Tuesday 11 August 2020

Robbery on the Sepik Highway-K20,000 cash and vanilla bean bags stolen


Mothers, young females, and men were stripped naked and all their belongings like mobile phones were taken by armed gang at Wara Pipe, an area between Yawatong and Nana-ah villages in the Ambunti Drekikir District, East Sepik.

First secretary to West Sepik Governor Adam Wangu reported yesterday on social media the victims were his relatives.

“The incident took place at 5pm Monday 10th August when 5 gunmen with guns and the rest with one metre bush knives held up passengers from Mansuku, Nuku Station, Yiliwombuk, Sibilanga of Nuku District, West Sepik Province,” he said.

The passengers were on their way to Maprik to sell their vanilla and do shopping in Maprik than return back to Nuku”.

“The armed gang fired bullets at the crew but luckily (by Gods Grace) missed the driver and the crew. Knives were also used during the attack causing wounds and bruises to the passengers.,” Wangu added.

 “They gang members were about to rape the woman folk but a vehicle intervened.”

 K20,000 in cash and 120 kilograms of vanilla beans were stolen.

 He said the matter was reported to Maprik Police and two of the gang members were now in the police cell block.

Wangu said the last message he received from his son in law at 1.26pm yesterday was: “We are going back to Nuku on the same PMV empty handed and hungry”.

 “I read this text and had tears in my eyes,” an emotional Wangu wrote.

 “I am so angry when such happen to my people from Nuku including Yangkok and Lumi. They had sweated their guts to make ends meet and yet get robbed off for what they had worked hard for by our so called brothers from East Sepik.”


“As the First Secretary to the Governor of West Sepik Province I have been pushing for West Sepik to take an active role in the Agriculture Master Plan for the Greater Sepik. “


“I am arranging for the presentation for what has been done in East Sepik to be presented before the Governor of West Sepik and Provincial Administration coming Friday 14th August.


“This to be followed by Scoping Study for West Sepik Province. How can we have a Greater Sepik when such things happen to my people from Nuku,” he expressed his concern.


“I am making a special appeal on behalf of my people from Nuku to you our brothers from East Sepik along the Sepik Highway,” Wangu a former national goal keeper and a geologist said.





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