Showing posts with label Commentary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commentary. Show all posts

Friday 28 June 2024

The uncontrolled street vending

 Will the country not face any challenges in regulating street vending in future.

You see they are sprouting every where as the vendors please.

This is quite a concern. 

Monday 24 June 2024

Stringent requirements to open a Kina Bank account

 It's not a walk in the park yo open a Kina Bank account in Papua New Guinea.

Yes you have to comply with all requirements, even if it means providing duplicate information like your date of birth.

This information contained in your valid drivers licence is not sufficient.

I stress its not sufficient.

This information has yo be captured in your letter of confirmation of employment and identification from your employer as well.

I went through this and I am sharing with you.

I got everything alright with my digital identification, but they declined my application because the date of birth was not stated in the confirmation letter.

The good staff at the downtown branch though vouched for my application to be considered because information about my DOB is clearly stated in my valid drivers licence, it was declined.

So essentially, my point here is ensure you have all details and ID prepared before you turn up at the bank or you face a run around before you open an account with Kina.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Inflation has hit PNG big time

 It's not rocket science to work this out.

Prices of food items have gone up. It changed immensely within a month or less.

Below is an adertìsement or promotion for TST that's more than 20 years ago.

Don't you wish we could go back to these prices?

I was at a quick shop at the Boroko Drive Mobil Service station this morning.

A man went to buy chicken and one kilogram packet of Roots Rice.

As a regular at that shop, he knew the price to be K4.60 but to his surprise it has gone up to K6.00.

The cashiers apologised to him that prices have changed much lately.

The Post Courier will now be selling at all regional centres for K5.00 per cover except Port Moresby and Lae which should maintain the K2.00 cover price.

It's General Manager Frank Genaia says the distribution cost for air freight have gone up.

For alcohol consumers a six pack of SP Lager in bottle and can have gone up at most retail outlets.

It used to be K42.00, it is now K45.00

A K100.00 note is worth about K30.00 these days.

Salaries of many public servants would be quite a challenge to amend and increase due to cumbersome processes. 

Private companies may also need to dig deeper to compensate its employees and remain in business.

Times are indeed tough and yes most average employees are struggling to pay K400.00 a fortnight rent for a room.

God help Papua New Guinea.

Thursday 13 June 2024

What is a Section 18 Supreme Court Reference

 It appears the Opposition has taken a step forward and filed an application in the Supreme Court as a reference under Section 18 (1) of the Constitution.

This provision allows any ordinary citizen who is aggrieved by Constitutional matters can file.

But why has the Opposition taken this course?

Plainly, it's a strategy to ensure they are not recognised by the court as having legal standing.

They will correct their mistakes and come back for a second bite at the same apple through Sect 19 (1).

This section is used by Constitutional office holders and the leader of the Opposition is one.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Vodafone or Telikom

 Each to his or her own choice.  Here I provide my feedback comparing Vodafone and Telikom PNG services in data and calls.

Firstly, both have some great plans for on net and off net calls. But I think Telikom's plans are better than Vodafone.

Telikom has unlimited on net calls while Vodafone has set time for on net calls.

For off net, they both have some good packages but I still like Telikom's. 

Now the next is data.

Both have some good data plans for three one day and more.

But I have found Telikom data to be more reliable to use. Vodafone data access is not as reliable as Telikom.

So I lost my Telikom SIM through robbery and got a Vodafone SIM.

But I have gone back to Telikom and I post this using Telikom data.

There is less downtime than Vodafone. 

Drop your comments below about your experiences and let's influence data pricing and call plans from our the telecommunication companies.

Friday 31 May 2024

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Why did Belden Namah defect to the government?

This is probably the question many pro Belden Namah who regard him as an action corruption fighter and straight shooter want to know.

Well here is the scoop.

Saturday 18 May 2024

How to get paid by PayPal in Papua New Guinea

It's very challenging if you are based in Papua New Guinea and needs to get paid by PayPal.

It's just impossible. PayPal cannot wire monies into any PNG bank accounts. 

So here I share with you a possible alternative.

You can use YouTube if your channel has been monetised. And you can use its payment gateway system-Google Adsense.

What you do is go to your monetised YouTube account and buy the Super Thanks using money from your PayPal account.

You can super thanks from as low as $2 to maximum $500.

The money then goes to your YouTube Google Adsense account and once you reach a minimum threshold of USD$100 they pay to your PNG Bank account on the 21st of the following month.

This is possible if you have entered the PIN of four digits Google have mailed to you. You will be prompted to input your PNG bank account details.

I have tried Bank South Pacific and it worked. 

So as long as you reach a minimum of $100 every month Google Adsense will pay on the the 21 of the following month direct to your PNG bank account.

Cheers and keep blogging or uploading YouTube videos.

Thursday 9 May 2024

Dr Paulias Miroi

 An outreach by health officials into the hinterland areas of West Sepik has encountered a lot of findings. 

Dr Paulias Miroi and a dentist based at a Catholic Church run Raihu Hospital says there is need for people who can provide basic procedures to be based there. 

