Sunday 28 May 2023

PNG pilot secures a home loan through a broker


Have you heard about Asigau Mortgage  Brokers?

Well now you've heard about them.

Simply a special service company that acts between the home loan applicant and the  bank.

You see, how many of of us have time to prepare documents, make an appointment or visit the bank, your superannuation home equity, let alone home estate owners. 

The process is tiring and long but Asigau Mortgage Brokers can manage that for you while you concentrate on your job.

They charge a minimal fee for their services. 

Here is another success story for them..a special day celebeated on Friday May 26, as we guide another fellow Papua New Guinean 🇵🇬 to sign his approved Home Loan documents with Kina Bank Ltd. 

Mr Waita Kama is an Airline Pilot for Air Niugini currently serving as a B737 First Officer and rarely has time available to pursue the goal of owning a home. 

Well, surprise! surprise! We assisted make this possible for him by getting his proposal across in 4 days and his documents signed. 

Thank you to Mr. John Rifu (Senior Home Loans Officer) who made it seamless for us to get this through from start to finish. 

Mr. Kama secures a top of the range Elly Build High-set 3x Bedroom House from Arminko PNG LTD and 600sqm of land in an established estate. 

A great home with heaps of land.

 For us, it is what we strive to achieve - another Papua New Guinean getting the home they deserve in their own country. 

Kina Bank announced in February 2021 it has partnered with the country’s first mortgage broker, Asigau Mortgage Brokers Ltd, to make the process of finding and applying for a new home loan as simple as possible. 

An MOU was signed between Kina and Asigau Mortgage Brokers in December 2020.

Asigau Mortgage Brokers will offer customers independent, expert advice on the best home loan options, guide customers through the home loan application process and help complete paperwork.

 Asigau will operate as an intermediary institution, liaising with banks on the customer’s behalf and allowing them the peace of mind of knowing their application will arrive at Kina Bank accurate and complete.

For assistance with plans to secure your first home email the AMB Team at or call us on 7853 9833.

Reach out them...

James Marape engages Pacific Leaders with influencial world leaders

Freelance Journaalist and commentator  CYRIL GARE writes about Prime Minister James Marape engaging the Pacific Leaders with influencial  world leaders 

He writes:  After seven prime ministers in our short history, Prime Minister James Marape stands out and will be long-remembered for his part in lifting the ‘Pacific Solidarity’ agenda to new heights with tact and ‘shuttle diplomacy’. 


Like never before since 1975, this Pastor’s son cum politician and second term Prime Minister has proven he was a ‘strategic planner and intervener’ for his country after been able to bring together world powers - United States and India - together with 16 leaders of the ‘free’ Pacific Island Countries (PIC) including New Zealand at one consensus point in Port Moresby for strategic multi-lateral and bi-lateral discussions of mutual interests. 

It was here in Port Moresby last Monday – May 22, 2023 that the world’s hegemon – the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken in representing President Joe Biden signed the Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) with PNG effectively subsuming the obsolete Defense: Status of Force Agreement of 1989.   

This chart new waters in ‘militarization of the pacific’. The US-PNG DCA 2023 is significant as it is a ‘direct deal’ between Washington and Port Moresby bypassing the ANZUS’s triangle Canberra and Wellington. No wonder the media hype by Australian and New Zealand media. 

Despite the critics, the DCA is a two-fold winner for PNG. Firstly, our territorial boundaries - air, land and sea - as well as our sovereignty is ascertained when we are covered under the wings of the big eagle rather than being burnt in dragon fire. In this context, we ask the naysayers – i) what sovereignty are you talking about protecting, and ii) for whose interests do you represent with all these non-sense and hysteria? 

USPNG relations 

Everett E. Bierman was appointed by United States President Ronald Reagan as Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu in January, 1987. 

On 28 February, 1989, H.E Bierman signed the Defense: Status of Forces Agreement or SOFA in Port Moresby on behalf of the United States Government (USG) while Sir Kingsford Dibela, GCMG, K. St. J., Governor General counter-signed for the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG). 

The US-PNG SOFA is as old as thirty four (34) years notwithstanding US-PNG bilateral relations that was established since 1975. 

