Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Thursday 8 June 2023

Telikom Limited signs exclusive reseller agreement with SkyTel

 Telikom Limited Signs Exclusive Reseller Agreement With SkyTel.


Telikom Limited, PNG’s 100% nationally owned telecommunications company, signed an Exclusive Reseller Agreement with SkyTel, a leading provider of telecommunications solutions on the 30th of May, at the Hilton Hotel, Port Moresby.


Telikom Limited’s CEO, Mr. Amos Tepi, said the company has decided to partner with SkyTel to complement its existing satellite services. Mr. Tepi highlighted the main reason for choosing SkyTel was because of the connectivity gaps faced by off-grid customers living in the remotest part of the country. Additionally, Telikom wanted to provide reliable and wider broadband coverage in connecting remote branch offices and institutions back to main offices therefore to access share infrastructure such as payroll and other online applications at central offices.


“The issues we faced with the satellite front has been on-going for quite a long time so we are looking forward to this partnership with SkyTel to provide customers and business houses (alike) with the best possible telecommunications experience.”


SkyTel CEO Mr. Michael Cratt revealed during the signing that the agreement penned today was a company milestone as it was executed during the 27th Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) AGM.


“It’s a great example of Australia and PNG working together to bridge the gap in some of the telecommunications.”

Telecommunications is a critical enabler to so many other industries; it forms the base of the digital economy.


SkyTel’s Exclusive Reseller agreement with Telikom Limited is a significant milestone for both companies and is expected to provide customers with reliable internet, Virtual Private Network (VPN), Voice over Internet (VOIP), IPTV and host online services.

The agreement is for a period of 24 months but is subject to review and renewal going forward.🇵🇬


Insert from left to right: a/General Manager for Commercial (Telikom Limited), Bill Wartovo, CEO for Telikom Ltd (Amos Tepi), MD for SkyTel, Michael Cratt & Lead Commercial Officer for SkyTel, Declan Jones.

Telikom Limited signs cloud PABX agreement with Amboya (Isreali company)

Telikom Limited, PNG’s 100% nationally owned telecommunications company, signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement with Amboya Investment  on 01/06/20230, at the Hilton hotel, Port Moresby, to be the exclusive provider of Cloud PABX system  in PNG and the Solomon Islands. 

The agreement will see Telikom Limited leveraging its telecommunications network and infrastructure to deliver Cloud PABX (Private Automatic Branch Exchange) or hosted PABX which enable customers to communicate with anyone anywhere on any network at the comfort of your mobile phones. 

Amos Goldman (left) Managing Director for Amboya Investments (Israel) & Amos Tepi (right) CEO for Telikom Ltd

Traditional PABXs and Business Systems are capital intensive and incur high on-going operational cost. 

Mr. Tepi says “Telikom’s new Partnership with Amboya will  eliminate Capital cost such as equipment, cabling and the ongoing maintenance and support cost”.

This partnership marks an important event for Telikom Limited and Amboya considering the signing took place at the 27th Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) AGM, Business Forum and Expo. 

With this agreement, Amboya’s support gives a new lease of life for Telikom’s fixed (voice) business which is globally declining due to mobile evolution. 

Both Amboya and Telikom are committed to delivering high-quality services to their customers and are excited about the opportunities this partnership will bring. 

Amboya’s managing director Mr. Amos Goldman said “Ämboya has worked with former Telikom PNG to now Telikom Limited under the new merged entity and have come a long way to understanding the challenges long enough to develop a product that can address the declining trend of the fixed line business’’.

One of the product managers explained how simple the product works. He demonstrated that  apps (application) of the Cloud phone will be installed instantly bearing an office land line number - either existing or new number. 

He further explained that the office/s will have IP (internet protocol) Phones installed on existing infrastructure without the need to build new. 

He said “with the Hosted PABX in Telikom’s multi-cloud infrastructure, our customers will be able to call or receive calls from anywhere around the world.

Telikom’s call Centre is running on Cloud PABX and the company is at advance stage of signing up major customers.

Mr. Tepi validated the demonstration show saying “what’s more rewarding is that our customers will save big since calls to their offices will be at local call cost (10 toea) and Telikom also will not incur interconnection cost”.

This exclusive partnership is extended to Solomon Island through its subsidiary company in Bemobile Limited.

