Thursday 8 June 2023

Papua New Guinea female MP complains about cyber bullying

Papua New Guinea can be a daunting place to express yourself on social media Facebook, the platform thats become so popular and influencial in the recent decade. 

And particularly for females, one can be more prone to cyber bullying with none or delayed justice is administered to assist victims.

First time female Member of Parliament Kessy Sawang decried cyber bullying and has spoken out that a male citizen active on social media Facebook 'is a cyber bully who harreses alot of women online, including me'.

Hon Kessy Sawang Photo Facebook

Sawang, who represents the people of Rai Coast District in Madang said the male person has confirmed to her that he was sarcastic and wanted his friends and  followers to harass, defame and bully her.

"He has on many occasions harrased me so I blocked him," she said. 

"I have no idea who this person (name withheld) is."

" I am mandated by the great people of Rai Coast to carry their voices and aspirations.  

"Not a subject for (name withheld) to harass, bully me and get his followers to harass and ridicule me.   

How have I wrong you (surname withheld)?"

Sawang who is also the vice minister for International Trade and Investment  in the PNG Parliament said the cyber bullying person needed professional counselling as the country's young generation are badly influenced by him.

The MP for Rai Coast says she is filing an official police complaint against her harasser soon.

Papua New Guinea has cyber crime laws but it's ability to arrest and prosecute are usually delayed and the administration of justice takes a fair bit of time.

The local telecommunications authority NICTA has been very proactive promoting education about internet safety, focusing quite strong on young children to be safe from cyber bullying and paedophilia. 

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