In the retrospect, the US-PNG relations date back to World War II. “In Angels and Victims: The People of New Guinea in World War II” the New Guinea campaign against the antagonist was one of the hardest-fought of WW II.  American and Australian forces relied on native New Guineans and shed blood together to achieve victory for a free world.  

The Melanesian 

In traditional Melanesia, a friend is someone who stands by me during the time of conflict, bloodshed and war, that tribe or clan who stand by me to defend my land, my village and family from incursion. The bond of mutual affection begins thereon. It is an obligation that you must reciprocate by way of compensation in form of giving a portion of land away, giving a woman away to the helping tribe as a symbol of friendship and extended family or doing both. 


If I have to choose between China and United States, it has to be United States for obvious reasons; i) bloodshed, and ii) obligation. It was the US led allied forces that stood by us then. Others came in post-war era after the establishment of the United Nations and Bretton Wood institutions such as World Trade Organization (WTO) with multi-lateral interests which are not necessarily of a ‘Melanesian friend’. 

More so, our liberty in liberal democracy and the ecclesiastical Christian beliefs must never be traded-off for the ‘dollar’ and ‘road and belt’ diplomacy.  

Defense Capabilities & Infrastructure 

Secondly, the PNG Defence Force will gain big time in operational capabilities, training, and infrastructure development. Prime Minister James Marape has revealed around K4-5 billion in military upgrade will flow from the US-PNG DCA. 

Chief of Defence (CDF) Brigadier General Mark Goina told a public forum at Murray Barracks in Port Moresby on Tuesday, 23 May, 2023 that the PNGDF has a 40% gap in its operational capabilities and urgently needs help. 

After taking Office in 2022, Commander Goina commissioned an assessment of all units of the force to determine the “key operational capabilities” of the force and the revelations were stunning: 

• Operational level of capability at 30-40% that is well below 50%. Acceptable world standard of military operational capabilities is 70-80%. No military in the world is 100% operational. He would like to see 70-80% in PNGDF. 

• Troops have no uniforms, field equipment, no service lines to barracks, command systems and process are broken down. 

“This is the current status of our Defence Force. This has to be fixed, it requires substantial amount of money from the Government to fix it. Without this, we cannot move the force forward.  

“The PNGDF is the user of the DCA. Status of our partnership (with the US) is that we continue to strive among the super powers, conforming to our foreign policy – the guide to our actions. 

“In the midst of geo-politics, we have a duty to ensure our people are safe so they go about doing their business, visitors, development partners are free to come in and do their business as well, knowing fully well that your Defence Force is out there taking good care of you. 

“Duty of care that rests with Defence Force is enormous, over and above what your force can provide. 

“It is the duty of the Government to provide resource and support. As your Chief of Defence, I am responsible to bring the Force to operational level of capability where it can perform its duties and responsibilities effectively and efficiently. 

“Our Government alone cannot provide the support we need. It has competing priorities in health, education, and infrastructure development. 

“So alternatively we have options to seek assistance from our development partners riding on existing bilateral relations with countries like the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, China, India, France and others,” CDF Goina said. 

Marape’s Mind

The tactician’s mind needs to be understood in the context of PNG foreign policy of ‘friends to all, enemies to none’. Marape wants to see the world through a compass that shows the cardinal directions for navigation and geographic orientation in ‘The PNG Way’ with: 

• East – being the Pacific (PIC) and the American continent. 

• West – being Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and India where there is big markets with a population of over 2 billion. 

• North – being Philippines, South Korea, Japan and China, and 

• South – being Australia and New Zealand. 

PNG is in the middle and seeing all as equal partners for our friendship and prosperity. Our needs vary from country to country. For example, with the US, we capitalize on our bilateral relations for military, trade and commerce while with Australia we seek trade, commerce, public service, student and workers exchange, and other. 

“Not all relations will be the same. Some we have military interests, some trade relations, some government relations, some education, satellite, health, etc.  

No Compromise

The Prime Minister re-assures that the signing of the defense pact with the US will not compromise PNG’s relations with China. 

“I gave my 100% assurance to China. I reaffirm this by closing down the Taipei diplomatic mission. Seven Prime Ministers before me never made this call. 

“They know my sincerity, I don’t hide and play one against another. Their East and West is their own business. My East and West is completely different”. 

