Thursday 24 November 2022

PNG Prime Minister wants tough


Approved for Release: Wednesday 23 November 2022

PRIME Minister Hon. James Marape has urged Parliament to consider the increase in penalties for alcohol and drug related offences as a deterrent to alcohol-induced problems in the country, including returning a parliamentary committee to manage this issue in a bi-partisan approach.  

He has also called on provincial governors to step up by utilizing their powers to control alcohol use and alcohol-related problems in their respective provinces.

The Prime Minister was speaking today (231122) in Parliament while responding to Western Highlands Governor Hon. Wai Rapa who asked for a ban on alcohol production and sales as a way to solve these issues.

PM Marape said to give perspective to beer-drinking and alcohol use, law & order problems associated with drinking was happening because of the abuse of alcohol more than the alcohol itself. 

“I suggest that, as a national approach, we increase the penalty for alcohol-associated problems, homebrew, and drug abuse as solutions going forward. 

“We can increase the penalty for alcohol related offence so it becomes a deterrent. Papua New Guinean parliamentarians and citizens: do not be afraid of us increasing the penalty. 

“You governors in each of your provinces, you have the power to make laws in relation to alcohol control in each of your provinces. You already have the power under provincial liquor licensing. Now utilize that power – restrict unnecessary drinking all over the place; control the times and place such as at proper clubs.

“As for the police, I need not tell you your job. When someone is drinking and drunk in public space, you pick them and lock them up. Police personnel themselves must not drink when they are on duty. 

“These are the small things that need to be in place so we order the behavior of our citizens properly. 

“I cannot put a stop to someone’s right to drink beer but it has to be done in a proper manner. 

“It is an industry that also creates employment and generates revenue. 

“This Parliament is recommended to pass greater penalty for alcohol-related problems in our country,” said the Prime Minister. 


Thursday 10 November 2022

UPNG students complete industrial training

 Eight students from the University of Papua New Guinea received their Industrial Training certificates from Newcrest Lihir after completing an eight-week mid-semester Industrial Training program recently.

The third-year students - Dale Konae, Daniel Wamaingu, Geses Agua, Jerethy Rapenda, Jonathan Kaul, Nemaiah Sebastian, Steward Giko and Violet Mcmiul - are among 23 students from UPNG’s Earth Science department trained under the program since its inception in 2021.

This work experience and professional development opportunity allowed the students to gain valuable industrial work exposure and enhanced safety skills. Senior staff from Lihir’s Mine Technical Services Department supervised and mentored them during the training engagement.

UPNG Earth Science Department Divisional Head, Dr Joseph Espi, highlighted in his appreciation remarks that industrial work exposure is an integral component of the university’s Undergraduate Earth Science Degree Program, saying programs and training opportunities provided by corporate organisations and world-class mining companies such as Newcrest Mining Lihir’s Young Talent program play an important role in developing young Papua New Guineans.

Dr Espi thanked Newcrest Mining for its continuous support and partnership in empowering earth science students from UPNG through on-the-job experience.

Newcrest Lihir’s Human Resources Manager, Alex Rogea, said UPNG’s Earth Science Department had been the main talent source for Lihir’s geologists’ talent pipeline since the inception of the Lihir Mine Project.

He thanked Dr Espi and the university for the partnership, which enables students to gain the necessary exposure required to set them up for success when transitioning into the industry.

“Apart from the technical exposure in mining, we also provide students with the opportunity to learn and develop skills in time management, teamwork, presentation and in building self-confidence. These are necessary to build our future leaders,” 

Furthermore, Mr Rogea extended his gratitude to Lihir’s Mine Technical Services team leaders for their commitment in developing the young PNG talent in the Technical Expertise of Geology in Mining.

“With your support and guidance, the students are well placed to successfully complete university studies and transition into the industry,” he said.

Newcrest Country Manager, Stanley Kome Komunt, congratulated the eight students for choosing Newcrest Lihir as their ideal place to learn and develop skills.

“With Newcrest being one of the largest gold mining companies in the world and with Lihir being the largest mine in Papua New Guinea, it’s a great learning place for young talent to build their career,” he said.

Mr Komunt added that Newcrest Mining supports PNGs priority to develop healthy, educated, and skilled people.

“The partnership between UPNG’s Earth Science and Newcrest will go a long way in building the country’s human resources as stipulated in Papua New Guinea’s Vision 2050,” he said.

