Tuesday 25 January 2022

Government minister happy with major renovation of public housing


Housing and Urbanisation Minister Justin Tkatchenko has expressed satisfaction and confidence in the “major renovation” works currently undertaken by contractors at the National Housing Corporation (NHC) flats at Manu Autoport in Port Moresby.

When briefed on “work in progress” yesterday, he said he was satisfied with work so far and was optimistic contractors will deliver within the five months time frame.

Tkatchenko said all other NHC properties in Port Moresby will follow suit and undergo major renovation this year and these properties include 3 mile Red Cross flats, 5 mile flats, Angau Drive flats, Korobosea flats, NBC flats East Boroko, 4 mile hostel adjacent to old PIH, Hohola new generation hostel and Dorido hostel at June Valley, among others.

Minister Tkatchenko said this signify the Government’s seriousness in providing low cost affordable housing for Papua New Guineans and “wrestle the bull by its horn” attributing to reviving the NHC from some 30 years of neglect and corruption.

NHC’s multi million kina flagship project would be the Duran Farm Housing project in Port Moresby where more than 2,000 affordable homes were to be built.

He said under Henry Mokono - as new permanent managing director, NHC has taken stock of all its properties and assets nationwide and similar renovation and maintenance works would begin soon.

Work started at the Manu Autoport property on Nov 22, 2021 which covered the four (4) allotments comprising 16 units.

Contractors took down badly rotten walls, louvers, fly wires, window frames and interior structures of the building which “haven’t had such a renovation for over 30 or 40 years”, said Mr. Martin Tau – NHC’s Executive Director - Corporate Service and Administration.

On Nov 3, 2021, NHC managing director, Mr. Henry Mokono visited the Manu Autoports tenants and their families and announced the K4 million facelift plan and sought their cooperation to vacate the property and allow maintenance work to begin.

“And since the good Minister (Tkatchenko) came into this place, we’ve made some decisions and we’ve made many decisions to turn this organization that people in PNG will respect. We do things by the book. We do things according to law that should be the way this place should be run. We do things correctly. We do things by process. We do things honestly. We do things transparently, we got to be accountable for our decision making”.

Mr. Mokono vows to clean up the NHC and instil a new corporate image to the organisation through accountability, transparency and good governance.

Mr. Mokono’s major tasks include;
• Create a new staff structure to see down-sizing of NHC work force from 380 to 218 and saving government of K6 million in wages annually;
• Revamp and deliver the stalled Durand Farm Housing project;
• Renovate the NHC Tokarara headquarters which government has already allocated K10 million for this purpose;
• Cleansing and prosecution of those engaged in corruption and the mess in the NHC; and
• restoring public confidence in the organisation.

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