Showing posts with label All News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All News. Show all posts

Thursday 21 September 2023

Judge says there is no such thing as a licence to kill as he sentences a police officer to jail

A policeman has been sentenced to 15 years in jail at Bomana with hard labour for the murder of a young man at the Gaire Fish Market, Central Province.


When sentencing the police officer Japhet Muka from Jiwaka, Justice Panuel Mogish said indiscriminate killings by members of the police force involving State issued firearm is prevalent and immediately calls for a strong deterrent sentence as a form of deterrence.


Justice Mogish said there are many case precedents involving police officers charged with homicide offences involving the use of state issued firearms.


In all those cases, he said the Courts have treated this as a special aggravating factor warranting a custodial sentence.


The court heard that on Friday 26th March 2021 between 7pm and 8pm, the accused police officer was at Gaire Fish market along the Magi Highway.

He saw the deceased who was drunk and behaving disorderly.

The accused Japhet Muka called the deceased over to him. At that time, Muka was sitting inside a police vehicle.

As the deceased came close, he opened the car door. The car door hit the deceased and caused him to fall onto the ground.

The deceased got up and ran to the opposite side of the road.

The accused police officer then got his police issued firearm and discharged a shot in the air and toward where the deceased was running.

Unfortunately, the deceased was hit on the head with a bullet from which he died.

The accused police officer was returning to  Port Moresby from Hula after escorting the body of the father of late judge Jim Wala Tamate.

Justice Mogish said the aggravating factors far outweigh the mitigating factors.

He said courts have consistently reminded law enforcement officers not to flout the law in the discharge of their constitutional duties.

These remarks have gone unnoticed by a minority of the police officers.

Justice Mogish said imposing 15 years jail term with a reduction on pre-remand time is intended to act as a stern reminder to police officers and other members of the discipline force or security guards in other private security firms.

They must exercise a high standard of duty of care to those around them when in possession of firearms.


He said there is no such thing as a license to kill.


They must exercise restraint in the use of these weapons against anyone.


Only in extreme circumstances can be excused or justified in discharging their weapons. One such circumstance is where a police officer acts in self defence where his life is in imminent danger.


Thursday 14 September 2023

Yangoru Saussia district clan gets nod for judicial review

A clan from the Yangoru Saussia district in the East Sepik Province was granted leave today by the National Court to challenge a decision by their local MP Richard Maru and others to acquire land and build a district market.

Home being destroyed as a result of compulsory land acquisition 

The Huanje Javahama clan represented by principal plaintiff Efex Kwarilomo have gone to court alleging that their customary land was acquired controversially and fraudulently.

Justice Nicholas Miviri after considering the evidence has ordered that Efex and his clan through their Moses Murray Lawyers file and serve documents to all defendants by October for the substantive hearing.

Though relieved by the court’s decision, principal plaintiff Efex Kwarilomo is still distraught about the dreadful events that occurred and have prompted his Huanje Javahama clan to file court proceedings.

His lawyer Livai Kuaken had to stand in for him and briefly spoke to the media.

"What has happened is that the district intends to build a district market, " Kuaken explained. 

Efex and his clan initially filed an originating summons on trespassing but while that was on foot, they learnt that a land title has been issued to the district authority named as portion 178C Milinch Kubalia, East Sepik Province and that was facilitated by the department of lands through compulsory acquisition.

They went to court again, withdrew the proceeding and then filed for a judicial review with a decision now in their favour to proceed to a substantive hearing.

What the court found was that the actions of MP Richard Maru, the Yangoru Sausia District Development Authority, the East Sepik Division of lands and the lands department committed errors of law and this was coupled with breach of principles of natural justice.

The court noted that there was no explanation given to the clan who owned the land before compulsory acquisition to build a district market.

The Huanje Javahama clan of Wamain village , Numbo LLG  had to be made aware because it was their customary land and their rights were breached and deprived from being compensated.

There was also no inspection by the valuer general.

