Tuesday 31 May 2022

Why should you vote for Robert Agarobe to be Central Province Governor?



10 percent GST from NCDC to increase annual budget

Central Province is owed close to K400 million that is supposed to come from Goods and Services Tax from the National Capital District Commission 

The people of Central Province are entitled to this GST but have never been receiving it

No other Governor over the years pushed for Central to rightfully receive its share of the GST until Honourable Chief Robert Agarobe was elected Governor

The three pillars for development are 

Agriculture, Sports, Tourism

Under Hon Chief Robert Agarobe’s leadership, the long overdue Provincial Lands Board was established to deal with Central Province land issues

                                                December, 2018

Some component of GST should come through Central Province so that we can develop infrastructure and services in the province

As a first time parliamentarian, Hon Chief Robert Agarobe has been very vocal on the floor of Parliament raising critical matters for Central Province. Most of them are legacy issues.

Honorable Chief Robert Agarobe’s push to get the GST from NCDC has received big endorsement from Prime Minister James Marape 

Hospital Launching

 Central Province is the only province that does not have a  provincial town of its own


As far as health workers is concerned it has only 138 Health Workers


Three are three doctors, 20 are Health Extension Officers and  115 are general nurses


We have a shortage with health manpower in the province and our people are forced to seek medical attention at the Port Moresby General Hospital

History has been made to improve health care. That’s a very good news.

On the 30th November2021, the Central Governor and other dignitaries who include Prime Minister James Marape gathered at Bautama to launch the construction of a 390 bed  Central Provincial Hospital. 

It’s a milestone ceremony.

Out of the760 hectares of land allocated, 50 hectares will be used to build the Central Provincial Hospital

The K300 million, 390 beds hospital will be the first ever for the province and this is something we always wanted as a people and as a province

 Other infrastructure that will be built include

·         A nursing college

·         A transit drug store

With the new Central Provincial Hospital being launched, work on its construction will progress and once the hospital is completed, it will provide much needed health services for Central Province.

Apart from housing 390 beds for clinical treatment, specialist health care in internal medicine, surgery, pediatric, women’s obstetrics and gynecology will be provided.

Governor Agarobe says we are now progressing to be on par with other provinces in delivering quality health services.

Such huge development is a catalysts for more development at the provincial headquarters.


 NCD Amendment


For over 20 years, NCDC had been giving less than 2 per cent of its GST to Central Province

This contravenes the NCDC Act which requires NCDC to remit 10 percent to Central Province

This was a long standing issue with both the provincial government and the municipal authority at loggerheads and the two parties went to court.

However with the new NCDC Amendment Act passed after Honourable Chief Robert Agarobe brought it to Parliament, the dues for Central Province are set out clearly

We must be proud and happy. After years if hardship, disputes and court battles, Central Governor Robert Agarobe successfully moved and amended the NCDC Act on the floor of Parliament.

 Before the private members bill was passed, there was heated debate amongst Members of Parliament

Despite a few opposition, there was tremendous support from several Members of Parliament

Governor Agarobe’s bill moved to amend the NCDC Act explicitly states that the Commissioner General of the Internal Revenue Commission shall pay 10 per cent directly to the Central Provincial Government

For the first time in history and backed by the NCDC Amendment Act, both the Central Province Governor and the NCDC Governor will sit on the same NCDC board and make decisions

Ultimately, Governor Agarobe is now a member of the National Capital District Commission Board






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