He has appealed to districts to fund positions. 

Click here to listen to Paulias Miroi

Sunday 5 May 2024

Selling spare parts on Port Moresby streets

 From the outset businesses selling spare parts in Port Moresby is a lucrative business.

These are business that import parts, sell and pay business tax to government. 

But then there is the competitor in informal spare part sales. 

No office space. No tax receipts. They just take over pedestrians walk ways and set up their illegal sales. 

Why illegal? It's not a designated business location.

In saying that PNG will face serious crisis in future if it can't regulate this soon.

Things are getting out of hand and people are doing as they please. 

The breakfast

 Living in a home and having breakfast is totally different to being a normad.  Yes. Because a normad only finds a place to rest and recuperate and then wonders to find food and water.

Having a cup of tea and a dough nut should be suffice to kick start the day.

This is look no

Tuesday 30 April 2024

How Tokaut Tokstret podcast on YouTube grew

 How to trigger and attract views and subscribers on YouTube is pretty basic but one has to have the art to craft it.

Watch this podcast by TokautTokstret 

He had less than 100 subscribers. 

But just within two weeks or a month his subscribers shot to nearly 1000.

See 👇👇👇👇 screenshot.

Registering 1000 subscribers is in fact one criteria met for YouTube monetisation.

The other is to have 4,000 watch hours in a year.

Now Tokaut Tokstret podcast had 33000 views for this episode only. If this stats indicates a full one hour watch on this podcast, they had went over 4,000 watch hours.

Ticked, Tokaut Tokstret would be invited by YouTube to monetise content.

Now let me get back to the crux of my post. See why just one YouTube post attracted so many views and subscribers. Tokaut Tokstret was able to control the interview very well.

The discussions attracted interest from viewers. 

It was of high quality stuff. You can read comments from viewers.

If the target audience, was East Sepik Province people, well crunch the potential interested viewers.

Kudos to GG at Tokaut Tokstret podcast

Sunday 28 April 2024

Water is life

 This statement is uncontestable. 

Water, energy and air makes the world go round.

Shut them and the world perishes.

In Papua New Guinea having access to purified clean drinking water at homes is a challenge.

Only a few who live in urban areas connected to a water supply plant have access to clean drinking water or for shower and laundry. 

But hang in there.  The rise in production of purified water bottles has made it possible for even ghetto dwellers to drink clean water.

This new kid at the market- Poro Purified Water is retailing at K1 .00 📣📣📣📣👇👇👇👇💪

That's a huge price reduction from Coca-Cola bottled water that retails at K3.00

So there's competition in selling water which is fantastic.

No one has monopoly.

The greater art of business and survival really cuts the throat as competition  starts.

Look at finance, aviation, media, retails,  fast food takeaway outlets, hoteliering and security firms to name but a few.

One has to be on top in business and it's challenges to manoeuvre through the tough seasons.

If not we'll just need to close doors. So diversification is critical to keep you afloat.

Friday 26 April 2024

Australia and PNG Prime Ministers walk part of Kokoda track

 The Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea holds a significant history of war that cements the bond between Australia and Papua New Guinea decades on.

It was in 1942 the Australians and local PNG Fuzzy Dizzy Angels fought side by side to stop the advancing Japanese forces. 

In politics this historical war event bonds Australia and PNG as brothers, sisters and friends. 

After a three days visit to Papua New Guinea, Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese departed Port Moresby Thursday morning (26 April, 2024).

He becomes the first sitting Australian Prime Minister to partially walk the famous Kokoda track from Kokoka to Isurava and commemorated the first ANZAC day dawn service there.

Although Albanese’s visit was supposed to be low key, his counterpart James Marape said would be remiss of PNG not to afford the chief leader of a close friend a great honor.

It began on Tuesday evening when Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was hosted to a pre- ANZAC Day dinner at Papua New Guinea’s Parliament house by Prime Minister James Marape.

Mr Marape acknowledged Mr Albanese and his Australian people as brothers and sisters, a country PNG cannot take for granted.

He said Australia stood side by side with PNG through thick and thin and due respect must be reciprocated when their leader visits.

Both Prime Ministers took the historical Kokokda Track and ended with a first ever ANZAC day dawn service at Isurava before arriving in Port Moresby and Albanese departed for Australia just after 9am Thursday morning.

Mr Albansese posted on his social media LinkedIn : 

"Courage. Endurance. Mateship. Sacrifice.

Words that adorn the Memorial at Isurava on the Kokoda Track where I was honoured to commemorate Anzac Day at a moving ceremony, together with PNG Prime Minister James Marape.

It is heartening to see so many Australians who have made the journey to be here.

We paused to remember the sacrifices of those who fought to defend this land.
Anzac Day asks us to stand against the erosion of time, and to hold on to their names. To hold on to their deeds.

We will remember them.

Lest we forget."

In a typical Australian country fashion wearing akubra hats and stockman boots, Mr Albanese emerged from his vehicle walked on the red carpet and greeted PNG officials before chatting a bit longer with PNG Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Tkatchenko and then ascended to his waiting Royal Australian Airforce plane.

