Thursday 11 May 2023

West Sepik politics a must observe region in 2022 National General Elections

A province not too highly acclaimed in the development index, West Sepik though has become famous in the last decade playing some influential roles in the making or breaking of Papua New Guinea governments.

Vanimo (Lido) village in the foreground and Vanimo Town at the back

Belden Namah, a former army captain in the PNG Defence Force and nicknamed "Skull" is undoubtedly a name indelibly inked to the province as a mover and shaker of PNG politics.

He is the incumbent Member of Parliament representing the people of Vanimo Green River district.

Vanimo Green River comprises the local level governments of Vanimo Urban, Bewani Wutung Onei, Walsa, Amanab and further south and inland from Vanimo is Green River.

Namah is also the Opposition Leader and he served almost more than 10 years in the opposition.

At one instance, he was "one man" opposition. 

A son of a laymen in the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church from Somboi village, Bewani in the hinterland south of Vanimo, he says he fears no one but God.

He was one of the pioneers of Vanimo Provincial High School and then attended Sogeri National High School before joining the PNGDF cadet program and studied at the Royal Military College, Duntron in Canberra.

He became famous during the Sandline crisis when him and other soldiers forced Sandline mercenary boss Tim Spicer to leave Papua New Guinea.

Namah was later charged with mutiny, found guilty by the court and sentenced to prison.

He was paroled in 2003 and pardoned by GC Sir Michael Somare in 2005.

He became so involved with landholders of logging projects in the Vanimo TRP area and Amanab FMA protesting against Vanimo Forest Products and demanding the Provincial Forest Management Committee (PFMC) award logging licences to landowner companies.

Namah became powerful with money and was chartering Air Niugini Fokker 100's to Vanimo frequently in leading two years before 2007.

The Momase region volleyball tournament was hosted in Vanimo mid 2007 and Namah was the major sponsor.

Riding on his fame as a local who joined other military personnel and went against a government decision, kicking out Sandline-Namah's fame grew more and more.

He contested the Vanimo Green River open seat endorsed by Sir Michael Somare's National Alliance Party and won.

Wednesday 10 May 2023

PNG police officers served with disciplinary charges

Police Media Statement

Three police officers in the National Capital District have been served with Serious Disciplinary Charges (SDOR) by the Police Internal Investigation Unit yesterday in relation to a video that went viral in the social media.

They were seen consuming what appears to be methamphetamine or ice.

The three were only served with administrative charges because when they were apprehended on May 6 at a city Lodge there was no evidence of any illicit substance in their possession.

Assistant Commissioner of Police and Commander for the National Capital District and Central Province Divisional Command, Anthony Wagambie Jr, said the three police officers were arrested and detained at the Gordon Police Station.

ACP Anthony Wagambie Jr

A search warrant was obtained and one of the policeman`s house was searched but nothing was found.

Mr Wagambie Jnr said out of the three police officers, one was served with four SDORs, the second with three and the third with two. 

He said the three men have denied consuming methamphetamine, however, they were served with administrative charges because of their actions which were captured on video and uploaded on the internet.

ACP Wagambie Jnr said they were strongly cautioned and advised that they are now in the spotlight, and everyone will be watching them. 

He said with the increase in the production, distribution, and consumption of methamphetamine in the NCD Central command, any police officer caught involved directly or indirectly will be dealt with and will be recommended for dismissal.

Mr Wagambie Jnr said policemen caught dealing or using methamphetamine or any other illicit drugs will be arrested and charged criminally if they are caught. 

He urged the public to provide information if they know of police officers involved in this illegal activity.

He said the three who were served with disciplinary charges will be closely monitored by the NCD Central Divisional Command for further actions to be taken if warranted.

Mr Wagambie Jnr said the police force is not the place for drug dealers and users and bold moves are now being initiated by the management of the Constabulary to identify and remove such people.

Papua New Guinea prepares to host world leaders

Leaders of the world's largest economies will visit Papua New Guinea this month and security preparations have been worked at.

Prime Minister James Marape told the the media security is expected to be beefed up during their arrivals.

