Showing posts with label Joko Widodo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joko Widodo. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 June 2023

PNG wants the relationship with Indonesia to expand into trade and economic relations

Following the  visit by Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape to Jakarta, Indonesia in March 2022, Indonesia will reciprocate that with the official visit by President Joko Widodo.

The one day visit slated for July 6, 2023 has been finalised with the Indonesian Ambassador to PNG Andriana Supandi confirming the date.

PNG Prime Minister James Marape (l) and Indonesia President Joko Widodo 

Papua New Guinea and Indonesia forged bilateral ties since 1976 and Indonesia is the only country PNG shares a land and sea border with.

During the last 47 years the bilateral discussions were mostly centered around border relations.

There are existing issues of illegal border crossings, illegal trade of arms and drugs, illegal export of commodities like cocoa and spices. 

The political aspirations by Melanesian West Papuans  who occupy the western end of New Guinea has been a legacy issue.

Since 1969 they continue to press for political independence from Indonesia and successful PNG governments have maintained that the political struggle there is Indonesia's internal matter.

Prime Minister James Marape says the relations between the two countries must now move from talks on border issues to more on trade and economic relations, business-to-business relations and people-to-people relations.

Indonesia has in the last 20 years developed its Batas shopping centre near Wutung in West Sepik to a magnificent modern establishment and Papua New Guineans frequently visit to shop, access medical services, buy electronic appliance, eat at a restaurant or forge business relations with Indonesians-to list a few.

"We will go out of our way to welcome the leader of our closest neighbour, Indonesia, a growing economic powerhouse in the world. Papua New Guinea sees Indonesia as a huge market right at our doorsteps - which we must tap into," Marape said in a statement.

He acknowledged Indonesia as a nation that stood with PNG in many fronts, including being responsible for PNGs admission to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

“They have always been there for us in some difficult times, including the recent COVID-19 crisis, " Marape said. 

‘’I look forward to meeting President Widodo in Port Moresby next month.”

President Widodo’s visit to PNG follows other world leaders recent visits that included Indian Prime Minister Hon. Narendra Modi, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, New Zealand Prime Minister Hon. Chris Hipkins and all Pacific Islands leaders last month.

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