While in the country he said walking side by side and step by step with Mr James Marape is an important symbolism of walking together for a better future and reigniting the Kokoda Spirit during war

He said Australia is committed to helping PNG to develop the social and economic sectors and improve security in the Indo Pacific Region.

Australia and the United States have been concerned about the influence of China in the region recently.

Mr Albanese said both countries have to shape the future today as partners, neighbours and friends.

He has been the Australian Prime Minister to visit PNG every year, invited James Marape as the first Pacific Island leader to address the Australian Parliament and Mr Albanese has promised to be back in PNG to commemorate 50 years of Independence next year.

Sunday 14 April 2024

This is how we live at settlements in Port Moresby

A family or a person can rent a room for as low as K150 per fortnight.

This room can cater for father, mother and children.

They sleep, cook, eat in there.

Toilets and shower can be shared with other tenants who also rent a room in the building or around that property are which has a common square for relaxation. The rooms can three metres by three metres.

Access to water and shower facilities can be a pain compared to renting a house or unit.

A three bedroom unit can cost around K4000 a month and that's just out of reach in rental budgets for many employees.

The government has a ministry and a company called the National Housing Corporation formerly called the National Housing Commission.

Their primary role is to build affordable housing for people and collect rents.

But lately it had come under immense criticism for it's failure to build and provide affordable and decent housing to Papua New Guineans.

The NHC has however been making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

A particular one is changing of people appointed to be managing directors.

Been in and out of court for sometime.

May be if a government can find a solution to addressing housing woos in Port Moresby or any other centre for that matter, that government would have it's name indelibly etched in people's hearts.

Who's going to address the serious housing woos now?

Friday 12 April 2024

Kundu Club and Pokies

 Kundu Club at Five Mile in Port Moresby should be investigated by lawful authorities and it's licence revoked.


Here are what's happening.

Patrons are just smoking anywhere in the club openly without a concern from guards that they have to go to a designated smoking zone area.

The bad air with aircon is affecting non smokers.

The guards are drunk when on duty.

I saw a guard forcefully remove someone enjoying himself at a table when the guard wants another person with his beer and girlfriend to enjoy the place.

We should have regulatory organisations monitor and penalize owners for the sake and promotion of everyone's health.

This is serious. We got to act now.

Revoke Kundu Clubs licence. Get them to tow in line.

No smoking in the club. Use a designated area.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

What CapCut can do amazes me

 Stop wasting your time and being ignorant like me. Step into it now.

Yes I am digging into CapCut a video editing software available for use on smart phones and even on desktops.

When my 13 year old son was promoting CapCut I went belongs to kids or lazy producers who only depend on automation and templates to bring their imagery production ideas to life.

Now I am so wowed and amazed by what CapCut can do. Seriously it rocks and very user friendly. You can do what you want effortlessly.

For example doing voice to text on screen. Damn top. Just to name but a few.

Looking into the future with accessibility and affordability of data improving, anyone into digital content creation will benefit immensely using CapCut.

So I encourage PNG citizens to dig into it. Use it. 

Start producing and monetise your content. Let's grow together. 

With CapCut you can do anything with audio, video and photo.

Let's go, it's exciting time. 

Start today, reap in future.

Sunday 7 April 2024

Content development strategy on Linkedin

 This is a good free tip.

Do you know LinkedIn is a powerful social media platform that you can achieve so many things.

You can secure jobs, find business customers, earn some money etc

There is a stark contrast between Linkedin and other platforms.

LinkedIn is more focus on sharing about what we as a team can do-it focuses on leadership.

If you know how to develop content you should be in the most successful place.

Can you monetise Facebook content in Papua New Guinea

 This is a gold question content makers in Papua New Guinea want straight answers to because there is an exponential growth in customers using social media Facebook.

Well from the outset, the short answer is you can't monetise digital content on Facebook if you reside in Papua New Guinea.

That is very sad.

But Meta the owner of Facebook approves monetisation if you live in Indonesia.

Indonesia is not far from PNG and so people who live near the border might try getting over to Indonesia (Jayapura) and see if your content can be monetised.

You have to be eligible having 5000 subscribers. 

Uploaded few contents and reaching some required minutes of watch time.

The Secretary for the Department of Information and Communications Technology Stephen Matainaho says have are having a dialogue with Meta and Google to enable monetisation of Facebook content in Papua New Guinea 

Social media users in PNG now stand at over 800,000 and there are over three million internet users.

Friday 29 March 2024

PNG punters labelled Pacific Racing University students

 It's like a whole day's work every day for some of these punters at Pacific Racing betting locations. 


But you know why they are committed to just punting, the winning stats on paper is very lucrative for a less than K10 gamble. 

See this flexi accumulator bet above.

This is for K8 gamble that all the NRL teams chosen would win between 1 to 12 points.

The total amount to be won is more than K105, 000 but Pacific Racing's maximum payout is only K60,000.

Criteria for pap smear