Showing posts with label James Marape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Marape. Show all posts

Friday 14 April 2023

Papua New Guinea aims to pass a surplus budget by 2027

Treasurer Ian Ling-Stuckey says deficit budgeting aligned with a realistic budget can record surplus by 2027.

He says this can also reduce all sovereign debt by 2034.

Ling-Stuckey said this after the opening of a government funded K20 million Tapo bridge in the inland Rai Coast district of Madang Province.

Prime Minister James Marape was there to open the bridge with several State Ministers, Madang Governor Ramsey Pariwa, Member for Rai coast Kessy Sawang and several members of parliament.

Prime Minister James Marape and other MPs during the opening of Tapo bridge; Source Facebook

The Treasurer said deficit budgeting aligned with realistic plan remains the appropriate and correct strategy for economic growth.

He said the Tapo bridge construction is an example of Marape-Rosso's deficit budgeting, with good cheap concessional financing, invested into infrastructure projects.

In addition to the Tapo bridge, a further contract for K120m was awarded to Covec PNG Ltd to replace six critical bridges at Mea, Dry Wara, Bora, Gusap and Wasigo sections, which will now allow 24 hour crossings even during times of major flooding which had stopped traffic and movement of people, Ling-Stuckey said in a statement.

Saturday 25 May 2019

Major political power play to oust Peter O'Neill

A political power shift surprises Papua New Guinea at yet another weekend of political lobbying as Prime Minister Peter O'Neill faces a stiff indictment that he must forego his leadership.

The tone was clear for the last two months when several of his senior Cabinet ministers resigned and a breakaway by several coalition MPs took place reducing his government number to just more than 60.

His government defeated a potential vote of no confidence in early May 2019 by adjourning Parliament to the end of the month after successfully winning on majority votes, endorsing motions to change the composition of the members of the Private Business Committee.

He then attempted to ask the court to stay a potential vote of no confidence after the Opposition through Patrick Pruaitch filed a motion of no confidence.

This case apparently couldn't be heard by a three man bench of the Supreme Court, as there was no utility.

It was withdrawn by the Prime Minister's lawyers.

The circumstance was a result of an un predicted twist- while the case was on foot the Opposition withdrew its vote of no confidence motion on the premise that they would change the alternate Prime Ministerial nominee, replacing James Marape.

Two MP's who also defected from Peter O'Neill's coalition to the Opposition also back flipped- the increasing social media audience has described the MP's as "political ÿoyos". 

Peter O'Neill through Alotau MP and Treasurer Charles Abel after a long awaited press conference said the coalition was in tact and would defeat a vote of no confidence.

But it seems in PNG this is not true. In PNG politics one must guard its coalition members well and for O'Neill the trend of events meant he must be cautioned that anything can happen.

There was already a crack when his lieutenant and possibly the most trusted person, then leader of government business and Finance Minister James Marape resigned.

Marape's move has commanded, influenced and became an attraction for other MP's to add to the originally committed 24 Opposition MP's under Patrick Pruaitch.

The team dubbed the alternate government has now confirmed 62 members joining the camp, that is six more MP's than the required 56 MP's to successfully elect a Prime Minister.

Do we have a new government now? 

Their mission was to change the political leadership and end Peter O'Neill's reign of close to eight years.
Peter O'Neill was Prime Minister from 2011 to 2019

After holding firm about 49 MPs in the Opposition,  United Resource party Leader William Duma led his 11 MPs defecting from Peter O'Neill's camp at Crown Hotel and joined them at the Laguna Hotel.

Ministers for Higher Education Minister Pila Niningi, Police  Jelta Wong.
and in fact before all Commerce Minister Wera Mori announced his resignation as Minister and joined the opposition.

The number crunch is 62 and that includes 49 original MPs, then adding Wera Mori, Pila Niningi and 11 URP members led by Hagen MP William Duma.

James Marape says the camp still welcome like minded leaders from Peter O'Neill's side.

There are 111 seats in Parliament and with the Opposition commanding 62 basically means Peter O'Neill now runs a minority government.

Is this the end of his Prime Minister's term after ascending to the role controversially in August 2011?

Criteria for pap smear