Tuesday 25 April 2023

Correctional Service warders can shoot escapees if they fail to stop after warnings

The West New Britain province faces another daunting law and order predicament as 24 prisoners dashed for freedom from the provincial Lakiemata jail.

Unfortunately 16 out of 24 were shot by prison warders  and died.

Correctional Service Commissioner  Stephen Pokanis has confirmed the incident with NBC Current Issues.

He said a team from the headquarters in Port Moresby will head to Kimbe to investigate without detailing the terms of reference.

PNG Correctional Service headquarters, Hohola, Port Moresby

The prisoners escaped from the Maximum Security Unit holding cells.

When queried if prison warders can shoot an escapee, Pokanis said if prisoners failed to stop after warning shots were fired they can be shot.

Provincial Police Commander Superintendent Peter Baki says police homicide squad will also do their investigations after the CS has done their internal investigations.

The police investigations will be aimed at providing information during a coronial inquest.

Superintendent Baki, a local from the province who recently transferred to the province from Milne Bay has appealed to everyone to allow due process to take its course.

The province has reported many crime incidents recently ranging from armed hold ups in the main towns to murders of Chinese nationals at logging camps.

Following the latest killings of 16 prisoners public has echoed calls for a state of emergency to be declared and law and order restored. 

Sori nogat senis: Blong wanem na olsem?


Why PNG owned business do not have cash for change while you rarely get this from foreign owned Chinese owners 

It is not healthy for your business to attract customers and retain them if " sore nogat senis " is your culture.

This may sound trivial to you that going around looking for change is OK but the customer should not wait.

I stress the customer should not wait.

In the name of business practice of trade, a customer should pay for goods or services and the seller must provide change instantly.

It is the responsibility of the seller to ensure ample change is available every time based on the quantity of goods and services you sell and potential customers out of the population in your locality. 

If you are in Port Moresby the numbers should be high and certainly you need a big float.

I have experienced it quite often at a PNG owned pokies parlor and bar that they do not have change.

This is serious. It appears to be cultural for Papua New Guinea owned businesses.

They will not have cash to pay out at pokies for K30, K40 or sometimes K50.

I have stressed to their cashiers that it was their responsibility to ensure there is change or cash for payout for as low as K10 available every time.

The funny thing though instead of running to find float, they play games on their mobile phones.

This is like getting paid for performing wrong tasks or otherwise not working performing duties.

They have to update the management to make informed decisions about how much cash should be made available as float every day.

To have no change for a customer offering K10 for water is just terrible service at their licenced bar.

Papua New Guineans should be on top of this as this ptomotes quality service and attracts domestic and international tourism.

The Chinese owned businesses in pokies or other services are seriously way better than us.

They provide big hard cash to their PNG employed staff and they guard the cash with an eagle eye.

If they are not there a PNG personnel will take their place to ensure no cash disappears into thin air.

So how much do you think SMEs should have as float as they open each day.

For a city like Port Moresby and say you're operate out from the Unity Mall, I think your float every morning should be around K500.

They should be in 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 notes. 

It's not your spending money there's no loss in it, it's still part of your reserves.

For pokies parlours I suggest the National Gaming Control Board comes though on licence conditions that they should have sufficient float each day for customers rather than having customers to wait.

Let's make PNG great by offering the best customer service to all locals and visitors.

Saturday 22 April 2023

Quality burgers in Port Moresby

My favourite of late is the cheese burger costing K20 at Meat Haus burger shops in Port Moresby.

They have variety of burgers with prices ranging from K20 to K30.

The Australian burger which is quite  thick with fillings and huge patties is selling at K25.

If you are after quality, a very presentable and hygienic place to have a bite inside an air conditioned place, choose their location at downtown Port Moresby opposite the Crown Hotel. 

Their car parking space is just left of the location.

The Meat Haus burger place is HACCAP certified which basically means their promotion and compliance to health and hygiene in producing food is internationally accepted as far as health standards are concerned.

I must say the young lash who served me was very professional as well.

We should make that contagious in PNG and across other retail and service businesses.

Check Meat Haus burger places at Waigani, formerly ANZ compound or downtown opposite Crown Hotel.

Sunday 16 April 2023

Power Cocktail food supplement by FitLine

You may have heard about this food supplement product already. 

There are other products as well and they are produced in Germany by a firm called PM International.

As far as I understand they are food supplements aimed at improving or supporting our immune systems.

When our immunity drops as we age, these food supplements restores our vitamins and minerals to live healthy and fight against diseases.

