Monday 2 May 2022

Michael Kandiu "the real estate businessman" denies offering money to election official

A candidate contesting the National Capital District governor's seat in 2022 is aggrieved The National Newspaper mentioned him as the one who offered bribe money amounting to over K180,000 to one Terence Hetinu.

The parts of the report which mentioned aggrieved Michael Kandiu's name were: "Hetinu, 51, from Kainantu’s Biteve village in Eastern Highlands, corruptly received K184,300 from Michael Kandiu to influence the outcome of the election for the NCD seat in 2017 general election."

"“The monies were received pursuant to a memorandum of agreement (MoA) between Kandiu, Hetinu and coordinator for Moresby North-East electorate Williue Winstand Ipuia, under which an unspecified sum of monies was made available to Hetinu and Ipuia for distribution amongst themselves, their families and for distribution ensuring the election of Kandiu.”

"Judge Berrigan added that upon Kandiu’s election, Hetinu was to be awarded all security contracts with the NCD Commission for a period of at least five years, subject to renewal."

Hetinu , the 2017 Election Manager for NCD was sentenced to seven years in prison with light labour  on Friday April 30, 2022 for having in possession K184,300.

He was jailed for official corruption.

Police investigations then concluded the money was to bribe election officials and Hetinu was caught on June 27, 2017 at a polling station at Six Mile in Port Moresby.

Michael Kandiu who was the runner up to Powes Parkop in the last two elections who was named in the newspaper report was disappointed that his reputation has now been tarnished.

 He said he was not charged by police after investigations because of the said memorandum of agreement.

Michael Kandiu at the press conference today

The sentencing of Hetinu and the report published appeared at the eve of another national general election and Kandiu, the real estate businessman is very concerned.

Calling a media conference he said the court decision did not implicate him in any way or form to have offered the money.

"What the judgment indicated was that the election manager received the money to secure my elections," Kandiu said.

He said he was rather a state witness during the court proceeding as the signature on the said agreement that police found in possession by Hetinu did not corroborate with his signatures used in his bank account, passport nor his drivers license.

Kandiu has now asked The National Newspaper to retract the report or he would seek legal advice and take legal proceeding against the media organisation.

"I don't go around bribing people to buy my way into anything," Kandiu said.

"I would have been arrested and charged (if) I was involved in any of this."

"Even I did not sign any contract with Mr Hetinu or whoever to induce my way into power."

He said Hentinu may be a sacrificial lamb and the real person who offered the money to Hetinu is out there.

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