US President Joe Biden is expected to arrive on the afternoon of May 22, 2023- no specific time has been disclosed yet.

He will spend about three hours having bilateral talks with Prime Minister James Marape and other Pacific Island leaders.

About 18 Pacific Island leaders will be in Port Moresby as well.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi will arrive earlier on Sunday at 11pm local time.

Marape has urged citizens to afford both leaders the warmest PNG welcome.

He said there will be ample meeting time given to both leaders.

PNG seeks United States assistance to set better banking regulations

Key points

  • PNG banking regulations not delivering expected services
  • United States willing to help PNG 
  • PNG must work with  international partners to lighten the burden as a result of unintended consequences of global regulations

Papua New Guinea Minister for Treasury Ian Ling-Stuckey met with the United States Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary Robert Kaproth in Korea discussing challenges around establishing better banking regulations and servicing the people.

Ian Ling-Stuckey,
PNG Treasurer Ian Ling-Stuckey MP meets the United States Treasury Team

“PNG’s banking regulations are not delivering good enough services for our people. Too many of our people are left unbanked, and those in the banking system face high costs and often poor services," Ling-Stuckey said in a statement following the meet with Kaproth.

Ling-Stuckey believes the United States can be a valuable friend as the country examines best global regulations.

He identified legacy issues like  many of our people are left unbanked, and those in the banking system face high costs and often poor services  are being rendered. 

Ling-Stuckey said part of the problem is domestic, where businesses keep telling him of excessive red tape. 

But he said the Marape-Rosso Government has targeted improved banking regulation as the key part of the second phase of recommended reforms to the Central Bank Act being examined by the Independent Advisory Group. 

He said part of the problem comes from international factors.

"Like other countries in the Pacific and Caribbean, are suffering the unintended consequences of well-meaning global regulation dealing with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing. 

"As highlighted through my Chairing of the Pacific Governors Group at the recent Asian Development Bank annual meeting, we are asking for a stronger Pacific voice in the negotiation of international financial rules," Ling-Stuckey said in a statement.

The treasurer has outlined several issues to the US  Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary and he was sympathetic to the PNG issues.

“I outlined the challenges PNG were facing in response to these global rules. 

"Government cheques were regularly being bounced. At the district level, it was taking upwards of five months to clear a government cheque, even though it was paid from one government body to another government body. 

"Farmers were not able to bank the Kina they earned when selling their harvest, as often they could not prove their “source of funds”. 

“We must work with our international partners to lighten the burden on our families and farmers of the unintended consequences of global regulation,”  Ling-Stuckey said.

“I was pleased that the US offered to send a team to examine possible technical assistance to move back to a proper “risk-based” approach to our financial regulations. PNG needs some constructive advice, and it will help inform decision-makers in the US of how some global regulations are hampering our development. 

The Treasurer sad PNG has no economic crisis as PNG has record levels of foreign exchange reserves and a very healthy trade surplus. 

He said  the IMF program would build international confidence in backing the Marape-Rosso government's home-grown economic reforms. 

Ling-Stuckey said the historic visit by the US President Joe Biden on May 22, 2023 would have a positive impact on PNG and the Pacific with further discussions to continue on how PNG can also gain greater access to US grant funding programs. 

Tuesday 9 May 2023

PNG remains friend to all as it courts US President this month

The race to have influence in the Pacific is reaching unprecedented momentum. China is seen by Western allies as a threat to Pacific's peace and stability.  Who should PNG be courting?

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape says the country is ready to receive and host United States President Joe Biden.

He released an official statement about Biden's visit after the White House confirmed it.

James Marape, Papua New Guinea,

PNG Prime Minister James Marape

Biden will make a historical visit to Papua New Guinea on Monday May 22, 2023.

It would be a three hours stop over for Biden enroute to Australia.

Eighteen Pacific Island countries leaders' will also be in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea during that period and they will have the opportunity to meet the US President as well.

President Biden will have a bilateral meeting with PNG Prime  Minister James Marape and the other Pacific Island leaders.