Based on a falsified land investigation report of 23 June 2015, the court heard it was registered at the Lands Department and the minister applied section 10 of the and act to compulsory acquire it.

A K671,000 was paid by MP Richard Maru and the Yangoru Saussia DDA to someone who misrepresented Efex Kwarilomo and his clan.

They then forcefully entered the land destroyed properties and demolished Efex’s home.

Justice Miviri said Efex had legal standing to argue because he was directly affected, his home was demolished and he had no other administrative avenue to resolve the matter.

He said there was an arguable case given the issue of law against the conduct of MP Richard Maru and others.

Justice Miviri also said the decision by the defendants was unreasonable and contrary to the Wednesbury principles of reasonableness.

Thursday 24 August 2023

Public Service Commission decision to reinstate former employee of state authority not binding

 A legal definition distinguishing the PNG Citizenship Authority and its Chief Migration Officer Stanis Hulahau as not government governments or deemed departments has disadvantaged a former employee. 

James Lokalyo Kepson, a former Property and Contracts Manager with the Immigration and citizenship authority appealed to the Public Services Commission in 2021 after his employment contract was revoked.

The public services commission  annulled the decision by the Immigration and Citizenship Authority and recommended for James Kepsons reinstatement immediately.

The public services commission also made a decision that Kepson's salaries and any entitlement be backdated to the date he was terminated.

The decision by the Public Services Commission was served on the Chief Migration Officer and the citizenship authority but they did not act on the decision. 

The affected employee took the matter to court for a judicial review but Justice Nicholas Miviri today ruled that the decision by the Public Services Commission to reinstate Kepson  is not binding as the Immigration and citizenship authority is not part of the Public  Service 

Thursday 8 June 2023

Papua New Guinea female MP complains about cyber bullying

Papua New Guinea can be a daunting place to express yourself on social media Facebook, the platform thats become so popular and influencial in the recent decade. 

And particularly for females, one can be more prone to cyber bullying with none or delayed justice is administered to assist victims.

First time female Member of Parliament Kessy Sawang decried cyber bullying and has spoken out that a male citizen active on social media Facebook 'is a cyber bully who harreses alot of women online, including me'.

Hon Kessy Sawang Photo Facebook

Sawang, who represents the people of Rai Coast District in Madang said the male person has confirmed to her that he was sarcastic and wanted his friends and  followers to harass, defame and bully her.

"He has on many occasions harrased me so I blocked him," she said. 

"I have no idea who this person (name withheld) is."

" I am mandated by the great people of Rai Coast to carry their voices and aspirations.  

"Not a subject for (name withheld) to harass, bully me and get his followers to harass and ridicule me.   

How have I wrong you (surname withheld)?"

Sawang who is also the vice minister for International Trade and Investment  in the PNG Parliament said the cyber bullying person needed professional counselling as the country's young generation are badly influenced by him.

The MP for Rai Coast says she is filing an official police complaint against her harasser soon.

Papua New Guinea has cyber crime laws but it's ability to arrest and prosecute are usually delayed and the administration of justice takes a fair bit of time.

The local telecommunications authority NICTA has been very proactive promoting education about internet safety, focusing quite strong on young children to be safe from cyber bullying and paedophilia. 

Friday 2 June 2023

Camera field traps in West Sepik capture various animal species

 The Tenkile Conservation Alliance operating out from Lumi in West Sepik had been actively working with the local people to preserve and conserve the endangered Scotts Tree Kangaroo-commonly known as the Tenkile.

Their program had been run since the early 2000s.

Statistics in 1999 has it that only about 100 Tenkiles live along the Torricelli Mountains-Lumi.

A Weimang Tree Kangaroo captured by camera traps Photo TCA

Various programs were introduced and alternate protein like rabbits were introduced so locals do not hunt the endangered Tenkile-its fresh meat is a delicacy for locals.

The TCA has expanded its program to the east along the Torricelli range from Lumi.

