Thursday 24 August 2023

Public Service Commission decision to reinstate former employee of state authority not binding

 A legal definition distinguishing the PNG Citizenship Authority and its Chief Migration Officer Stanis Hulahau as not government governments or deemed departments has disadvantaged a former employee. 

James Lokalyo Kepson, a former Property and Contracts Manager with the Immigration and citizenship authority appealed to the Public Services Commission in 2021 after his employment contract was revoked.

The public services commission  annulled the decision by the Immigration and Citizenship Authority and recommended for James Kepsons reinstatement immediately.

The public services commission also made a decision that Kepson's salaries and any entitlement be backdated to the date he was terminated.

The decision by the Public Services Commission was served on the Chief Migration Officer and the citizenship authority but they did not act on the decision. 

The affected employee took the matter to court for a judicial review but Justice Nicholas Miviri today ruled that the decision by the Public Services Commission to reinstate Kepson  is not binding as the Immigration and citizenship authority is not part of the Public  Service 

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