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Pukpuks retain Oceania Rugby Championship trophy

 PAPUA New Guinea Pukpuks retained the Oceania Rugby Championship trophy after defeating Solomon Islands 22-18 at Sir Hubert Murray Stadium in Port Moresby yesterday.

The Pukpuks were reduced to 12 men in the final seven minutes after three yellow cards were issued to the Pukpuks with the Solomon Islanders mounting a last dash offensive against PNG.
A courageous effort in defence from the host’s saw them held off a spirited Solomon Islands who launched themselves at the Pukpuks try line defence till full-time.
Solomon Islands shocked the Sydney Wesley-coached side when they led 10-7 at half-time. Both sides scored a try each in the first-half with a penalty goal from Solomon Islands saw them in front at the break.
Solomon Islands extended their lead to 15-7 when PNG winger Mafu Kalas fumbled the ball which saw a Solomon Islands player pounce on the lose ball and score in the corner in the 55th minute.
The conversion attempt by Solomon Islands was unsuccessful as the score remained 15-7. Pukpuks kicked a penalty goal three minutes later which saw them trail 10-15.
Solomon Islands extended their lead in the 61st minute through a penalty goal. Pukpuks muscled up in attack when five-eighth Paul Uro featured in a set move which saw them score in the corner.
Conversion kick was unsuccessful as Pukpuks trailed 15-18. Pukpuks scored again four minutes later to regain the lead.
A successful conversion saw Pukpuks led 22-18 with 10 minutes to go. The Willie Kalai-captained, Pukpuks, defended with 12 men over the last seven minutes till full-time. Solomon Islands Hunters had ample possession in Pukpuks territory to cause an upset but the Pukpuks desperately held on to secure the win.
Pukpuks coach Sydney Wesley told The National after the game that his men expected Solomon Islands to come strong.
“Years back the Pukpuks won by huge margin but that has changed over the years and in 2019 tournament, they (Solomon Islands) almost beat us,” Wesley said.
“It’s showed that they have improved a lot and we knew they were going to come charging at us.
“They kept us under the pressure till fulltime but I am proud of our defence which was solid,” he said yesterday.

Reported by the National Online 

Sunday 6 November 2022

Kumuls are rising

 Papua New Guinea Kumuls campaign in the 2021 #RLWC (played in 2022)  came to an end on early Sunday morning PNG time.

The English demolished the Kumuls hopes of a semi final berth scoring 46 points to 6.

England fired from the start leaving no room for Kumuls in attack and with every opportunity they had in attack, they converted to tries.

PNG came back better in second half scoring a try and allowing the Englishman two tries but damage was already done in the first half.

Well done PNG and congratulations England 

Monday 31 October 2022

Police retrieve dead corpse of missing policeman

 Manning calls for calm following death of Senior Constable Nelson Kalimda – Warns suspects not to resist


Sunday October 30, 2022

Following confirmation that the body retrieved in Magarima, Hela Province, is that of Senior Constable Nelson Kalimda, Commissioner of Police David Manning has called for calm amongst police personnel and their families as those responsible are arrested.

Police Commissioner David Manning

“Now is the time that the country needs our disciplined forces to show restraint and calm as we deal with the death of Senior Constable Nelson Kalimda,” Commissioner Manning said this evening during a media conference at the National Police Headquarters. The conference was held after senior officers visited the family of the late constable to inform them of the death of their husband and father.

“I appeal for calm, and to put off any response or protest action, because nothing will be achieved from more violence.

“I am appealing to, and I am directing, all uniformed personnel to show restraint and let the law take its course.

“I share your pain, and the pain of Senior Constable Kalimda’s family, and I am as angry as every other man and woman in our uniform over what has happened to our brother.

“Ours is a dangerous profession that is not free from risk, and our police men and women face threats every day they go to work.

“That we confront these risks does not make it any easier to deal with the grief we face, but it reminds us that we lead by example and use the law to bring enemies of the people to justice,” Mr Manning said.

Commissioner Manning said investigations are being led by some of the most capable officers in the Police Force to bring swift justice upon those involved in the death of Senior Constable Kalimda.

“I issue a clear warning to anyone involved with Senior Constable Kalimda’s death, to not resist arrest when police catch up with them.

“If these suspects threaten police with weapons, our police personnel have full authority to escalate the use of force and to use all appropriate means necessary to take control of the situation.

