Saturday 18 July 2020

Kavieng International Airport to be complete in two years


Over 25 years after New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan raised the need for

New Ireland to have an International Airport and finally the Ground breaking

took place on Wednesday the 15th of July 2020.

Witnessed by Prime Minister James Marape and 7 state Minister’s including

Minister for Civil Aviation Captain Lekwa Gure, National Planning and

Monitoring Sam Basil, Treasurer Ian Ling Stuckey, Transport and Infrastructure

William Sam, Forestry Solan Mirisim, Fisheries Dr. Lino Tom, Finance

Minister Rainbo Paita and Samarai Murua MP Isi Henry Leonard. It was also a

very rare occasion where the three local members of parliament Governor Sir J,

Kavieng Open Ian Ling Stuckey and Namatanai Open MP Walter Schnaubelt

attended a public gathering together for the greater good of the people of New


Other Dignataries included China’s Ambassador to PNG HE Xue Bing,

stakeholders from the Business community, Airport Landowners and 100

participants of the NIPG Community Awareness program from the Matalai and

Namatanai LLG’s.

Minister Captain Lekwa Gure relayed the Kavieng Airport upgrade project will

involve the upgrade of the existing runway pavement and apron, extension of

the existing runway by 500 metres, design and construction of the new type B

terminal which will have a floor space of 2640 square metres, car park and

access road, construction of perimeter fence around runway extension area,

construction of NAC staff house, office building, workshop plus power house,

rehabilitation of NAC facility roads and associated works .Once the runway

extension and strengthening are completed the runway dimensions itself will be

2.2 kilometres by 30 metres wide and have a pavement classification of 50

which will be long and strong enough to accommodate Boeing 737- 800 series

type of aircraft or its equivalent,” said Minister Capt. Lekwa Gure.

The contract was awarded in March this year to China Railway Construction

Engineering Group PNG at a value of 98.5 million. “Now that the ground

breaking is taking place today we expect the contractor to start work tomorrow

and the clock will start ticking for the next 24 months.”

Prime Minister James Marape noting the New Ireland Government’s and the

people’s desire for the Airport Terminal to have a uniquely New Ireland flavor

inspired by the Provincial bird “Drongo” agreed the terminal building should

possess the “Bilas” flavor. “We can still relook at the design of the terminal to

incorporate New Ireland flavor but we will have to put in extra funds from both

the National Government and the Provincial government to make it happen. It’s


important that New Ireland must have its own distinct design,” said PM


Governor Sir J’s vision for the International Airport was first raised back in the

1990s, when he was the Open Member for Namatanai. “I realised that New

Ireland – if it was to reach its full potential – needed a direct link to the rest of

the world.

“I thought then – and I think now – that we need an International Airport

because of what New Ireland has to offer to the world. And I think everyone

here today can recognise what New Ireland has to offer.

“As a tourist destination, New Ireland is at the very top of the list in Papua New

Guinea, in the entire Pacific. Where else can you get the beauty of mountains?

with rainforests, pristine beaches with white sand and palm trees, crystal clear

waters for swimming and world class diving, surfing sites that are the envy of

the world, and – our greatest attraction of all – people who say hello when you

pass them on the street. People who shake your hand - instead of picking your


“We want our tourists to visit the people in the village, to stay at community

guesthouses. Because a person in a village in New Ireland is a member of the

village, a member of the community. And, in New Ireland, the village takes care

of its own.

“THAT is what New Ireland is all about. THAT is what makes New Ireland

unique. THAT is what we want to market to the world,” said Sir J.

A cheque of K3 million was handed over to the landowners as partial payment

for the use of their land, the outstanding will be paid in due course after further

consultations with the landowners. This includes further compensation for the

delay in payments.

The multimillion kina airport project is one of 27 impact projects promised by

the State in 1995 under the Lihir MOA that will add significant value and match

the already newly constructed four-lane Kavavu Avenue from the airport to the

waterfront built by the Government of New Ireland. It is expected to be

complete in July 2022, two years from now.

It has taken 25 years to start just 1 of the four major projects under the Lihir

MOA, this is an obligation of the State since 1995. It is time to restore the

peoples trust in the Government to meet its promises


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