Thursday 6 August 2020

West Sepik provincial assembly members inducted on their roles and responsibilities

Local Level Government presidents and Commissioners in West Sepik last week were inducted about their roles and responsibilities at the sub national level.

A team of officials from the Department of Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs, the Department of Implementation and Rural Development, Finance and Parliamentary Services were in Vanimo.

West Sepik has four districts of Vanimo Green River, Aitape-Lumi, Nuku and Telefomin.

It has 18 LLG’s and 236 wards.

Director of District Development Authority at DPLGA Frank Akrakri said the presidents should work closely with the district administrators and the public servants in the district to assist them plan for projects and development in their wards.

This is the first time such a workshop was conducted in West Sepik and many had applauded as an eye opener.

They were now ready to plan and run their local level governments in their respective districts.

They have realized that in the past few members and the chairman control assembly meetings and passed agenda on projects that are not viable and beneficial to everyone in the community.

The aim of the workshop was to help presidents know and understand their roles and responsibilities so that they can deliver services to people.

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