Thursday 8 June 2023

Papua New Guinea female MP complains about cyber bullying

Papua New Guinea can be a daunting place to express yourself on social media Facebook, the platform thats become so popular and influencial in the recent decade. 

And particularly for females, one can be more prone to cyber bullying with none or delayed justice is administered to assist victims.

First time female Member of Parliament Kessy Sawang decried cyber bullying and has spoken out that a male citizen active on social media Facebook 'is a cyber bully who harreses alot of women online, including me'.

Hon Kessy Sawang Photo Facebook

Sawang, who represents the people of Rai Coast District in Madang said the male person has confirmed to her that he was sarcastic and wanted his friends and  followers to harass, defame and bully her.

"He has on many occasions harrased me so I blocked him," she said. 

"I have no idea who this person (name withheld) is."

" I am mandated by the great people of Rai Coast to carry their voices and aspirations.  

"Not a subject for (name withheld) to harass, bully me and get his followers to harass and ridicule me.   

How have I wrong you (surname withheld)?"

Sawang who is also the vice minister for International Trade and Investment  in the PNG Parliament said the cyber bullying person needed professional counselling as the country's young generation are badly influenced by him.

The MP for Rai Coast says she is filing an official police complaint against her harasser soon.

Papua New Guinea has cyber crime laws but it's ability to arrest and prosecute are usually delayed and the administration of justice takes a fair bit of time.

The local telecommunications authority NICTA has been very proactive promoting education about internet safety, focusing quite strong on young children to be safe from cyber bullying and paedophilia. 

Wednesday 7 June 2023

PNG wants the relationship with Indonesia to expand into trade and economic relations

Following the  visit by Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape to Jakarta, Indonesia in March 2022, Indonesia will reciprocate that with the official visit by President Joko Widodo.

The one day visit slated for July 6, 2023 has been finalised with the Indonesian Ambassador to PNG Andriana Supandi confirming the date.

PNG Prime Minister James Marape (l) and Indonesia President Joko Widodo 

Papua New Guinea and Indonesia forged bilateral ties since 1976 and Indonesia is the only country PNG shares a land and sea border with.

During the last 47 years the bilateral discussions were mostly centered around border relations.

There are existing issues of illegal border crossings, illegal trade of arms and drugs, illegal export of commodities like cocoa and spices. 

The political aspirations by Melanesian West Papuans  who occupy the western end of New Guinea has been a legacy issue.

Since 1969 they continue to press for political independence from Indonesia and successful PNG governments have maintained that the political struggle there is Indonesia's internal matter.

Prime Minister James Marape says the relations between the two countries must now move from talks on border issues to more on trade and economic relations, business-to-business relations and people-to-people relations.

Indonesia has in the last 20 years developed its Batas shopping centre near Wutung in West Sepik to a magnificent modern establishment and Papua New Guineans frequently visit to shop, access medical services, buy electronic appliance, eat at a restaurant or forge business relations with Indonesians-to list a few.

"We will go out of our way to welcome the leader of our closest neighbour, Indonesia, a growing economic powerhouse in the world. Papua New Guinea sees Indonesia as a huge market right at our doorsteps - which we must tap into," Marape said in a statement.

He acknowledged Indonesia as a nation that stood with PNG in many fronts, including being responsible for PNGs admission to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

“They have always been there for us in some difficult times, including the recent COVID-19 crisis, " Marape said. 

‘’I look forward to meeting President Widodo in Port Moresby next month.”

President Widodo’s visit to PNG follows other world leaders recent visits that included Indian Prime Minister Hon. Narendra Modi, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, New Zealand Prime Minister Hon. Chris Hipkins and all Pacific Islands leaders last month.

Tuesday 6 June 2023

Book about fish festival in Lumi

 The Melanesian Institute based in Goroka has announced publication of its first Point Series books. 

It says the book is a description and interpretation of a Fish Festival held at Teloute Village, Lumi in  the West Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea with the discussion of problems met in bringing Christianity to these people.

If you're interested to grab a copy, it is going for K20 only.

Saturday 3 June 2023

Rai Coast district aiming to reach the unreached by road


Less than 12 months into politics as a Member of Parliament representing the people of Rai Coast and female MP Hon Kessy Sawang is not resting.

Being active on social media providing briefs about her meetings, engagements, strategies, and promoting cheap organic local food enjoyed on the run.

Sometimes she gets criticised for the food posts but the MP remains steadfast, focusing on making Rai Coast cheaply accessible to its provincial capital Madang and agriculture must triumph enabling money to land in people's pockets right at their villages.

Hon Sawang has some background in Economics and once worked with the Internal Revenue Commission.

She has announced the launch of the Saidor-Gali road Construction at Sei village at the field near Warup River, ward 5, Rai Coast LLG. The event is slated for June 12, 2023.