“Police have made two arrests so far and there are four other persons of interest that are the subject of an ongoing search.

“On behalf of all police and our families, my direction to investigating officers is clear, to go and find the culprits and bring them in using every means at your disposal because the weight of the law and the will of the people is on your side,” Mr Manning said.

Commissioner Manning said Hela Governor, Philip Undialu, has supported the search with provincial resources, alongside community leaders with their knowledge at the local level, and all of these efforts have been most valuable in supporting police action.

Photograph and caption: Police Commissioner David Manning at the media conference. Far right is Chief of Staff, Commander Stephen Francis.

Sunday 30 October 2022

PNG Literature : A readers review by Dr Joseph Ketan

Disclaimer; This is a repost for public knowledge to promote Literature in PNG

By Dr Joseph Ketan

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the works of some great PNG writers and would like to see their works translated into plain language for the ordinary reader. Unlike journalists, professionals in other disciplines do not have the training to write in simple English.

There are, however, notable exceptions. In law, my favourite writers were Peter Donigi, Chronox Manek, Anthony Deklin and John Nonggorr. The best, in my view, was Peter Pena, a man who could explain the law in simple English. Pena and Manek were great law salesmen. Deklin writes coherently in an accessible style, but he often picks on wrong issues for wrong audiences and gets himself into trouble with his readers. Lawrence Kalinoe and Eric Kwa, both great legal scholars, saw no reason to venture out of their comfort zones, sticking to legal reforms. I like the way John Kwimb writes, but we have not seen enough of it from him, as he pursues his political advisory role. Keep an eye out for Stanley Liria, a published lawyer, who has developed a passion for writing about legal issues from a local perspective. There is a star in Bal Kama, a practicing lawyer and academic in Canberra. He learnt his craft from the great Bill Standish. Kama explains law and politics in language that even grandma in the Wahgi Valley would understand.

In academia, I still like the great literature pairing of Russell Soaba and Steven Winduo. Yes, I know they sometimes get swamped in parochialism, but in literature, as in political science, local issues form the core business of writing. The bright star at UPNG has to be Lawrence Sause, who writes with wit and rare intelligence. We have not seen enough of it, but he will hopefully get around to connecting with the people who mater most in this country – the ordinary Papua New Guinean. For the future, look out for Michael Kabuni, a young political scientist, who is writing selecting his topics with great care and will get much better with experience.

In the public domain, I would go for Wilson Punim any time. This man is simply brilliant. In the true style of the literary pundit, or wordsmith, Punim writes with a burning passion, describing love and life in language that resonates life in contemporary villages and towns of Papua New Guinea. Using wit and metaphorical language, in the genre of the Hagen veiled speech style, Wilson exhibits all the core elements of a great story teller of our times. I would like to see his stories published in a book. The Institute of PNG Studies or the Institute of the Pacific Studies at USP in Suva would be ideal places to publish this kind of writing. The future looks bright for literature lovers. There are some really good writers coming through. There is a young man from DWU who is making his mark in the social media. His name is Duncan Gabi. Budding writers like Gabi need to be nurtured in an environment like the late 1970s Institute of PNG Studies and mentored by a new Uli Bier.

In journalism, there are many fine writers. I am a fan of Frank Senge Kolma and Daniel Korimbao. They lead a group of great writers in Ana Solomon, Harlyn Joku, Sinclair Solomon, Patrick Big Pat Levo, and others. The intent to entertain and to inform is always present in the writings of good journalists. I understand that we have lost the good ones to politicians, but there are some good ones coming along.

Papua New Guineans, like Africans, are always quick to take advantage of technological innovations. The digicel revolution is responsible for taking mobile phones to all corners of the country now. This has given us the opportunity to communicate effectively with the rest of the world. Unlike the con men and con women of Nigeria who use deception to steal money from gullible people across the world, Papua New Guineas are essentially warm and caring people who use the social media to build social networks rather than exploiting people. There are, however, occasional outrageous publications of brutality and obscenity.

The fun and humour in the PNG social media is healthy for the mind. Here, I wish to send my best wishes to the man in Rainy Lae, Alphonse Kapi Malipu, for entertaining us with witty messages. Kaim, I loved the one about “the horny young girls with their puffed up pride”. I hope our daughters did not take offence, taking your message for exactly what it was: dry humour. I love the rebuttals from Andrew Nagari. These two brothers of mine from Engaland make life worth living.