World Stage

On the international front, PNG has made substantial representation within space of just one year with our Prime Minister James Marape meeting with world leaders and has established “connections”: 

• White House, United States: Visited and held high level talks with President Joe Biden. 

• Japan: Met and held discussions with Japanese PM. Will revisit in October. 

• Other world leaders that our PM had met and held bilateral discussions include UK PM, King Charles, China President, India PM, Philippines President, Indonesian President, Thailand PM/King, and Australian Prime Minister who also visited and addressed the PNG Parliament. 

• French president ‘a close friend’ and Indonesia President are said to visit PNG later this year.

• PMJM is set to visit South Korea this weekend for bilateral talks. 

 “These are world leading economies. Your PM has met and laid the foundation for future interest of PNG. 

“It is now up to public servants and relevant Ministers to progress these connections that your PM has established.

“We relate to all nations in the East, West, North and South. In 100 years of activities in the world, PNG is placed at the middle of this paradigm that is shifting. I am seeing this clearly unfolding”. 

The ‘Blue Pacific’ 

According to PM Marape, “we are not small island nations. We are big ocean nations”.

“The Blue Pacific – Our Sea of Islands is a shared resource, fill with prized fish and marine lives. The Pacific Ocean is our security for Sustainable Development, Management and Conservation.  

“The Framework for Pacific Regionalism outlines the political ambition of our leaders to work together towards delivering a prioritized development agenda for all rather than a few.  

“This meeting (in Port Moresby) enables us to reinforce our regional political identity through emphasizing our shared stewardship of the Pacific Ocean and identifying ways to mobilize resource to address challenges such as climate change and poverty alleviation among our people. 

The Prime Minister says under this regional framework, PNG will offer land to the PIC ‘brothers’ at the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone (PMIZ) in Madang and elsewhere in ‘free trade zone’ provinces in PNG for them to build processing plants and export their (fish)  products under their respective brands to the combine markets overseas.  

With a hectic week ending successfully under his belt, a proud and satisfied James Marape can now more than ever asserts that: “if you want to talk Pacific, you cannot go pass PNG. We’re now their leader to talk about their fish, climate change, their well-being and prosperity”. 

Saturday 27 May 2023

Port Moresby Harbour Cruise and Boat Charters- Yes its here

Ahoy there! ⚓ Last-minute plans? No problem! 

Port Moresby Harbour Cruise and Boat Charters can accommodate your plans 

Yes it's available in Port Moresby for your travel and a wind down on the picturesque and calm Port Moresby sea.

Clients enjoying the boat cruise Photo by Port Moresby Harbour Cruise 

Join Port Moresby Harbour Cruise and Boat Charters  from 5:30-7:30pm for a delightful experience featuring enchanting city lights, refreshing breezes, and great company. 🚢 

Your first glass of wine or beer is on them! 🥂🍺

Photo by Port Moresby Harbour Cruise 

Give Maddie a call at 7177 1776 or Briann at 7382 2837 to secure your spot and confirm their next harbour cruise! 

Hurry, seats won't stay open for long!

Follow them on Facebook 

#HarbourCruise  🌃🍷

Wake up the giant. It's community policing

Gordons Police station officer Benjamin Dominic has been based there since 2010.

Few years back, he was based in Vanimo, West Sepik.

His commitment to policing has ignited him to pursue proactive policing to reduce and mimisise crime at the Port Moresby Northeast area.

Here he shares his conviction  that proactive community policing is the approach to be employed if the country is to address crime.

And he further elaborates on the strategic approach they are taking.

Among them and I was impressed engagement with the media.

Gordons community policing already has a whatsapp group as well.

Benjamin writes: I recall back to 2010, when I was first inducted to Gordons Police Station, as a member of Public Safety Section. 

Benjamin Dominic OIC Community Policing at Gordon's Police Station 

If my vague memory serves me right, there was no Community Policing Office at Gordons Police Station, despite the fact that the position of OIC Community Policing was already gazetted and structured under the Gordons Police Station Operational Structure. 

A Sergeant ranked position, which  was solely given to drive interest from personnel seeking promotion, yet no one was committed to fulfilling the duty statements being designated to that position and office. 