This time they are in Sibilanga near the border of the Sepik Provinces.

They are presently collecting camera traps photos  from sites in the area. 

At Asier village Project Manager Caleb Bulu showed the the results to people at an evening show.

Villagers being shown the camera trap pictures Photo TCA

TCA says a number of significant species have been recorded, confirming a number of Weimang tree kangaroos, Grizzled, Dwarf and Northern Cassowary, New Guinea Quoll and Bronzewing.

Photo Tenkile Conservation Alliance 

The Weimang tree kangaroo, a cousin to the Tenkile is found around the Sibilanaga area-Torriceli range.

Tuesday 23 May 2023

New Zealand Prime Minister gets a rousing welcome at once a notorious Gordons Market

New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins was given a rousing welcome when he visited Gordons Market at 10am Monday morning. 

He was accompanied by the governor of National Capital District Powes Parkop.

Police media say a red carpet welcome was not rolled out but the joy, laughter, cheers and energy from the people and vendors was  sufficient to relay a thank you message to the people of New Zealand, that their investment in gifting Gordons Market to Port Moresby, has played a significant role in financially empowering the people.

Governor Powes Parkop, who accompanied Prime Minister Hipkins said, fresh fruits & vegetables from other parts of PNG are either shipped or air freighted to Gordons Market to meet the food demands of NCD residents.

He said Gordons Market will continue to be the empowerment factor for small to medium enterprise and the informal sector.

NCD Governor Powes Parkop cheers with a citizen as PM Chris Hipkins leads the entry Pic  Benjamin Dominic, Gordons Police 

Vendors, mothers, women, children, Papua New Guineans from all walks of life as well as members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary were honoured with the visit by New Zealand Prime Minister and his entourage.

Mr Hipkins paid a 30-minute visit to the market on his way to the FIPIC Meeting venue at the APEC House in Port Moresby.

Gordons Market, PNG’s largest market two storey complex was built with funding support from the New Zealand Government totalling K30 million.

It was  opened at the end of 2019.

The Acting Officer in Charge of Gordons Community Policing, First Constable Benjamin Dominic, said members of the Constabulary as well as the public were gathered as early as 7am Monday morning to ensure that the market and surrounding areas were ready for the visit. 

Part of the crowd welcoming NZ Prime Minister Chris Hipkins Photo Benjamin Dominic Gordons  Police 

The  old  Gordons Market was notorious  with shoppers usually attacked by street thugs and their valuables or shopping taken away.

The new market has seen presence of guards, it's food sale neatly organised and many residents  now enjoy shopping at the  market. 

It has ample  parking  for  shoppers.

Saturday 20 May 2023

High student to teacher ratio concerns Teaching Service Commission mindful about welfare of teachers

The Teaching Service Commission (TSC) has embarked on an observation and recording mission concerning teacher to student ratios.

Despite reports and concerns raised by parents and public about overcrowding instigated by the government's free education policy program, the Teaching Service Commission needs further assessment.

A remote school at Sogeri, Central Province near a historical SDA Church base 

 They visited twelve schools in Port Moresby last week to observe teacher to student ratio in classrooms.

Their main aim is to ensure a teacher’s welfare is not compromised.
  TSC Provincial Advisor – NCD and team leader Paul Lapun explained to each school administration the purpose of their visit.   “School infrastructure and curriculum is not TSC business, our business is the welfare of your teacher,” Mr Lapun explained to each school principal.   Teacher ratio against a class size was assessed at the early childhood, elementary, primary and junior high levels.