Monday 10 October 2022

Port Moresby Police quell tribal figjht in the city but two were killed

 09th Sunday October 2022.

Police Media Statement 

NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Gideon Ikumu said two people were  reportedly killed in a fight between the Helas and Eastern highlanders in Erima today (Sunday)

Police Media Pic
Police Media Pic

Mr Ikumu said, the two groups mobilized and exchanged projectiles resulting  in some injuries, before police intervened and stopped the fighting.

 He said the NCD Homicide unit is now investigating these reported killings but the community leaders must also step in to assist the police in their investigations.

Police Media Pic

Mr Ikumu said the leaders on both sides of the conflict must identify the suspects involved in the killings and bring them to the police.

The Metsup and his men spoke to the Helas underneath the  Kookaburra Fly over before meeting up with the Marawaka community at Erima Mambu settlement today.  

In these meetings, the Metsup appealed for calm and said the police will do everything within its means to stop the fight from re-occurring.

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Telefomin MP votes at his village


Telefomin MP and a staunch Pangu Pati politician Solan Mirisim today voted at his Trefolip village in Telefomin.

Mr Mirisim says his wife and children joined him and his people witnessed him voting.

He has wished all candidates contesting the Telefomin seat and their supporters a peaceful polling.

Mr Mirisim says he hopes for the best in this election through a democratic voting process.

He says the power to choose leaders has now been entrusted to the people.

Mr Mirisim who held several ministries under Peoples National Congress and recently Ministry of Forests under the Pangu led government was elected to Parliament in 2012 and won back the seat in 2017.

He is confident of returning for the third term.

Australian High Commissioner observes polling in Hela


Australian High Commissioner Jon Philp was in Hela yesterday where he joined the international observer election teams observing polling at Piribu, Kupari and Tari.

Polling commenced yesterday in the country with several provinces commencing polling and this included a one day polling for the whole of Hela Province.

In a statement the Australian High Commission says Australia’s participation reflects Papua New Guinea and Australia’s shared commitment to democracy and the democratic process.

Australia assisted Papua New Guinea to print millions of ballot papers and assisted with transportation of sensitive election materials throughout the country using its Royal Australian Air Force aircrafts.

The United Nations is coordinating the international observer mission and their observer report will be presented to the PNGEC to improve the transparency and credibility of the election process.


Saturday 2 July 2022

Potential Pangu candidates to win seats


My prediction for Pangu seats that are most likely to be won.

Additionals would be bonus.

1. Prime Minister James Marape for Tari-Pori Open

2. Rainbo Paita for Finschaffen Open

3. Peter Tsiamalili for Bougainville Regional

4. Timothy Masiu for South Bougainville

5. Solan Mirisim for Telefomin Open

6. Joseph Sungi for Nuku Open

7. John Simon for Maprik Open

8. John Rosso for Lae Open

9. Pila Niningi for Imbonggu Open

10. Philip Undialu for Hela Regional

11. Robert Agarobe for Central Regional

12. Sasindran Muthuvel for WNB Regional

13. Thomas Opa for Kerema Open (new)

14. Casmiro Aia for Goilala Open (new)

15. Benjamin Philip for Menjamya Open 

16. Manasseh Makiba for Magarima Open

17. Dr Kobby Bomareo for Tewai Siassi Open

18. Wesley Raminai for Kagua Erave Open

19. Ano Pala for Rigo Open (new)

20. Evele Kala for Abau Open (new)

21. Jerry Singirok for Madang Regional (new)

22. Jimmy Uguro for Usino Bundi Open

23. Francis Galea Maneke for Nakanai Open 

24. Nina Giheno for Henganoffi Open (new)

25. Emil Tamurr for Kokopo Open ( new)

Friday 10 June 2022

Central Province women listen to Governor Robert Agarobe

 It is now time for the people of Central Province to use their democratic right to make a choice on who should be their Governor.

So many candidates are on the campaign trail.

Robert Agarobe meets people at Yule Island, Kairuku District

As for me, my campaign has taken place in the last five years and today, my team and I are having meet and greets with people to explain to them about what we have done so far.

“They will not be doing a campaign but awareness,” Hon Robert Agarobe told over one hundred Central women who gathered to see video news clip reports about few of his achievements in passing legislations.

“It’s about making you aware of a lot of things you are not aware off.”

He told the women if they thought they knew politics they would by lying just like himself.