"Nearby communities are welcome to witness the launching as we start the small steps in linking the missing link along the Madang-Morobe coastal corridor, " Sawang said.

"The strategy is to start at the furthest and most remote places and work towards Saidor  and Madang."

Children from Nima/Gali.  The background point is Gali, Rai Coast border with Tewae-Siassi.  Unknown and most beautiful well-kept secrets. Photo by Hon Kessy Sawang 

Friday 2 June 2023

Camera field traps in West Sepik capture various animal species

 The Tenkile Conservation Alliance operating out from Lumi in West Sepik had been actively working with the local people to preserve and conserve the endangered Scotts Tree Kangaroo-commonly known as the Tenkile.

Their program had been run since the early 2000s.

Statistics in 1999 has it that only about 100 Tenkiles live along the Torricelli Mountains-Lumi.

A Weimang Tree Kangaroo captured by camera traps Photo TCA

Various programs were introduced and alternate protein like rabbits were introduced so locals do not hunt the endangered Tenkile-its fresh meat is a delicacy for locals.

The TCA has expanded its program to the east along the Torricelli range from Lumi.

This time they are in Sibilanga near the border of the Sepik Provinces.

They are presently collecting camera traps photos  from sites in the area. 

At Asier village Project Manager Caleb Bulu showed the the results to people at an evening show.

Villagers being shown the camera trap pictures Photo TCA

TCA says a number of significant species have been recorded, confirming a number of Weimang tree kangaroos, Grizzled, Dwarf and Northern Cassowary, New Guinea Quoll and Bronzewing.

Photo Tenkile Conservation Alliance 

The Weimang tree kangaroo, a cousin to the Tenkile is found around the Sibilanaga area-Torriceli range.

PNG seasonal worker to earn K59 per hour picking tomatoes

A young woman from Imbonggu, Southern Highlands has been successful to pick tomatoes at a farm in Australia.

This comes under the seasonal workers program and Stephanie Kereme from the Imbonggu Youth Foundation is elated about this  successful facilitation.

Kereme said Dianna Philip ,25, from Iombi village in Imbonggu has received her contract and signed it on June 01, 2023.

Dianna Philip (l) Photo Stephanie Kereme 

Philip did years 10 and 12 but did not further her education in colleges. She now has this nine months employment contract with MADEC Australia.

Contract facilitator Kereme said Philip would be working at a Tomato farm in Victoria, Australia earning AU$26.73 per hour.

That is about K59.89 per hour in PNG currency. 

The minimum wage in PNG is less than K5 per hour.

Philip from the Wanep Tribe applied with the batch one group when data recruitment started in September 2022 and she is the second successful applicant assisted by the Imbonggu Youth Foundation.

Kereme who says she is using her own resources to facilitate the seasonal worker program is excited about this success by the Imbonggu Youth Foundation program.

"Slowly and surely Imbonggu is flying," she said.

Sunday 28 May 2023

PNG pilot secures a home loan through a broker


Have you heard about Asigau Mortgage  Brokers?

Well now you've heard about them.

Simply a special service company that acts between the home loan applicant and the  bank.

You see, how many of of us have time to prepare documents, make an appointment or visit the bank, your superannuation home equity, let alone home estate owners. 

The process is tiring and long but Asigau Mortgage Brokers can manage that for you while you concentrate on your job.

They charge a minimal fee for their services. 

Here is another success story for them..a special day celebeated on Friday May 26, as we guide another fellow Papua New Guinean 🇵🇬 to sign his approved Home Loan documents with Kina Bank Ltd. 

Mr Waita Kama is an Airline Pilot for Air Niugini currently serving as a B737 First Officer and rarely has time available to pursue the goal of owning a home. 

Well, surprise! surprise! We assisted make this possible for him by getting his proposal across in 4 days and his documents signed. 

Thank you to Mr. John Rifu (Senior Home Loans Officer) who made it seamless for us to get this through from start to finish. 

Mr. Kama secures a top of the range Elly Build High-set 3x Bedroom House from Arminko PNG LTD and 600sqm of land in an established estate. 

A great home with heaps of land.

 For us, it is what we strive to achieve - another Papua New Guinean getting the home they deserve in their own country. 

Kina Bank announced in February 2021 it has partnered with the country’s first mortgage broker, Asigau Mortgage Brokers Ltd, to make the process of finding and applying for a new home loan as simple as possible. 

An MOU was signed between Kina and Asigau Mortgage Brokers in December 2020.

Asigau Mortgage Brokers will offer customers independent, expert advice on the best home loan options, guide customers through the home loan application process and help complete paperwork.

 Asigau will operate as an intermediary institution, liaising with banks on the customer’s behalf and allowing them the peace of mind of knowing their application will arrive at Kina Bank accurate and complete.

For assistance with plans to secure your first home email the AMB Team at or call us on 7853 9833.

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