The schools visited were Waigani Primary School, Boreboa Primary, Gerehu and Badiagwa Secondary, Kaugere and Butuka Academy.   “The notion of teacher-pupil ratio was stipulated in section 33 in Teaching Service Act 1998 that we have been and we are now implementing,” Lapun said.   TSC Advisors have observed overcrowding as a common issue in most of the schools visited, threatening the performance and welfare of teacher on a professional and personal level.   TSC officials have provided recommendation and expert advice to the school administrations. They should prioritize teacher’s welfare to encourage and maintain quality teaching in the classrooms.
  A few of these recommendations were toasses transfer-in students, monitor and report teachers who encourage students to enroll without the permission of the school board, discourage nepotism during enrolments, continue seeking assistance from government authorities who are responsible for education infrastructure development to cater for increase in student enrolments, report outside authorities who are suppressing teachers.   The indicators that TSC officers used to identify effects of the teacher to a student ratio included:

the number of students enrolled into each class,

how many subjects each teacher is taking

classroom space for students and teachers to move around,

staff ceiling and monthly returns from each of these schools visited.
  As the mandated employing agency for all teachers serving in public schools, the Teaching Service Commission is now checking the schools to verify and confirm the correct 1:45 ratio in classrooms and schools.   One out of the twelve schools that were visited has an excellent school infrastructure however other curriculum-related issues like shortage of textbooks remains a challenge.   Next week, the team will visit two more of the semi-urban schools in Port Moresby.  

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Police will not allow public demonstration against Justine Tkatchenko

NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Silva Sika says police operations in the city will be on heightened alert from today Wednesday  onwards after  rumours of a planned protest march began circulating on social media.

Waigani Drive in Port Moresby this morning

Sika said police would not allow a public demonstration against Moresby South MP Justine Tkatchenko at the time when Pacific leaders were coming into the country for their summit.

Tkatchenko announced stepping aside from his role as Foreign Affairs Minister last Friday in Port Moresby. 

There were mounting pressure for him to resign coming from citizens politicians and various groups like the Catholic Professionals Association.

US President Joe Biden and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi were also arriving at the end of this week and with Tkatchenko stepping aside, Prime Minister James Marape is assuming his role temporarily.

Billboard in Port Moresby welcoming India Prime Minister Narendra Modi and regional leaders

 Sika said any disturbances by a minority group in NCD would be a major embarrassment to the international community.

The Metropolitan Superintendent said they received a letter from a group calling themselves the Coalition of Concerned Citizens delivered to his office on Tuesday, requesting police to grant approval for the planned protest march.

 "The organisers of this event are using social media to persuade city residents to form up at the Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance Institute in Waigani tomorrow (Wednesday)," he said in a statement. 

 "They intend to walk from there to parliament house."

 He has declined the request  because the world's attention is now on PNG.

"We also took into consideration the social impact on the community, " Sika said.

"The business community may suffer losses, and children's education may be disrupted by this event."

He said  people aggrieved by comments made by Moresby South MP Justin Tkatchenko can take their grievances to court and seek redress or write and petition the government without a public assembly.

Last week several citizens protested along Waigani drive over discriminative comments by MP Justine Tkatchenko. 

Sika said police will continue to work closely with the communities in maintaining peace and good order across the city.

Sunday 14 May 2023

Bougainville Catholics honour visit by Our Lady of Fatima

Catholics in Bougainville are celebrating the visit of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima- commonly known as Mama Fatima.

Statue of Mama Fatima Photo NBC Bougainville 

The apparition of Mama Fatima is the appearance of Virgin Mary among three shepherds in Fatima, Portugal in 1917 and the Church accepted it to be a belief in 1930.

The statue of Fatima will visit several parishes in Bougainville and Catholics will have venerations.

The last time she visited Bougainville was in 2016.

It is strongly believed that her silent visit to Francis Ona in Panguna during the Bougainville conflict influenced peace negotiations and Bougainville is now enjoying peace and looking forward to Independence after a successful vote on referendum.

Our Lady of Fatima arrived Saturday in Buka and taken to the Hahela Catholic Church before a traditional welcome was offered and a mass was celebrated .

Thursday 11 May 2023

Belden Namah calls for Foreign Affairs Minister Justine Tkatchenko to resign

Papua New Guinea hosts world leaders from the United States in President Joe Biden and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in less than two weeks time.

