Sunday 2 January 2022

Why should Robert Agarobe return as Governor for Central Province

Merry Christmas to all you beautiful people of Central Province and our friends, today being a special day let's celebrate with joy and happiness as through our maker all things are possible.

Robert Agarobe at Kuriva during his 2017 campaign

Central Province is no exception as we are blessed with an abundance of Gods blessings compared with others.

We have our seas, rivers and land that are over flowing with food and beauty that's complimented with a beautiful environment and a special type of people that reflect Gods beauty in our attitude as we love to sing dance and be merry, and that's how God designed us to show off his blessings to the world.

Let's keep on singing and dancing all the while let's also take care of these blessings by working our land that God gifted us through agriculture and at the same time let's conserve protect and manage these blessings through Tourism and compliment all these through sports as mapped out in our SMART CENTRAL PLAN, for We are only temporary custodians and need to jealously execute all of these for our future generations.
Through the Marape's Pangu Government I was enabled to deliver to My people with the following very important Christmas presents.
1. OUR VERY OWN PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL to be built on our own Land at Bautama at a cost of K700,000,000.00 that will serve our people of Central Province and our friends who come in for specialized care.
2. RESTORING OUR IDENTITY by taking back our land where our seat of government is located. The Minister for Lands Hon John Rosso on behalf of the Marape Pangu government presented the Land Title for our Konedobu CPGHQ back to us, A VERY SIGNIFICANT STATEMENT in recognition by Marape's PANGU government towards the indigenous people and provincial government of this beautiful land.
3. CORRECTING THE WRONGS, the Marape Pangu government and our coalition partners and some members of the opposition helped pass a historical landmark bill in Parliament by giving back what rightfully belongs to us by getting IRC to now pay directly to Central our 10% GST including 3% Gulf and 2% Motukoita assembly.
Also for the sake of our people of central province the Governor of Central will now sit on the NCD Board as a Commissioner to address our issues that we face constantly in the city that you all know of very well.
I take this opportunity today on Christmas Day to thank our Prime Minister Hon James Marape and all our Leaders of our National Parliament for the support and understanding you have given to us the people of Central Province.
All our people of Papua New Guinea and our friends far and wide I thank you all for being our friends through good times and bad times.
My people of Central Province here at home and also far and wide, let's not be complacent, let's not wait for uncle to do it for us as our destiny will only be created by us leading the way with the support of all our friends,
Doing it the Central way,
slowly but surely.
Hon Chief R Agarobe CSM, GCM, MP.

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