He admitted he picked up after two years in Parliament and made bold decisions to ensure Central Province benefits.

“Being an aircraft engineer I am a fast learner,” he said this assisted him to quickly see how politics worked and he became part of the government that overthrew PNC and for the first time Central Province is recognized.

“I fought a battle behind the scenes,” Agarobe said.

Robert Agarobe MP

 The women gathered to watch some of his achievements in making legislative changes that will essentially support development progress for the province in the longer term.

These are like the nuts and bolts his team and has put together and soon other parts will make it complete and Central will prosper.

Agarobe said he was impressed by the reaction from these women who saw the TV news clips and cheered and gave an applause.

I invite my people of Central to see our achievements without a biased view.

An important legislation that we have amended and passed is the NCDC 2001 Amendment Bill.

We will now have access to 10 percent of GST generated in Port Moresby paid directly to us by the Internal Revenue Commission amounting to K3.2 million every month.

What does that mean, we will have more revenue to increase the size of our budget and respond to our sector development needs.

Aside from that and empowered by the Act, I as your Governor will sit on the NCDC board.

This was never realized before.

The women were also made aware that the Lands Department has also given the land title for the land at Konedobu to the Central Provincial Government.

Important to note, I have decided that our headquarters will be built on the Konedobu land with few other important infrastructure like lecture theatres for teaching, learning and preserving our history and heritage.

You may wonder why I changed my mind not to build at Bautama.

Basically this is strategic.

Encroachers are land grabbing our land and denying us the rights to legitimate benefits on our Central land that Port Moresby is built on, and if we moved to Bautama, it means we have been defeated and kicked out of our Central land.

We must build on our land in Port Moresby and make a statement that Port Moresby is still ours.

“I talk a lot about our land and history and I sound like a broken CD,” Agarobe said.

The national government has pledged to support infrastructure development at Konedobu.

The women were also made aware that another important development progress the Pangu led government has supported Central is the establishment of the Provincial Health Authority and the subsequent launch of a provincial hospital to be built at Bautama.

It will be to the tune of K700 million and expected to be completed in 2025.

The development will be the hospital and a commercial hub.

That is a huge milestone again supported by Prime Minister James Marape’s government and I had to be vocal to have the hospital built at Bautama rather than at Gerehu in NCD.

People with vested interests have wanted it to be constructed at Gerehu.

Once that 330-beds hospital with specialist health care services are in operation our people will be so relieved.

 We will ensure the services are sustained and there is high quality service delivered.

They do not need to queue at the Port Moresby General Hospital.

Agarobe told the women, being an aircraft engineer he was about sustaining projects and infrastructure.

“It’s about building and sustaining it and for us to do that we need money,” he said.

The latest legislative changes aim to grow the economy so there enough money to respond to basic needs and build enabling infrastructure.

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Why should you vote for Robert Agarobe to be Central Province Governor?



10 percent GST from NCDC to increase annual budget

Central Province is owed close to K400 million that is supposed to come from Goods and Services Tax from the National Capital District Commission 

The people of Central Province are entitled to this GST but have never been receiving it

No other Governor over the years pushed for Central to rightfully receive its share of the GST until Honourable Chief Robert Agarobe was elected Governor

The three pillars for development are 

Agriculture, Sports, Tourism

Under Hon Chief Robert Agarobe’s leadership, the long overdue Provincial Lands Board was established to deal with Central Province land issues

                                                December, 2018

Some component of GST should come through Central Province so that we can develop infrastructure and services in the province

As a first time parliamentarian, Hon Chief Robert Agarobe has been very vocal on the floor of Parliament raising critical matters for Central Province. Most of them are legacy issues.

Honorable Chief Robert Agarobe’s push to get the GST from NCDC has received big endorsement from Prime Minister James Marape 

Hospital Launching

 Central Province is the only province that does not have a  provincial town of its own


As far as health workers is concerned it has only 138 Health Workers


Three are three doctors, 20 are Health Extension Officers and  115 are general nurses


We have a shortage with health manpower in the province and our people are forced to seek medical attention at the Port Moresby General Hospital

History has been made to improve health care. That’s a very good news.

On the 30th November2021, the Central Governor and other dignitaries who include Prime Minister James Marape gathered at Bautama to launch the construction of a 390 bed  Central Provincial Hospital. 

It’s a milestone ceremony.