There will be 18 other Pacific Island leaders also in Port Moresby.

But the key government ministry who should be at the helm facilitating and leading the meetings is in turmoil with resonating calls for its Foreign Affairs Minister Justine Tkatchenko to resign.

The calls from the public on social media and now Vanimo Green River Open MP Hon. Belden Namah is resounding.

Namah is also Chairman of the Permanent Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, International Trade, Immigrations and Defence and he is issuing the call for Tkatchenko to resign as minister, MP and renounce his PNG citizenship.

Tkatchenko is a naturalised citizen and the calls for his resignation stem from his comments on ABC's Pacific Beat labelling Papua New Guineans who criticized his daughter Savannah for posting a video on social media TikTok doing shopping at Singapore's airport and then to London for the coronation of King Charles III as extravagant, waste of tax payer funds.

Tkatchenko has defended his daughters post and told the Post Courier he would not resign.

He told Post Courier the trip was not funded by public funds but later told ABC's Pacific Beat, it was funded by taxpayers.

Namah has called for his resignation after Tkatchenko allegedly labelled Papua New Guineans as  “useless people” and “primitive animals” on ABC.

"I am calling on the Foreign Affairs Minister to confirm or deny that he uttered those descriptions of citizens of Papua New Guinea which has been kind enough to offer him naturalized citizenship.
"If he has indeed uttered those despicable words then I am calling on Justin Tkatchenko to immediately resign as Foreign Affairs Minister and as Member of Parliament and further renounce his citizenship.
"The “useless people” and “primitive animals” of this country have ensured he grew his business, gave him a wife, offered him citizenship, elected him into public office, made him a minister and sent him and his daughter to London.
"Alternatively, I am calling on the Prime Minister to sack him immediately and withdraw his citizenship.
"I am also calling on the Immigration Minister to direct the Chief Migration Officer to immediately call a Citizenship Board Meeting to deal with Justin Tkatchenko.  The Agenda of the meeting should be Justin Tkatchenko breaching citizenship laws, rules and regulations of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
"As to the TikTok video, it just reveals the kind of shallow mentality and disregard for Papua New Guineans that the minister must have inculcated in his family.  It is unfortunate.
The name of the video says it all: #aussiesinengland.  Send them to Australia if that is who they are," Namah said.

Opposition Leader Joseph Lelang has also said Tkatchenko's comments were irresponsible and he agrees the Minister should resign. He told Pacific Beat.

Lelang said the words used promote segregation during pre independence era.

Prime Minister James Marape has not released a statement yet.

Wednesday 10 May 2023

PNG seeks United States assistance to set better banking regulations

Key points

  • PNG banking regulations not delivering expected services
  • United States willing to help PNG 
  • PNG must work with  international partners to lighten the burden as a result of unintended consequences of global regulations

Papua New Guinea Minister for Treasury Ian Ling-Stuckey met with the United States Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary Robert Kaproth in Korea discussing challenges around establishing better banking regulations and servicing the people.

Ian Ling-Stuckey,
PNG Treasurer Ian Ling-Stuckey MP meets the United States Treasury Team

“PNG’s banking regulations are not delivering good enough services for our people. Too many of our people are left unbanked, and those in the banking system face high costs and often poor services," Ling-Stuckey said in a statement following the meet with Kaproth.

Ling-Stuckey believes the United States can be a valuable friend as the country examines best global regulations.

He identified legacy issues like  many of our people are left unbanked, and those in the banking system face high costs and often poor services  are being rendered. 

Ling-Stuckey said part of the problem is domestic, where businesses keep telling him of excessive red tape. 

But he said the Marape-Rosso Government has targeted improved banking regulation as the key part of the second phase of recommended reforms to the Central Bank Act being examined by the Independent Advisory Group. 

He said part of the problem comes from international factors.

"Like other countries in the Pacific and Caribbean, are suffering the unintended consequences of well-meaning global regulation dealing with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing. 

