Sunday 2 January 2022

Happy New Year 2022

Time flies for busy bees.

It's another New Year and I wish you all my readers a prosperous 2022.

Take the challenges for last year as a stepping stone for growth and prosperity this year.

One of the important events for us this year is the National General Elections so be a part of it as it as having a functioning and service delivery oriented government ensures our livelihoods are better.

 Being a spectator wouldn't help much is defining what government we will have.

Last year I lost my dad in June and before that GC Sir Michael Somare passed on.

Before Sir Michael was Sir Mekere Morauta, a champion of privatisation.

We also lost Sir Pita Lus, Sir Paulias Matane and many more prominent and elderly leaders.

Community at Dove Place, Erima celebrating Christmas 2021 with fun and games

What I do accept despite the mourning is that it is a period of changing of the guards.

Therefore young generations must now stand up and take the baton of leadership to chart our new development pathway that must yield prosperity.

Like I said, we must actively part take in the National General Elections this year.

A serious reminder on a different note, please do not celebrate New Years by breaking bottles on the roads or burning tyres.

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