Out of the760 hectares of land allocated, 50 hectares will be used to build the Central Provincial Hospital

The K300 million, 390 beds hospital will be the first ever for the province and this is something we always wanted as a people and as a province

 Other infrastructure that will be built include

·         A nursing college

·         A transit drug store

With the new Central Provincial Hospital being launched, work on its construction will progress and once the hospital is completed, it will provide much needed health services for Central Province.

Apart from housing 390 beds for clinical treatment, specialist health care in internal medicine, surgery, pediatric, women’s obstetrics and gynecology will be provided.

Governor Agarobe says we are now progressing to be on par with other provinces in delivering quality health services.

Such huge development is a catalysts for more development at the provincial headquarters.


 NCD Amendment


For over 20 years, NCDC had been giving less than 2 per cent of its GST to Central Province

This contravenes the NCDC Act which requires NCDC to remit 10 percent to Central Province

This was a long standing issue with both the provincial government and the municipal authority at loggerheads and the two parties went to court.

However with the new NCDC Amendment Act passed after Honourable Chief Robert Agarobe brought it to Parliament, the dues for Central Province are set out clearly

We must be proud and happy. After years if hardship, disputes and court battles, Central Governor Robert Agarobe successfully moved and amended the NCDC Act on the floor of Parliament.

 Before the private members bill was passed, there was heated debate amongst Members of Parliament

Despite a few opposition, there was tremendous support from several Members of Parliament

Governor Agarobe’s bill moved to amend the NCDC Act explicitly states that the Commissioner General of the Internal Revenue Commission shall pay 10 per cent directly to the Central Provincial Government

For the first time in history and backed by the NCDC Amendment Act, both the Central Province Governor and the NCDC Governor will sit on the same NCDC board and make decisions

Ultimately, Governor Agarobe is now a member of the National Capital District Commission Board






Tuesday 17 May 2022

Driver of vehicle crashing into DPM Sam Basil was intoxicated

Police Commissioner David Manning released an official statement today in relation to the vehicle accident that claimed the lives of the late Deputy Prime Minister, Honourable Sam H Basil MP, and his Close Protection Officer First Constable Neil Maino.

Sam Basil's funeral Photo Rueben Giusu Facebook

Following a brief from the Divisional Commander Northern Assistant Commissioner Peter Guiness, Mr Manning said, “A Police investigation commenced immediately following the incident and on documenting the accident scene and interviewing the two survivors of the accident, police investigators were satisfied with the evidence on hand to lay charges on the driver of the other vehicle.

Investigators were able to confirm that the accident involved two vehicles. The late DPM was the driver of one vehicle whilst a Mr Mathew Barnabas, a 37 year-old male from Ambai village, Simbai in the Madang Province was the driver of the other.

Barnabas, a coffee buyer who is married to a local woman from Mumeng, Bulolo District, is being transported into Lae tomorrow where he is likely to be charged with two counts of dangerous driving causing the the deaths of the Deputy Prime Minister and his CPO and dangerous driving causing grievous bodily harm to the other two passengers.

Mr Manning said investigations pointed to allegations of dangerous combination of speed and driving under the influence of liquor, allegedly by Barnabasas evident from the bottles of alcohol recovered from his vehicle.

Mr Manning expressed his condolences to the families and described the incident as “very tragic”. He went on to say that whilst the country is coming to terms with the loss of its Deputy Prime Minister, the RPNGC is also coming to terms with the loss of one of its own.

“The loss of late F/C Maino is very tragic. We witnessed his young wife and daughter as well as his parentmourning over his casket and it was a very emotional day on Sunday when their bodies were flown into Port Moresby.

The RPNGC and the Police Legacy will ensure we continue to support F/C MAINO’s widow and daughter as much as we can during this time of bereavement and into the future,” Mr Manning said.

Mr Manning renewed his call for calm during this time as a sign of respect for the memory of the late DPM and his CPO.

Yumi mas soim pasin kastom na respect lo dispela taim. Hevi kamap pinis. Polis wokim wok painim aut pinis lo as blo dispela hevi. Na nau em taim lo sindaun wantaim na soim sore lo lida blo yumi. Luksave na strongim femili blo lida blo yumi, na blo polis man blo yumi tu,” Mr Manning said in Tok Pisin.

Commissioner Manning added he was aware of posts on social media regarding the circumstances leading up to and during the incident.