"As highlighted through my Chairing of the Pacific Governors Group at the recent Asian Development Bank annual meeting, we are asking for a stronger Pacific voice in the negotiation of international financial rules," Ling-Stuckey said in a statement.

The treasurer has outlined several issues to the US  Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary and he was sympathetic to the PNG issues.

“I outlined the challenges PNG were facing in response to these global rules. 

"Government cheques were regularly being bounced. At the district level, it was taking upwards of five months to clear a government cheque, even though it was paid from one government body to another government body. 

"Farmers were not able to bank the Kina they earned when selling their harvest, as often they could not prove their “source of funds”. 

“We must work with our international partners to lighten the burden on our families and farmers of the unintended consequences of global regulation,”  Ling-Stuckey said.

“I was pleased that the US offered to send a team to examine possible technical assistance to move back to a proper “risk-based” approach to our financial regulations. PNG needs some constructive advice, and it will help inform decision-makers in the US of how some global regulations are hampering our development. 

The Treasurer sad PNG has no economic crisis as PNG has record levels of foreign exchange reserves and a very healthy trade surplus. 

He said  the IMF program would build international confidence in backing the Marape-Rosso government's home-grown economic reforms. 

Ling-Stuckey said the historic visit by the US President Joe Biden on May 22, 2023 would have a positive impact on PNG and the Pacific with further discussions to continue on how PNG can also gain greater access to US grant funding programs. 

Sunday 7 May 2023

National Housing Corporation in turmoil as personnel fight over top post

The position of the Managing Director at the National Housing Corporation has come under scrutiny again following a National Court decision which found that the appointment of the incumbent Henry Mokono in October 2021 did not follow  proper process.

 Residential housing in Port Moresby

The court decision on April 28, 2023 which stemmed from a judicial review filed by former acting Managing Director Elizabeth Bowada concluded that the NHC board was not consulted during the displacement of Bowada and the appointment of Mokono.

Bowada has argued through the judicial review that under the Regulatory Statutory Act (RSA) the NHC Board must be consulted or the process was flawed.

Mr Mokono has released a statement being concerned that following the courts ruling by Deputy Chief Justice Ambeng Kandakasi, Bowada's team had attempted to take over the office of the NHC but he said the court ruling 'never' gave orders for Bowada to assume the role as MD.

He has appealed to the police hierarchy within the NCD Metropolitan Command to issue instructions to their officers to stand down and not to take sides and disrupt normal operations of the NHC, and protect state institutions and public servants.

Mokono who was appointed to the position on October 26,2021 said his lawyers were already in Court and appealing the ruling by Deputy Chief Justice, Ambeng Kandakasi as well as seeking further clarifications on his April 28, 2023 ruling on Bowada’s judicial review.

Since his appointment, Mokono highlights tasks he had progressed in the areas  not limited to:    

• implementing a new organizational structure, staff development and up-skilling to bring credibility to the organization;
• installing accountability, transparency, good governance, restoring virtues and best practices;
• down-sizing of NHC work force from 380 to 218 and saving government of K6 million in wages annually;
• Deliver the stalled Durand Farm Housing project;
• Renovation of the NHC Tokarara headquarters which government has already allocated more than K10 million for this purpose;
• Cleansing and prosecution of those engaged in corruption and the mess in the NHC and restoring public confidence in the organization. 


Monday 2 May 2022

Papua New Guinea election official jailed

 As Papua New Guinea prepares to head to the campaign and polls, an election official was jailed for seven years by a judge at the National Court.

Terence Hetinu, 51, from Kainantu in the Eastern Highlands Province was the election manager for National Capital District in the 2017 election.

Terence Hetinu FB National Broadcasting Corporation

Judge Teresa Berrigan in sentencing Hetinu on Friday April, 30, 2022 said this must serve as a strong deterrent against election corruptions on the eve of another election.

She said there must be free, fair and safe elections.

