Tuesday 25 August 2020

Where to find Victoria Bitter in Port Moresby

Melbourne's renowned beer VB is in Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby.

But not all pubs and hotel have it in stacks and in their coolers.


Just five minutes drive from Jackson's Airport in Port Moresby to the ever popular, but quite run down Granville Motel, you'd be surprised its popularity is more than the local SP.

And yes in slabs.

The Granville Motel welcomes you to an oasis in a desert in the heart of six mile.

Nice garden, with crotons, an open space and an ATM, you are in peace with the environment and can sip your VB.


A can of VB here is K8 and a six pack is K48.

When you're next in town and wants to quench your thirst with an Australian and Victorian best VB, check the Granville Motel

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