Friday 2 June 2023

Camera field traps in West Sepik capture various animal species

 The Tenkile Conservation Alliance operating out from Lumi in West Sepik had been actively working with the local people to preserve and conserve the endangered Scotts Tree Kangaroo-commonly known as the Tenkile.

Their program had been run since the early 2000s.

Statistics in 1999 has it that only about 100 Tenkiles live along the Torricelli Mountains-Lumi.

A Weimang Tree Kangaroo captured by camera traps Photo TCA

Various programs were introduced and alternate protein like rabbits were introduced so locals do not hunt the endangered Tenkile-its fresh meat is a delicacy for locals.

The TCA has expanded its program to the east along the Torricelli range from Lumi.

This time they are in Sibilanga near the border of the Sepik Provinces.

They are presently collecting camera traps photos  from sites in the area. 

At Asier village Project Manager Caleb Bulu showed the the results to people at an evening show.

Villagers being shown the camera trap pictures Photo TCA

TCA says a number of significant species have been recorded, confirming a number of Weimang tree kangaroos, Grizzled, Dwarf and Northern Cassowary, New Guinea Quoll and Bronzewing.

Photo Tenkile Conservation Alliance 

The Weimang tree kangaroo, a cousin to the Tenkile is found around the Sibilanaga area-Torriceli range.

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