10 ways to keep your laptop hard disk from crash

Your IT safety tip from ComTech PNG 

A laptop Photo ComTech Facebook 

To help prevent a laptop hard disk crash and ensure the longevity of your data, you can follow these practices:

1. Regularly back up your data: Create backups of your important files and documents on a separate storage device or cloud storage. This way, even if your hard disk crashes, you can still retrieve your data.

2. Install reliable antivirus software: Use reputable antivirus software and keep it up to date. This will protect your laptop from malware and viruses that could potentially damage your hard disk.

3. Keep your operating system and software updated: Regularly update your operating system and software applications to benefit from bug fixes, security patches, and performance improvements. These updates can help prevent system crashes and maintain the stability of your hard disk.

4. Avoid physical shocks and vibrations: Treat your laptop with care and avoid subjecting it to physical shocks or vibrations. Dropping or mishandling your laptop can cause damage to the internal components, including the hard disk.

5. Provide proper ventilation: Ensure that your laptop has sufficient airflow to prevent overheating. Excessive heat can lead to hardware failures, including hard disk crashes. Use your laptop on a flat surface and consider using a cooling pad if necessary.

6. Handle your laptop with clean hands: Before using your laptop or handling its hard disk, make sure your hands are clean. Dirt, oils, and moisture from your hands can potentially damage the hard disk or affect its performance.

7. Avoid sudden power loss: Abrupt power loss can be detrimental to the hard disk. To prevent this, use a reliable battery backup or uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to provide backup power during unexpected power outages.

8. Manage storage space: Avoid filling up your hard disk to its maximum capacity. Leaving some free space on the drive allows for better performance and reduces the risk of data corruption. Regularly clean up unnecessary files and consider using external storage or cloud services for long-term storage of large files.

9. Perform regular disk maintenance: Use the built-in disk maintenance tools provided by your operating system to check and repair disk errors. On Windows, you can use the Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter utilities. On macOS, you can use Disk Utility to verify and repair disk permissions.

10. Handle your laptop carefully: When carrying your laptop, use a protective case or sleeve to minimize the risk of physical damage. Avoid placing heavy objects on top of your laptop, as this can exert pressure on the hard disk and other internal components.

Remember that while these practices can help reduce the risk of a hard disk crash, it's important to have backups of your important data in case of any unforeseen failures.

Note: At COMTECH PNG, we provide Cloud Storage Solutions. 

Click here for more information and costing:

Saturday 27 May 2023

Air Niugini flight returns after take off due to engine shutdown

 Passengers and flight crew on an Air Niugini De Havilland  Dash 8-300 aircraft flying from Port Moresby to Goroka yesterday Friday had to return to Port Moresby's Jackson's Airport after takeoff.

A passenger on board posted on social media upon returning to Jackson's a video and picture about the engine shutdown  which prompted quite a few comments from the public being concerned. 

The company says it was due to one engine being shutdown.

All crew and passengers were safe and the company has commended its flight crew for initiating  the appropriate actions according to the standard operating procedure.

"The prompt and professional response of the airline crew, in accordance with established protocols, ensured the safety and well-being of all passengers and crew on board," Acting CEO Gary Seddon said in statement.

The flight crew performed an engine shutdown and having sufficiently reduced the landing weight by burning fuel in a holding pattern, safely returned the aircraft to Jackson's Airport.

The aircraft departing Port Moresby for Goroka at about 9.30am experienced a technical issue with the Left-Hand engine.

Air Niugini has assured the travelling public that passenger safety and well-being are their top priorities, and they would like to reassure their valued customers that all necessary precautions were taken to handle this situation.

Air Niugini's Boeng 767 jet among aircraft at Jackson's Airport  Photo by Air Niugini 

Recently the national flag carrier has received criticisms from travelling public about flight delays and few safety queries. 

The CEO Bruce Alabaster was recently terminated with an acting CEO Gary Seddon appointed.

The company had also recently announced its plans for refleeting.

Responding  to concerns from travelling  public about flight delays and safety concerns, the company had been active on its social media to spin critics perception about the company, promoting its engineering personnel experience, what they do and their safety track record.

 Air Niugini says with the current engine shutdwon experience, its highly trained and experienced flight crew successfully managed the issue.