Talk to your physician or doctor if you have any medical query about the supplements.

  • The Power Cocktail comprises

  • Energy. Rich in vitamin B6, which contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism.
  • Immune system. Rich in vitamin C, which contributes to the maintenance of the normal function of the immune system.
  • Feel good. Specially developed concentrate with fibers and live lactic acid bacteria.

I had a power cocktail twice in a week with three spoons of activice, to boost energy and I felt good.

You pour the power in sachet into a cup and add 450 mls of water, stir and it's well diluted then drink it on empty stomach.

So best is when you wake it in the morning before having breakfast.

I felt energised and muscles relaxed with improved vision.

I met a 64 year old Tolai woman who looked stunningly young and said son I have thos once a week.

She was glowing, looking younger at her age.

I encourage you to have this like the beautiful and  stunning Tolai grand ma.

She is a shop keeper at one of the stalls at Unity Mall.

Visit their website at www.fitline.com and read about their products and testimonials.

Friday 14 April 2023

Papua New Guinea aims to pass a surplus budget by 2027

Treasurer Ian Ling-Stuckey says deficit budgeting aligned with a realistic budget can record surplus by 2027.

He says this can also reduce all sovereign debt by 2034.

Ling-Stuckey said this after the opening of a government funded K20 million Tapo bridge in the inland Rai Coast district of Madang Province.

Prime Minister James Marape was there to open the bridge with several State Ministers, Madang Governor Ramsey Pariwa, Member for Rai coast Kessy Sawang and several members of parliament.

Prime Minister James Marape and other MPs during the opening of Tapo bridge; Source Facebook

The Treasurer said deficit budgeting aligned with realistic plan remains the appropriate and correct strategy for economic growth.

He said the Tapo bridge construction is an example of Marape-Rosso's deficit budgeting, with good cheap concessional financing, invested into infrastructure projects.

In addition to the Tapo bridge, a further contract for K120m was awarded to Covec PNG Ltd to replace six critical bridges at Mea, Dry Wara, Bora, Gusap and Wasigo sections, which will now allow 24 hour crossings even during times of major flooding which had stopped traffic and movement of people, Ling-Stuckey said in a statement.

Abus na Kumu promotes savings culture

We can change Papua New Guinea if we believe and promote culture that benefits our lives, a culture that ultimately makes us content to live peacefully among others. 

Saving money to invest in durable assets or will become our social security is critical for us.

Modern money may not be our traditional asset and culture  for trade and business, so we are introduced to its importance in trade for survival.

But in this rapid changing global village, we have no choice but to adapt and value the importance of money- more so the value in saving.

Abus Na Kumu a PNG owned business is taking the lead in promoting savings culture.

They should be commended for this and imagine every business proactively does it for their employees.

We would have a society with thousands or millions of people who are rich just by having additional cash in their pockets or bank accounts and who do not just live off a fortnightly pay packet.

 Well Abus na Kumu owned by former rugby union star and PNG Pukpuk Richard Mark officially signed up their entire work force including management and their business to a savings and loan company.

Mark says Nambawan Savings & Loan Society Limited have been their nambawan corporate customer from the beginning as well.

Over the time Abus na Kumu provided their services, they’ve also been exposed to some of Nambawan Savings and Loans product informations and they are pleased to open their employees savings accounts.

The NSLS team visited the Abus na Kimu base at Port Moresby's Kennedy Estate and signed up all their team members.

Picture by Abus na Kumu Facebook 

They now look forward to building a savings culture.

Good luck to the Abus na Kumu team but for all of us, developing and practising a savings culture is critical for us.

Talk to our children when they are at tender age of ten and when they are in their teenage years they are deeply grounded.

When they are starting their twenties they may alrrady have equity for a loan, a car and can access business loan.

They can achieve many other things because they have a savings as security.

Let's do it...

Thursday 13 April 2023

Avoid queues get online

With the advancement in ICT, many services are being offered conveniently for customers online.

Papua New Guinea is playing catch up but in essence its making leaps and bounds. 

This advetisment by Kina Bank in Papua New Guinea ultimately resonates the acessibility  of online services available to customers

It's competitor the Bank South Pacific which has a huge footprint in Papua New Guinea and the Asia Pacific had been accused quite often for failing to assist customer banking needs at branches on time and thus having long queues and customers can take half or pretty much the whole day to be at the bank.

This advertisement by Kina Bank can mean jump online to do banking at ease avoiding long lines or join Kina and not  stand in lines at the other bank.

Happy banking ....

Criteria for pap smear