Gordons Police Unit with their PSC Inspector Gabrirl Kini ready for security operations during FIPIC world leaders visit 

Within my thirteen (13) years or so years at Gordons Police Station, Community Policing has literally been non - existent, let alone the duty roster... which signified the skeletal existence of an OIC Community Policing.

As of January 1, 2023, I convened my role as OIC Community Policing at Gordons Police Station and simultaneously transformed an old, abandoned tea room into our current Community Policing Office, with state of the art office equipment & stationery - special thanks to our AFP Partners and a few kind hearted friends and  partners. 

Currently, our Community Policing Office serves the entire Electorate of Port Moresby Northeast and is still committed to doing more, even if there is minimal or nil logistics and technical support.

True to our Vision:

 "TO MINIMIZE LAW & ORDER PROBLEMS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE," Community Policing currently employs three (3) distinct operational phases...

To date, Gordons Community Policing is working on a Seven (7) Years Operational Plan, which is scheduled to lapse in the year 2030.

Our Law & Order Awareness Campaign Programs include:

1. Cannabis Sativa, Marijuana or Illicit Drug Abuse;

2. Illicit Spirit, or Alcohol Abuse;

3. School Bullying;

4. School Fights;

5. School Cult Practices;

6. Basic Pedestrian Crossing Rules;

7. Unlicensed Sales of Alcohol;

8. Sales of Contraband items & Expired Products;

9. Roles & Responsibilities of Police Officers;

10. Citizenship POWER of Arrest;

11. Basic Human Rights:

12. Unnatural Sexual Practices; e.g., sodomy, incest, etc...

13. Gender Based Violence (GBV);

14. Sorcery Accusation Related Violence (SARV); &

15. Natural Resources, Environment & Conservation; 

Evidence of our work in just five (5) months of operation, in itself, speaks volumes. 

Countless and successive Law and Order Awareness Campaigns, and  Successful Partnership with other agencies and entities within Port Moresby Northeast Electorate.

 These include:

1. Village Court System

2. Community Leaders

3. Education Institutions

4. Women / Vendors Groups

5. Christian Churches

6. Youth Groups

7. NGO Awareness Group(s)

Despite all the odds, constraints and barriers, Gordons Community Policing will strive to serve the people of Port Moresby Northeast, NCD and PNG,  without fear, favor, malice, or ill will. 

As far as I am concerned, a sleeping giant has been awakened and there is no turning back. 

If there be a way forward for RPNGC and NCD Metro Command to pave positively, then Community Policing is the way forward. 

Now is not the time to focus on reactive policing alone

Our Policing approach for the 21st century has to be more proactive, through more Law and Order Awareness, Advocacy & Empowerment. 

Successful Partnership with our communities is the only key to minimize our ever growing law and order issues.

Community Policing - Securing a Safer Communiy in Partnership.

Cheers always and God bless you all.

Air Niugini flight returns after take off due to engine shutdown

 Passengers and flight crew on an Air Niugini De Havilland  Dash 8-300 aircraft flying from Port Moresby to Goroka yesterday Friday had to return to Port Moresby's Jackson's Airport after takeoff.

A passenger on board posted on social media upon returning to Jackson's a video and picture about the engine shutdown  which prompted quite a few comments from the public being concerned. 

The company says it was due to one engine being shutdown.

All crew and passengers were safe and the company has commended its flight crew for initiating  the appropriate actions according to the standard operating procedure.

"The prompt and professional response of the airline crew, in accordance with established protocols, ensured the safety and well-being of all passengers and crew on board," Acting CEO Gary Seddon said in statement.

The flight crew performed an engine shutdown and having sufficiently reduced the landing weight by burning fuel in a holding pattern, safely returned the aircraft to Jackson's Airport.

The aircraft departing Port Moresby for Goroka at about 9.30am experienced a technical issue with the Left-Hand engine.

Air Niugini has assured the travelling public that passenger safety and well-being are their top priorities, and they would like to reassure their valued customers that all necessary precautions were taken to handle this situation.

Air Niugini's Boeng 767 jet among aircraft at Jackson's Airport  Photo by Air Niugini 

Recently the national flag carrier has received criticisms from travelling public about flight delays and few safety queries. 

