Wednesday 5 August 2020

Let's stop this cat and mouse game with Port Moresby police

The onset of Covid-19 Pandemic across the world and in Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby is deadly serious.

We have the government putting measures to help mitigate the spread of Covid-19.

As of this post, reported cases have soared to 153.

Prime Minister James Marape told his Australian counterpart Scott Morrison in a video conference today.

At Port Moresby's notorious Garden Hills  where squatter settlers live on the western end as you drive up from the Moni Plus on Waigani Drive, it was business as usual.

Betel nut, cigarette and food trade were on.

The road leading to Garden Hills and Moni Plus on right. Vendors occupy side walks

There was no regard for restriction on social distancing and big gatherings.

At 2.30pm Wednesday, August 5, gun shots were heard.

As I drove past- police in three different Toyota Troopers were dispersing the ignorant vendors.

Betel nut strewn on the roads and cars that drove past smashed them.

Some vendors were carrying their market stalls and running for safety.

Others stared horrified.

The place looked cleared up.

It is one hell of a stressful stretch to drive past everyday I must say.

Vendors and people loiter and stand in the way of cars.

They have in fact taken the driveway as their side walks have been taken by vendors.

The sad truth today though, the police intervention never worked.

An hour later, the ignorant vendors were back with their trade as the picture shows.

Absolutely we have no regard for rules and authority.

Good citizens must help police curb this nonsense by not buying stuff from the vendors.

This should start with staff from Moni Plus and residents of Garden Hills Estate.

We need to help police.

And for the settlers, let's comply with  rules in this trying times as government imposes restrictions on trade, movement and meetings as a result of Covid-19.

To protect our lives for heaven's sake.

The cat and mouse game should stop.

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