I would like to caution those who are involved in this reckless behaviour to refrain from causing unnecessary stress and provoking violence during this timePolice have obtained sufficient evidence to support the charges that will be laid and that is what we will do.

I had made an appeal to anyone with any information relating to the incident to come forward to the investigation team and provide that information officially, and that offer is still there. To date we have not received anything officially supporting the social media posts, except information on the vehicle accident itself,” Mr Manning concluded.

Press Release-Police Department

Papua New Guinea Deputy Prime Minister dies following a tragic car accident

Papua New Guinea woke up to a distressing and shocking news about the death of its Deputy Prime Minister and Member of Parliament representing the people of Wau-Bulolo Samuel Basil on Thursday morning, May 12, 2022.

Police Commissioner David Manning issued a statement late Wednesday evening that Basil and his close protection office Neil Maino succumbed to injuries sustained during the car accident along the Lae to Bulolo highway.

Another police officer and a media personnel were seriously injured and were being treated.

 Manning said another vehicle was involved in the accident and police would question the driver of the vehicle.

Late Basil's dead body was brought to Port Moresby by a Manolos Aviation helicopter on Sunday arriving at the evening and a state funeral will be afforded to late Basil.

The police department will honour CPO Maino in a special funeral as well.

A police officer who survived the accident told Post Courier in an exclusive interview.

"As we were driving it was a small corner,  so as we were about to turn the corner, we could see the lights of the oncoming vehicle coming from up there," Sgt Fred Setu said.

Samuel Basil (late)

He said as they were negotiating the corner with late Basil at the steering wheel "this car from nowhere just drove straight" and rammed them from the drivers side where Basil was driving.

"In a few seconds as I saw the car approaching us I screamed at the leader (Basil) but it was too late, the car hit us already and after  a few seconds time mi tanim long ol boys long backside, I could see them but olgeta ol sleep long backsait, we were all in a state of shock in few seconds."

Setu was sitting offside Basil in front and was saved by the dashboard and security wires in front of the windscreen though his head impacted the windscreen.

He rushed to save Basil who was unconscious but breathing and lying down on his seat.

He turned to late CPO Maino and he got the response: "Mi orait savim lida pastaim."

Both Basil and Maino passed on 30 minutes apart at the Bulolo clinic.


Monday 2 May 2022

Michael Kandiu "the real estate businessman" denies offering money to election official

A candidate contesting the National Capital District governor's seat in 2022 is aggrieved The National Newspaper mentioned him as the one who offered bribe money amounting to over K180,000 to one Terence Hetinu.

The parts of the report which mentioned aggrieved Michael Kandiu's name were: "Hetinu, 51, from Kainantu’s Biteve village in Eastern Highlands, corruptly received K184,300 from Michael Kandiu to influence the outcome of the election for the NCD seat in 2017 general election."

"“The monies were received pursuant to a memorandum of agreement (MoA) between Kandiu, Hetinu and coordinator for Moresby North-East electorate Williue Winstand Ipuia, under which an unspecified sum of monies was made available to Hetinu and Ipuia for distribution amongst themselves, their families and for distribution ensuring the election of Kandiu.”

"Judge Berrigan added that upon Kandiu’s election, Hetinu was to be awarded all security contracts with the NCD Commission for a period of at least five years, subject to renewal."

Hetinu , the 2017 Election Manager for NCD was sentenced to seven years in prison with light labour  on Friday April 30, 2022 for having in possession K184,300.

He was jailed for official corruption.

Police investigations then concluded the money was to bribe election officials and Hetinu was caught on June 27, 2017 at a polling station at Six Mile in Port Moresby.

Michael Kandiu who was the runner up to Powes Parkop in the last two elections who was named in the newspaper report was disappointed that his reputation has now been tarnished.

 He said he was not charged by police after investigations because of the said memorandum of agreement.

Michael Kandiu at the press conference today

The sentencing of Hetinu and the report published appeared at the eve of another national general election and Kandiu, the real estate businessman is very concerned.

Calling a media conference he said the court decision did not implicate him in any way or form to have offered the money.

"What the judgment indicated was that the election manager received the money to secure my elections," Kandiu said.

He said he was rather a state witness during the court proceeding as the signature on the said agreement that police found in possession by Hetinu did not corroborate with his signatures used in his bank account, passport nor his drivers license.

Kandiu has now asked The National Newspaper to retract the report or he would seek legal advice and take legal proceeding against the media organisation.