Post Courier quoted Judge Berrigan: "It should never be forgotten that free and fair elections are the foundations upon which every thriving economy rests ensuring that government authority derives fromm the will of the people.

"The right to vote is enshrined in the Constitution and that right is sacred.

"The future of this country depends on it."

Hetinu is reported to have committed election fraud by corruptly receiving a large sum of money totaling K184, 300.

That money was to be used to pay polling officials in Port Moresby to secure the election of a candidate against incumbent Hon. Powes Parkop during the 2017 National General Elections.

Police arrested Hetinu on June 27, 2017 at a Six Mile polling location when he was caught red handed with the money bag inside an official Electoral Commission vehicle.

The money found by police Source: EMTV FB

Police also found in Hetinu's possession a contract of agreement between the candidate and himself detailing that Hetinu would be given a security business contract if the candidate won the election and be the Governor for National Capital District.

Judge Berrigan had described the crime as "official corruption of the worst kind", Post Courier reported.

Former Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato who defended Hetinu at that time saying the money were election allowances was charged with similar offences but was later cleared while Hetinu was found guilty of official corruption.

Metropolitan Superintendent then Sylvester Kalaut had pointed out that they understood that all allowance for election officials  were to be paid through their respective bank accounts, and not in cash

Corruption in Papua New Guinea by public officials had been a huge concern by the public and corruption watch dogs and commentators.

Blogger Martyn Namorong has once commented on a panel discussion that Papua New Guineans were too aspirational and want to own assets and in order to acquire them sooner is through corrupt means.

This has contributed to increase in fraud and corruption by public officials.

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Government minister happy with major renovation of public housing


Housing and Urbanisation Minister Justin Tkatchenko has expressed satisfaction and confidence in the “major renovation” works currently undertaken by contractors at the National Housing Corporation (NHC) flats at Manu Autoport in Port Moresby.

When briefed on “work in progress” yesterday, he said he was satisfied with work so far and was optimistic contractors will deliver within the five months time frame.

Tkatchenko said all other NHC properties in Port Moresby will follow suit and undergo major renovation this year and these properties include 3 mile Red Cross flats, 5 mile flats, Angau Drive flats, Korobosea flats, NBC flats East Boroko, 4 mile hostel adjacent to old PIH, Hohola new generation hostel and Dorido hostel at June Valley, among others.

Minister Tkatchenko said this signify the Government’s seriousness in providing low cost affordable housing for Papua New Guineans and “wrestle the bull by its horn” attributing to reviving the NHC from some 30 years of neglect and corruption.

NHC’s multi million kina flagship project would be the Duran Farm Housing project in Port Moresby where more than 2,000 affordable homes were to be built.

He said under Henry Mokono - as new permanent managing director, NHC has taken stock of all its properties and assets nationwide and similar renovation and maintenance works would begin soon.

Work started at the Manu Autoport property on Nov 22, 2021 which covered the four (4) allotments comprising 16 units.

Contractors took down badly rotten walls, louvers, fly wires, window frames and interior structures of the building which “haven’t had such a renovation for over 30 or 40 years”, said Mr. Martin Tau – NHC’s Executive Director - Corporate Service and Administration.

On Nov 3, 2021, NHC managing director, Mr. Henry Mokono visited the Manu Autoports tenants and their families and announced the K4 million facelift plan and sought their cooperation to vacate the property and allow maintenance work to begin.

“And since the good Minister (Tkatchenko) came into this place, we’ve made some decisions and we’ve made many decisions to turn this organization that people in PNG will respect. We do things by the book. We do things according to law that should be the way this place should be run. We do things correctly. We do things by process. We do things honestly. We do things transparently, we got to be accountable for our decision making”.

Mr. Mokono vows to clean up the NHC and instil a new corporate image to the organisation through accountability, transparency and good governance.

