitors were first to put points on the scoreboard through centre Conner Broadhurst which the conversion was unsuccessful.  

The home side then fought back with Clement Lama scoring the equaliser.  

Hunters fullback Sonny Wabo earned himself a try assist, after displaying some outstanding footwork to send winger Brandon Nima over the try line, to put the SP-sponsored side in front for the first time in the game.

Despite trailing, the visitors did not give up and led by their skipper Bryce Donovan, the Seagulls bounced back to narrow the score line 12-10 as both sides headed to the sheds for their break.

Coming into the second half, the Hunters forward back displayed solidarity up front which resulted in Weiyah Koi crossing over for a four-pointer.

Interchange Jordon Pat of the Hunters was the next to score, extending the lead for the Paul Aiton coached side.    

Despite the home side leading, the Seagulls did not give up easily and fought back in the last minutes of the game to score two tries which narrowed the score line to 30-22 in favour of the Hunters.

By Solomon Sumb, NBC National Sports

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Court refuses mining company's attempt to stop former employee discussing sexual harassment issues in the media

 Justice Derek Woods at the Waigani National Court on Tuesday afternoon refused Ok Tedi Mining Limiteds attempt to stop former employee  Susan Joseph from using the media to make  statements about her separation of employment with the company.

The company had gone to seeking the injunctive relief alleging Ms Jospeh's statements made in the mainstream and social media were defamatory and had tarnished its reputation.

Ok Tedi Mining Company through its lawyer told the court the allegations by Ms Joseph were made through news broadcast on NBC and published by the Sunday Bulletin weekly newspaper were false and defamatory.

Ms Joseph a former supervisor  with the assets protection department at Ok Tedi Mine had gone to the media saying she was sexually assaulted in 2022 and she continued reporting the matter internally and going as far as the Managing Director and CEO but received no attention.

She began with writing a letter to the HR Manager then seeking redress and she raised the issue four times within the company.

Ms Joseph appeared in court for the first time  representing herself.

"I had exhausted all means internally, " Ms Joseph told the court.

"I needed help and the media was there for  me."

She said she was issued a  letter to be made redundant by the same person who sexually  harassed her.

 Justice Woods has assured Ms Joseph she has the right to be heard.

The Ok Tedi Mining company has told the court Ms Joseph was made redundant because of company restructure and  not because of sexual  harassment issues she raised.

Ms Joseph was made redundant on January 15, 2024.

Justice Woods ruled that the balance of convenience does not favour Ok Tedi Mining Limited to stop Ms Joseph from using the media.

An important point Woods noted was the pleading for damages by the company's executive about the damage the company has suffered was not sealed.

He said he was not  satisfied.

The lawyer did admit it was an oversight.

However the company is at liberty to file for a new relief for damages.

Justice Woods has refused Ok Tedi Mining Company's injunctive  relief  but referred the matter for mediation through the alternate dispute resolution.

Meanwhile Ms  Joseph has been  instructed to find a  lawyer to represent her.

Justice  Woods has just cautioned her to slow down on using the social media which ultimately attracts various comments. 

PNG Air takes PUMA Energy to court over fuel supply issues

 PNG Air and PUMA Energy are in court over aviation  fuel supply issues.

The case did not proceed for further hearing as PUMA Energy has responded to providing fuel supply to the airline company.

However the case will return to court in a months time after both parties discuss way forward.

Justice Derek Woods who heard the case has accepted both parties request to adjourn for a month as there has been some notable efforts by PUMA Energy supplying aviation fuel to PNG Air.

PUMA Energy lawyer told the court there is already 12000 barrels of JetA1 fuel tested and are now available.

PUMA Energy and PNG Air have agreed there is no urgency for supply to resume.

PNG Air essentially wants a fair distribution of aviation fuel that is based on the existing fuel supply levels and location agreements.

Justice Woods has made orders that PUMA Energy should supply PNG Air aviation fuel based on the agreement on location, price and supply level.

All parties are to meet in a conference within 10 working days to resolve issues  and there should be adequate fuel supplied till May 15.

PUMA Energy must provide 21 days notice to PNG Air of its efforts to procure and supply fuel until May 15.

PNG Air can refile a notice of motion again in court if  fuel supply issues reoccur.

Justice Woods said the issue can be referred to mediation.

Sunday 3 March 2024

Prostate cancer awareness

 A commentary by John Sowei about prostate cancer.

It's four months since I defeated the problems associated with enlarged prostate using my very own Wellness 12-40 product I developed after two years of research while going through three types of Prostate Supplements. 

Yes, for men over 40 years of age can manage prostate early if we do something about personal health..including the choices we make in life.

 Our lifestyle, our diet, the amount of sugar we take in the form of fizzy drinks, the amount of beer we drink, the amount of carbohydrate rich foods  we eat, a sedentary lifestyle, the pressures of work and family commitments. 

The mix nuts I am having with my six pack SP green beer are expensive, but are good for prostate health, boosting the levels of Nitric Oxide and Testosterone, the level of energy, heart health, liver health, high blood pressure, managing blood sugar levels etc.

 These nuts are expensive, a packet retailing between 20 to 50 Kina. If you think these nuts are expensive, let remind you that your health is your wealth.

 The money you're earning now is only useful for you while you are still  alive. 

You will not take this money with you when your journey is done on planet Earth. 

Spend money on your wellness while you are still alive. 

Taim yu pasim ai, mani em bai stap, yu nonap karim go!

PNG gas corporation executives in the United States

WICHITA, KANSAS: || This week along 1155 North River Boulevard, Wichita, Kansas, the flags of the United States of America and that of Papua New Guinea (PNG) fly side by side, reaffirming the goodwill and long-term friendship between the two peoples and the two countries. 

The historic Campbell Castle Inn Riverside plays host – thanks to owners Terry and Paula Lowry, on this occasion as it houses the Executive Chairman of the National Gas Corporation Limited (NGCL) of PNG, Mr. Alfred Kaiabe, LLB OL who leads a three-men delegation to the US chasing its dreams for “business opportunities” for his company and PNG.

So far, the PNG delegation has visited aerospace (aircraft) manufacturing site at Wichita dubbed as the “air capital of the world”, held a meeting with coffee buyers and processors, and visited a ‘Clinic in the Can’ (mobile clinic) factory. 

Mr. Kaiabe is also set to meet with the executive of Koch Industries before flying to Washington DC where he is set to meet with officials of the World Bank. 

Yesterday, Mr. Kaiabe and his delegation paid a courtesy visit to Mayor of Wichita, Lily Wu at the City Hall and later visited the Sunrise Christian Academy where he was received by Assistant Administrator, Mr. Jeremy Smith who extended “invitation” for PNG students to enroll here. 

What's good Kina boy?