The CEO Bruce Alabaster was recently terminated with an acting CEO Gary Seddon appointed.

The company had also recently announced its plans for refleeting.

Responding  to concerns from travelling  public about flight delays and safety concerns, the company had been active on its social media to spin critics perception about the company, promoting its engineering personnel experience, what they do and their safety track record.

 Air Niugini says with the current engine shutdwon experience, its highly trained and experienced flight crew successfully managed the issue.

It is committed to adhering to the highest industry safety standards, and they have already commenced a thorough investigation to determine the root cause of the engine issue, that necessitated the shutdown. 

"We are working closely with the aircraft and engine supplier, and relevant authorities to ensure a comprehensive analysis of the engine issue.

Air Niugini’s Acting Chief Executive Officer, Gary Seddon said: “I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the crew members of PX160 who handled the situation with utmost professionalism and expertise, as well as our passengers for their understanding and cooperation during this unforeseen event.  

"We are also thankful for the support and guidance provided by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and other relevant organizations.”

"Air Niugini remains dedicated to maintaining the highest level of safety and operational excellence across our fleet. 

"We have robust safety management systems in place and will continue to prioritize the training and well-being of our crew members. 

"Our passengers can continue to have confidence in Air Niugini as we uphold our commitment to delivering safe and reliable air travel," he said.

Friday 26 May 2023

Nasfund member contributions account update delay

Nasfund says due to technical issues relating to the change in the file formats by Bank South Pacific’s system upgrade, member superannuation contributions since then are yet to be allocated into member accounts.

It says the Fund Administrator has identified this technical issue and has been working with BSP to ensure that this is rectified to allow member contributions to be allocated into member accounts.

Nasfund photo

" Testing is being carried out, with updates to member contributions to commence once all issues have been resolved," it said in a statement on its social. 

"If you have made deposits within this period, please forward your remittance advice to your respective Nasfund account manager."

Nasfund has apologised for the inconvenience caused and assured members that regular updates would be provided through the account managers.

This year the superfund  announced an audited results of K256 million profit after tax for the year 2022, approved by the trustee and board.

Its net asset value is at K6.3 billion.

The 650,000 members were credited 4.3 percent.

Tuesday 23 May 2023

New Zealand Prime Minister gets a rousing welcome at once a notorious Gordons Market

New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins was given a rousing welcome when he visited Gordons Market at 10am Monday morning. 

He was accompanied by the governor of National Capital District Powes Parkop.

Police media say a red carpet welcome was not rolled out but the joy, laughter, cheers and energy from the people and vendors was  sufficient to relay a thank you message to the people of New Zealand, that their investment in gifting Gordons Market to Port Moresby, has played a significant role in financially empowering the people.

Governor Powes Parkop, who accompanied Prime Minister Hipkins said, fresh fruits & vegetables from other parts of PNG are either shipped or air freighted to Gordons Market to meet the food demands of NCD residents.

He said Gordons Market will continue to be the empowerment factor for small to medium enterprise and the informal sector.

NCD Governor Powes Parkop cheers with a citizen as PM Chris Hipkins leads the entry Pic  Benjamin Dominic, Gordons Police 

Vendors, mothers, women, children, Papua New Guineans from all walks of life as well as members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary were honoured with the visit by New Zealand Prime Minister and his entourage.

Mr Hipkins paid a 30-minute visit to the market on his way to the FIPIC Meeting venue at the APEC House in Port Moresby.

Gordons Market, PNG’s largest market two storey complex was built with funding support from the New Zealand Government totalling K30 million.

It was  opened at the end of 2019.

The Acting Officer in Charge of Gordons Community Policing, First Constable Benjamin Dominic, said members of the Constabulary as well as the public were gathered as early as 7am Monday morning to ensure that the market and surrounding areas were ready for the visit. 

Part of the crowd welcoming NZ Prime Minister Chris Hipkins Photo Benjamin Dominic Gordons  Police 

The  old  Gordons Market was notorious  with shoppers usually attacked by street thugs and their valuables or shopping taken away.

The new market has seen presence of guards, it's food sale neatly organised and many residents  now enjoy shopping at the  market. 

It has ample  parking  for  shoppers.

Criteria for pap smear