Showing posts with label MAF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAF. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Remote Eastern Highlands community receives electric lawn mower

The community at Mibu in the Eastern Highlands were not able to access air services for sometime.

This was due to soft ground on the runway.

But MAF who had been been serving remote communities for 70 years has finally landed at Mibu again with a huge surprise.

It says on it social media page, the Goroka based pilot Brad Venter flew the New Tribes Mission (Ethnos 360) there to drop off a new lawn mover.

The lawn mover is said to be the first of its kind in Papua New Guinea.

"It's a rechargeable electric heavy duty mower that will be charged by solar. The first in PNG," MAF says.

" This should help the community keep the airstrip in good condition.

"This is critical because the airstrip is a lifeline for them and enables the missionaries to get in and out easily which really helps the work they are doing there."

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