Mr. Mokono’s major tasks include;
• Create a new staff structure to see down-sizing of NHC work force from 380 to 218 and saving government of K6 million in wages annually;
• Revamp and deliver the stalled Durand Farm Housing project;
• Renovate the NHC Tokarara headquarters which government has already allocated K10 million for this purpose;
• Cleansing and prosecution of those engaged in corruption and the mess in the NHC; and
• restoring public confidence in the organisation.

Tuesday 23 November 2021

National Housing Corporation investing millions of kina to renovate properties in Port Moresby


The National Housing Corporation (NHC) is investing millions of kina in a “major facelift and renovation” drive that will see all of its prime but dilapidated residential properties in Port Moresby fixed progressively - commencing this week.

This is in line with the Marape-Eoe Government’s and Ministry of Housing and Urbanization priorities in providing affordable and decent housing for public servants and PNG citizens nationwide.
Some of these properties located in NCD to undergo renovation include 3 mile Red Cross flats, 5 mile flats, Angau Drive flats, Korobosea flats, NBC flats East Boroko, 4 mile hostel adjacent to old PIH, Hohola new generation hostel, Dorido hostel at June Valley, Saraga flats, among others.
First up will be the four (4) allotments comprising 16 units at Manu Autoport. Work began today – Nov 22, 2021 at allotment 3 and its four units as workmen (contractors) took down badly rotten walls, louvers, fly wires, window frames and interior structures of the building which “haven’t had such a renovation for over 30 or 40 years”, said Mr. Martin Tau – NHC’s Executive Director - Corporate Service and Administration.
Tau was among a NHC’s witnessing team to the renovation site comprising Mr. Lucas Nilkare – Executive Office to the Office of NHC Managing Director Henry Mokono, Ms. Delly Raepom, General Manager - Technical Services, Mr. Bugave Gabina, General Manager - Properties, Mr. Bonny Bonsella, acting General Manager - Human Resources, senior NHC staffers, and NHC media.
For Mr. Gabina who clocked 32 years with the NHC: “I’ve never seen such a major renovation on our properties like this before. It’s a very good sign, a very positive approach by NHC under the new management of Henry Mokono” and the results-driven portfolio Minister, Justin Tkatchenko.
Ms. Raepom thanked the tenants for cooperating with the NHC officers by vacating the property to allow maintenance work to begin smoothly, adding “we’re looking forward to seeing the new flats in five months times…” a new environment that is befitting and conducive to human inhabitation.
On Nov 3, 2021, NHC managing director, Mr. Henry Mokono visited the Manu Autoports tenants and their families and announced the K4 million facelift plan and sought their cooperation to vacate the property and allow maintenance work to begin.
Tenants cooperated. One Mr. Leo Nitchim described Mokono as “a man with the heart for the people”.
“Over the years, it’s very hard to go to the managing director’s office. But now the managing director’s office is on the street here, he is here to see us. You have the people in your heart that’s why you are here to see us. These are kind of people we need in Government offices so that the people will receive justice.
“We are talking about justice, equality its embedded in the Constitution. They’re not delivering. We have governments after governments. We have statutory heads. Have they delivered? No. That’s why we are always branded as a corrupt country,” Nitchim said.
For the tenants, it was unbelievable for an organisation such as the NHC that is riddened with corruption, abuse and mismanagement to put down such an amount of money for renovation and refurbishment works – NHC hasn’t been able to do such in years.
Since his appointment by Cabinet in August and later official signing of his four-year term employment contract at the Government House on October 26, 2021, Mr. Mokono vows to clean up the NHC and instil a new corporate image to the organisation through accountability, transparency and good governance.
Mr. Mokono’s major tasks is to;
• Create a new staff structure to see down-sizing of NHC work force from 380 to 218 and saving government of K6 million in wages annually;
• Deliver the stalled Durand Farm Housing project;
• Renovation of the NHC Tokarara headquarters which government has already allocated K10 million for this purpose;
• Cleansing and prosecution of those engaged in corruption and the mess in the NHC; and
• restoring public confidence in the organisation.



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