"I don't go around bribing people to buy my way into anything," Kandiu said.

"I would have been arrested and charged (if) I was involved in any of this."

"Even I did not sign any contract with Mr Hetinu or whoever to induce my way into power."

He said Hentinu may be a sacrificial lamb and the real person who offered the money to Hetinu is out there.

Staff undergo training to improve sex crimes prosecution

A three-day Sexual Offences Squad (SOS) reflections workshop was held recently in Port Moresby with a view to improving investigations and prosecution of sex crimes.

The workshop, held at the Koitaki Country Club in Sogeri, on the outskirts of Port Moresby, was attended by the members of the Sexual Offence Squad of Boroko, Police prosecutors, a State prosecutor from the Office of the Public Solicitor of PNG and Advisors from the Papua New Guinea Australia Policing Partnership (PNG-APP).

The workshop was hosted by the Justice Services and Stability for Development (JSS4D) Program and led by Advisor Tevita Seruilumi and fully supported and funded under the Papua New Guinea Australian Partnership program in its priority areas to improve access to justice and help protection for survivors of family and sexual violence.

Mr Seruilumi said the workshop is a combination of reflection on the work of the SOS and to learn about some new areas they can improve on together as a group from prosecutions and investigations.

“Often when you do this work, it is not just exhaustive but also very traumatising and it impacts you.

“Not many people value and recognise the work of the CID and prosecutions, so this is one way to say thank you and also continue our learning,” Mr Seruilumi said.

The workshop was put together to reflect on the work of the SOS for the past three years and discuss the issues that arise as challenges, what currently works, and how they can improve in carrying out their duties diligently.

Police Prosecutor and Officer in Charge (OIC) Committal Court Sergeant Chris Iga said it was important that as prosecutors they know and understand how they would charge people committing sexual offenses, which relates to gender-based violence within the family circle, any organisation or the general public.

He said already on day one they had learnt a lot on topics surrounding sexual penetration of a minor, persistent sexual abuse, what kind of charges they can lay, understanding the concepts of why these laws have been changed or done away with such as the rule of corroboration, and the consent aspect of it.

Day one saw the participants paired into groups of two, with an exercise for crime scene identification, and search for elements that helped drive team work through a collaborative effort.

-Police Media Release

Papua New Guinea election official jailed

 As Papua New Guinea prepares to head to the campaign and polls, an election official was jailed for seven years by a judge at the National Court.

Terence Hetinu, 51, from Kainantu in the Eastern Highlands Province was the election manager for National Capital District in the 2017 election.

Terence Hetinu FB National Broadcasting Corporation

Judge Teresa Berrigan in sentencing Hetinu on Friday April, 30, 2022 said this must serve as a strong deterrent against election corruptions on the eve of another election.

She said there must be free, fair and safe elections.

Post Courier quoted Judge Berrigan: "It should never be forgotten that free and fair elections are the foundations upon which every thriving economy rests ensuring that government authority derives fromm the will of the people.

"The right to vote is enshrined in the Constitution and that right is sacred.

"The future of this country depends on it."

Hetinu is reported to have committed election fraud by corruptly receiving a large sum of money totaling K184, 300.

That money was to be used to pay polling officials in Port Moresby to secure the election of a candidate against incumbent Hon. Powes Parkop during the 2017 National General Elections.

Police arrested Hetinu on June 27, 2017 at a Six Mile polling location when he was caught red handed with the money bag inside an official Electoral Commission vehicle.

The money found by police Source: EMTV FB

Police also found in Hetinu's possession a contract of agreement between the candidate and himself detailing that Hetinu would be given a security business contract if the candidate won the election and be the Governor for National Capital District.

Judge Berrigan had described the crime as "official corruption of the worst kind", Post Courier reported.

Former Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato who defended Hetinu at that time saying the money were election allowances was charged with similar offences but was later cleared while Hetinu was found guilty of official corruption.

Metropolitan Superintendent then Sylvester Kalaut had pointed out that they understood that all allowance for election officials  were to be paid through their respective bank accounts, and not in cash

Corruption in Papua New Guinea by public officials had been a huge concern by the public and corruption watch dogs and commentators.

Blogger Martyn Namorong has once commented on a panel discussion that Papua New Guineans were too aspirational and want to own assets and in order to acquire them sooner is through corrupt means.

This has contributed to increase in fraud and corruption by public officials.

What's good Kina boy?