The United States has recently opened a modern embassy office at Konedobu in Port Moresby and is funding electricity projects in Papua New Guinea.

Commentators say they can't recall when any US president has visited PNG, let alone any Pacific Island nation and this is certainly historical.

The Royal PNG Constabulary has already begun security preparations work for the US presidents visit.

Police Commissioner David Manning said details about the operations will not be disclosed but the security personnel have undergone some comprehensive training with their Australian counterparts during the hosting of Apec in 2018.

Apart from the US President, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi will also be visiting PNG and the Pacific Island leaders will be meeting with him for the Forum for India Pacific Islands Corporation.

Prime Minister James Marape says PNG and other Pacific Island nations cannot be ignored when conversations concern the Indo-Pacific.

"With our combined forest and sea areas, we have the world’s greatest carbon sink, and the biggest sea and air space on earth. We also face the greatest threat to our existence as climate change affects our lifestyles and our economies," Marape said.

Marape said he was honoured that the US President had accepted the invite to visit PNG after their meetings in New York and Washington recently.

The US and its allies Australia and New Zealand have been wary of China's interventions in the Pacific and are stepping up their presence and development projects in the Pacific.

Marape has maintained that PNG remains committed to its foreign policy of friends to all and enemies to none, essentially trumpeting PNG will court China and anyone in progressing development agenda.


Remote Eastern Highlands community receives electric lawn mower

The community at Mibu in the Eastern Highlands were not able to access air services for sometime.

This was due to soft ground on the runway.

But MAF who had been been serving remote communities for 70 years has finally landed at Mibu again with a huge surprise.

It says on it social media page, the Goroka based pilot Brad Venter flew the New Tribes Mission (Ethnos 360) there to drop off a new lawn mover.

The lawn mover is said to be the first of its kind in Papua New Guinea.

"It's a rechargeable electric heavy duty mower that will be charged by solar. The first in PNG," MAF says.

" This should help the community keep the airstrip in good condition.

"This is critical because the airstrip is a lifeline for them and enables the missionaries to get in and out easily which really helps the work they are doing there."

Sunday 7 May 2023

National Housing Corporation in turmoil as personnel fight over top post

The position of the Managing Director at the National Housing Corporation has come under scrutiny again following a National Court decision which found that the appointment of the incumbent Henry Mokono in October 2021 did not follow  proper process.

 Residential housing in Port Moresby

The court decision on April 28, 2023 which stemmed from a judicial review filed by former acting Managing Director Elizabeth Bowada concluded that the NHC board was not consulted during the displacement of Bowada and the appointment of Mokono.

Bowada has argued through the judicial review that under the Regulatory Statutory Act (RSA) the NHC Board must be consulted or the process was flawed.

Mr Mokono has released a statement being concerned that following the courts ruling by Deputy Chief Justice Ambeng Kandakasi, Bowada's team had attempted to take over the office of the NHC but he said the court ruling 'never' gave orders for Bowada to assume the role as MD.

He has appealed to the police hierarchy within the NCD Metropolitan Command to issue instructions to their officers to stand down and not to take sides and disrupt normal operations of the NHC, and protect state institutions and public servants.

Mokono who was appointed to the position on October 26,2021 said his lawyers were already in Court and appealing the ruling by Deputy Chief Justice, Ambeng Kandakasi as well as seeking further clarifications on his April 28, 2023 ruling on Bowada’s judicial review.

Since his appointment, Mokono highlights tasks he had progressed in the areas  not limited to:    

• implementing a new organizational structure, staff development and up-skilling to bring credibility to the organization;
• installing accountability, transparency, good governance, restoring virtues and best practices;
• down-sizing of NHC work force from 380 to 218 and saving government of K6 million in wages annually;
• Deliver the stalled Durand Farm Housing project;
• Renovation of the NHC Tokarara headquarters which government has already allocated more than K10 million for this purpose;
• Cleansing and prosecution of those engaged in corruption and the mess in the NHC and restoring public confidence in the organization. 


Criteria for pap smear