Showing posts with label Bulolo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bulolo. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Papua New Guinea Deputy Prime Minister dies following a tragic car accident

Papua New Guinea woke up to a distressing and shocking news about the death of its Deputy Prime Minister and Member of Parliament representing the people of Wau-Bulolo Samuel Basil on Thursday morning, May 12, 2022.

Police Commissioner David Manning issued a statement late Wednesday evening that Basil and his close protection office Neil Maino succumbed to injuries sustained during the car accident along the Lae to Bulolo highway.

Another police officer and a media personnel were seriously injured and were being treated.

 Manning said another vehicle was involved in the accident and police would question the driver of the vehicle.

Late Basil's dead body was brought to Port Moresby by a Manolos Aviation helicopter on Sunday arriving at the evening and a state funeral will be afforded to late Basil.

The police department will honour CPO Maino in a special funeral as well.

A police officer who survived the accident told Post Courier in an exclusive interview.

"As we were driving it was a small corner,  so as we were about to turn the corner, we could see the lights of the oncoming vehicle coming from up there," Sgt Fred Setu said.

Samuel Basil (late)

He said as they were negotiating the corner with late Basil at the steering wheel "this car from nowhere just drove straight" and rammed them from the drivers side where Basil was driving.

"In a few seconds as I saw the car approaching us I screamed at the leader (Basil) but it was too late, the car hit us already and after  a few seconds time mi tanim long ol boys long backside, I could see them but olgeta ol sleep long backsait, we were all in a state of shock in few seconds."

Setu was sitting offside Basil in front and was saved by the dashboard and security wires in front of the windscreen though his head impacted the windscreen.

He rushed to save Basil who was unconscious but breathing and lying down on his seat.

He turned to late CPO Maino and he got the response: "Mi orait savim lida pastaim."

Both Basil and Maino passed on 30 minutes apart at the Bulolo clinic.


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