Friday 12 April 2024

Kundu Club and Pokies

 Kundu Club at Five Mile in Port Moresby should be investigated by lawful authorities and it's licence revoked.


Here are what's happening.

Patrons are just smoking anywhere in the club openly without a concern from guards that they have to go to a designated smoking zone area.

The bad air with aircon is affecting non smokers.

The guards are drunk when on duty.

I saw a guard forcefully remove someone enjoying himself at a table when the guard wants another person with his beer and girlfriend to enjoy the place.

We should have regulatory organisations monitor and penalize owners for the sake and promotion of everyone's health.

This is serious. We got to act now.

Revoke Kundu Clubs licence. Get them to tow in line.

No smoking in the club. Use a designated area.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Vodafone celebrates one year of operations

 Data communications access through smart mobile phones is expected to expand further as more people in rural areas are using them.

Vodafone PNG Chief Executive Officer Pradeep Lal has told Business Advantage they are establishing a robust nationwide network.

He says there is massive opportunity ahead, as surging data use in Papua New Guinea encourages more customers to switch to smart phones.

Vodafone arrived in the country in April 2022 and it has since stamped its mark expanding its reach.

CEO Pradeep Lal says they are on track to roll out 770 towers across 22 provinces and their aim is to create a resilient network spanning the entire country.

Vodafone is also in talks with Digicel and Telikom to co-locate their communication infrastructure.

This, Pradeep Lal told Businees Advantage would cover the unconnected and ensure a comprehensive national coverage.

The Vodafone CEO says  telecommunications is poised to revolutionalise numerous other sectors with the PNG economy as connectivity becomes an important driver in an increasing digital economy.

A research by the Development Policy Centre published last month says data pricing in the country has dropped since 2022.

The Vodafone CEO says they do not incline to engage in a pricing war however they anticipate a gradual decrease in prices through gains in the economies of scale influenced by business growth and expanding customer bases.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

What CapCut can do amazes me

 Stop wasting your time and being ignorant like me. Step into it now.

Yes I am digging into CapCut a video editing software available for use on smart phones and even on desktops.

When my 13 year old son was promoting CapCut I went belongs to kids or lazy producers who only depend on automation and templates to bring their imagery production ideas to life.

Now I am so wowed and amazed by what CapCut can do. Seriously it rocks and very user friendly. You can do what you want effortlessly.

For example doing voice to text on screen. Damn top. Just to name but a few.

Looking into the future with accessibility and affordability of data improving, anyone into digital content creation will benefit immensely using CapCut.

So I encourage PNG citizens to dig into it. Use it. 

Start producing and monetise your content. Let's grow together. 

With CapCut you can do anything with audio, video and photo.

Let's go, it's exciting time. 

Start today, reap in future.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

PNG female caught with meth again while in court

 Port Moresby police have reported that a 19 year old female appearing in court for methamphetamine charges was arrested again inside a court at Waigani.

The accused Cecelia Kumbakor appeared before Magistrate Paul Nii and as the magistrate was presiding over the case realized Ms Kumbakor was behaving abnormally.

The magistrate then instructed police to search Ms Kumbakor.

In a statement police say a detective present in court searched the accused Ms Kumbakor and found a bong and some ear buds in her possession.

Police say the bong and ear buds are common implements used by people who smoke and inhale the methamphetamine drug.

Divisional Commander for Northern and acting Commander NCD Central Assistant
Commissioner Peter Guinness said Ms Kumbakor together with a male and two other
women were previously arrested and charged with possessing and consuming

Assistant Commissioner Guinness said Kumbakor was released on bail while her
accomplices were detained at Bomana Prison awaiting their court appearances.

The four were present in court yesterday when police found the methamphetamine
implements in Kumbakor’s possession.

Police say the discovery caused a furore inside the court room compelling Magistrate Nii to suspend the court hearing.

ACP Guinness said this particular incident is a wake up call for police, the court and the
legal fraternity.

He said police and the court must now seriously reconsider granting bail to people who are addicted to illicit drugs.

Ms Kumbakor was later charged and detained at the Boroko cells.

Three Papua New Guineans and an Italian were found guilty by the National Court in Port Moresby early this year for attempting to smuggle the drug into Australia from Port Moresby.

When finding the four guilty, Justice Panuel Mogish said the methamphetamines trade is a lucrative and well coordinated international trade.

Monday 8 April 2024

My online store on Gumroad

 Dear esteemed readers 

I have opened an online store on Gumroad.

This is where I endeavour to sell digital content. 

Greatly appreciate your subscription and where my product meets your needs, I will be grateful for your purchase.

Thank you

Sunday 7 April 2024

Content development strategy on Linkedin

 This is a good free tip.

Do you know LinkedIn is a powerful social media platform that you can achieve so many things.

You can secure jobs, find business customers, earn some money etc

There is a stark contrast between Linkedin and other platforms.

LinkedIn is more focus on sharing about what we as a team can do-it focuses on leadership.

If you know how to develop content you should be in the most successful place.

Can you monetise Facebook content in Papua New Guinea

 This is a gold question content makers in Papua New Guinea want straight answers to because there is an exponential growth in customers using social media Facebook.

Well from the outset, the short answer is you can't monetise digital content on Facebook if you reside in Papua New Guinea.

That is very sad.

But Meta the owner of Facebook approves monetisation if you live in Indonesia.

Indonesia is not far from PNG and so people who live near the border might try getting over to Indonesia (Jayapura) and see if your content can be monetised.

You have to be eligible having 5000 subscribers. 

Uploaded few contents and reaching some required minutes of watch time.

The Secretary for the Department of Information and Communications Technology Stephen Matainaho says have are having a dialogue with Meta and Google to enable monetisation of Facebook content in Papua New Guinea 

Social media users in PNG now stand at over 800,000 and there are over three million internet users.

Criteria for pap smear