It is committed to adhering to the highest industry safety standards, and they have already commenced a thorough investigation to determine the root cause of the engine issue, that necessitated the shutdown. 

"We are working closely with the aircraft and engine supplier, and relevant authorities to ensure a comprehensive analysis of the engine issue.

Air Niugini’s Acting Chief Executive Officer, Gary Seddon said: “I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the crew members of PX160 who handled the situation with utmost professionalism and expertise, as well as our passengers for their understanding and cooperation during this unforeseen event.  

"We are also thankful for the support and guidance provided by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and other relevant organizations.”

"Air Niugini remains dedicated to maintaining the highest level of safety and operational excellence across our fleet. 

"We have robust safety management systems in place and will continue to prioritize the training and well-being of our crew members. 

"Our passengers can continue to have confidence in Air Niugini as we uphold our commitment to delivering safe and reliable air travel," he said.

Monday 22 May 2023

Moitaka power station recommissioned

 PNG Power Limited (PPL) has announced the recommissioning of the Moitaka Power Station in Port Moresby.

The Moitaka Power Station was established in 1980 and has been a reliable source of electricity in Port Moresby for several decades until it was decommissioned in 2019 after several Independent Power Producers (IPP) were introduced into the Port Moresby Grid, PNG Power says in a statement.

Initially, the Moitaka Power Station had a station output of 16 Megawatts (MW) from two Hitachi Zosen Z40 Diesel Engines (Unit 1 & 2). 

Later, its capacity was increased by an additional 15 MW with the installation of a GE LM2500 (GT2) in 1990, and two Mirrlees Blackstone MK16KV Diesel Engines (Unit 3 & 4) were added with an individual capacity of 8 MW each.

The Moitaka units are high-inertia thermal engines with a significant rotational mass. 

This means that they can store energy and respond slowly to changes in demand, making them suitable for stabilising the grid.

 Their characteristics make them suitable for the Port Moresby grid application, where they can complement hydro generation.

 Although hydro generation is a renewable and flexible source of electricity, it depends on water availability and environmental factors. 

High-inertia thermal engines can provide backup power and grid stability, especially during peak hours or emergencies.

The decision to recommission the Moitaka Power Station was made after thoroughly analysing the Port Moresby grid's energy needs.

 Despite the decommissioning of the Moitaka Power Station in 2019 to focus on PNG Power's "Least Cost" and "Fuel Switch" plans, other energy sources could not regulate the grid. 

As a result, the PNG Power Board made the decision to recommission the station in the last quarter of 2022.

As of May 19, 2023, Moitaka Unit 3 is available, and it can be safely dispatched with 6MW of power. 

The recommissioning of the Moitaka Thermal Power Station will provide much-needed backup power and stability to the Port Moresby grid. 

PPL says it is committed to ensuring that the Port Moresby grid has sufficient backup power and stability when required. 

The recommissioning of the Moitaka Thermal Station is a significant step towards achieving this objective.

Deputy Chief Executive Officer of PPL Nehemaiah Naris, who was present to start up the first recommissioned unit has  thanked all the stakeholders who contributed to the successful recommissioning of the Moitaka Power Station, especially the hardworking PPL restoration team. 

The PPL says its restoration team will work hard to restore Unit 4 to bring additional capacity to the Port Moresby Grid in the coming months.

PPL is confident that the recommissioning of the Moitaka Thermal Station will improve power reliability in the Port Moresby Grid. 

It remains committed to providing reliable and affordable electricity to the Port Moresby grid consumers.

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Remote Eastern Highlands community receives electric lawn mower

The community at Mibu in the Eastern Highlands were not able to access air services for sometime.

This was due to soft ground on the runway.

But MAF who had been been serving remote communities for 70 years has finally landed at Mibu again with a huge surprise.

It says on it social media page, the Goroka based pilot Brad Venter flew the New Tribes Mission (Ethnos 360) there to drop off a new lawn mover.

The lawn mover is said to be the first of its kind in Papua New Guinea.

"It's a rechargeable electric heavy duty mower that will be charged by solar. The first in PNG," MAF says.

" This should help the community keep the airstrip in good condition.

"This is critical because the airstrip is a lifeline for them and enables the missionaries to get in and out easily which really helps the work they are doing there."

Criteria for pap smear