Sunday 9 August 2020

Papua New Guineans should have Moringa drink sessions rather than beer sessions

Have you ever heard about Moringa?

Well if you haven't this is your introduction to good health and long life.

Rest assured but I must remind you that this is not a professional health write up.

It is based on my experiences and reading.

I write this from Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea and in here Moringa trees grow almost everywhere I drive past.

It so however becomes apparent that few people are taking it.

And this is my concern. Why not?

Are people not aware of its magnificent benefits.

It is touted as the Tree of Life and it has increased amounts of food nutrients that makes our body function at optimum- increases or stables our immune system.

I have been taking Moringa since 2015 and I must say its made me feel healthy and improved my commitment to hours of work, stables my mind under pressure, improves my eyesight (no longer wearing glasses) and I have lost weight from a massive 110.

Last week I checked my BMI and I was at a healthy range.

Moringa helps to ensure our kidney, heart, lung, liver and mind is detoxed and our metabolism works well.

In doing so we lose fat and weight and feel healthy.

I found Moringa to be a very effective stress buster.

Get home from work feeling stressed over somethings not working well, get a few leaves put them in a cup and poor boiling water on it.

Let it brew for 5 minutes and then strain it to a cup and sip like a tea.

Your mind is just perfect in happy state. That's how powerful Moringa is.

It also eases anxiety, lowers blood pressure, cleans urinary tracts and blood vessels.

I take Morina in three ways

  • The first is getting fresh green leaves from the garden and place them in a tea pot. Then poor boiled water on it and let it brew for five minutes. The water turns green or slightly colored. Have a strainer over a cup and pour into it. Enjoy like tea
  • The other is getting dried pods ( I don't have a picture here) and open it. You'll see seeds in there. Open them like peanuts and eat the seeds. They are very sweet like lolly. 
  • My final one is having the powder in a cup and pour cold water on it. Stir and drink it.
It several shops like the NZ Health Shop at Brian Bell's Gordons Plaza, Port Moresby, they sell this Moringa powder in capsules. A packet costs around K90.

I am very convinced about Moringa's benefits and so I recommend everyone to get it. Not just when you're sick but when your healthy and it keeps your immune system up, detoxes our body organs, we live long and healthy.

So instead of having beer sessions, let's have moments where we gather, and drink Moringa to detox ourselves for longer and healthy lives.

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