Sunday 9 August 2020

Mine worker in Lihir tests positive to Covid-19 as Ok Tedi suspends operations following seven reported cases

 Newcrest Mining Limited today confirmed a 30-year-old male has tested positive to Covid-19. The case is a mine employee who had flown in from Port Moresby on 30 July.

Last week Ok Tedi Mine in Western Province reported seven cases and the management has since shut down operations.

The Lihir Mine employee reported positive during the routine screening process for all incoming workers where a mandatory screening and 14-day quarantine process is effected upon arrival on the mine site.

The patient is part of 26 confirmed cases reported today by the National Pandemic Control Centre in Port Moresby.

Included in the 26 reported cases is another confirmed case from Lae. The patient is a 53-year-old female employee of a government institution who had recently spent time in China.

The other 24 cases are from the National Capital District, 11 of which have been identified through increased testing at Wanigela settlement in Koki.

The 26 reported cases today bring the total to 214 confirmed COVID-19 cases in PNG.

“Thank you to all community members and leaders for a combined effort to contain this outbreak.

“We are encouraging residents from other suburbs in Port Moresby to report to the nearest clinic in your area if you have a cough, sore throat or flu like illness.

“Please protect your family, community and country by getting tested.

Papua New Guineans should have Moringa drink sessions rather than beer sessions

Have you ever heard about Moringa?

Well if you haven't this is your introduction to good health and long life.

Rest assured but I must remind you that this is not a professional health write up.

It is based on my experiences and reading.

I write this from Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea and in here Moringa trees grow almost everywhere I drive past.

It so however becomes apparent that few people are taking it.

And this is my concern. Why not?

Are people not aware of its magnificent benefits.

It is touted as the Tree of Life and it has increased amounts of food nutrients that makes our body function at optimum- increases or stables our immune system.

I have been taking Moringa since 2015 and I must say its made me feel healthy and improved my commitment to hours of work, stables my mind under pressure, improves my eyesight (no longer wearing glasses) and I have lost weight from a massive 110.

Last week I checked my BMI and I was at a healthy range.

Moringa helps to ensure our kidney, heart, lung, liver and mind is detoxed and our metabolism works well.

In doing so we lose fat and weight and feel healthy.

I found Moringa to be a very effective stress buster.

Get home from work feeling stressed over somethings not working well, get a few leaves put them in a cup and poor boiling water on it.

Let it brew for 5 minutes and then strain it to a cup and sip like a tea.

Your mind is just perfect in happy state. That's how powerful Moringa is.

It also eases anxiety, lowers blood pressure, cleans urinary tracts and blood vessels.

I take Morina in three ways

  • The first is getting fresh green leaves from the garden and place them in a tea pot. Then poor boiled water on it and let it brew for five minutes. The water turns green or slightly colored. Have a strainer over a cup and pour into it. Enjoy like tea
  • The other is getting dried pods ( I don't have a picture here) and open it. You'll see seeds in there. Open them like peanuts and eat the seeds. They are very sweet like lolly. 
  • My final one is having the powder in a cup and pour cold water on it. Stir and drink it.
It several shops like the NZ Health Shop at Brian Bell's Gordons Plaza, Port Moresby, they sell this Moringa powder in capsules. A packet costs around K90.

I am very convinced about Moringa's benefits and so I recommend everyone to get it. Not just when you're sick but when your healthy and it keeps your immune system up, detoxes our body organs, we live long and healthy.

So instead of having beer sessions, let's have moments where we gather, and drink Moringa to detox ourselves for longer and healthy lives.

Saturday 8 August 2020

Papua New Guinea reports 25 new Covid-19 cases as its record nears 200

The National Pandemic Control Centre has confirmed 25 new cases last night bringing the total COVID-19 cases in Papua New Guinea to 188 to date.

This includes 24 cases from the National Capital District and one from the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARoB). The results were announced tonight after testing 319 samples from NCD, AROB, Morobe and Simbu.

The ARoB patient is a 22-year-old student who travelled from Port Moresby to Buka recently. More details of the youth will be announced later following contact tracing.

A male foreigner was also reported positive at the Pacific International Hospital after he was sick with cold and flu symptoms and shortness of breath. The foreigner is a close contact of 12 other Filipinos who were confirmed positive on Wednesday 5 August. The foreigners work for a construction company and have no recent travel history out of the country.

The individual brings to total 15 foreigners who have been tested positive in Papua New Guinea. This includes the index case of 20 March, the Australian Defence personnel and the 13 Filipinos from this week. All the 13 Filipinos have been isolated at the Rita Flynn Isolation Centre.

Over the past 22 days Papua New Guinea has seen a 7.5 per cent increase in the number of cases, bringing the total number of positive cases to 188.

Deputy Controller of the National Pandemic Response Dr Paison Dakulala said, “This is an increase of 177 cases in 22 days and it is important that we start taking responsibility for our health and that of our family and community.

“Papua New Guinea in the past 22 days has confirmed 177 cases, out of which 167 are from NCD and 10 from the provinces.

“The youngest is a two year-old from Western Province. The infant was one of the seven cases from Tabubil that was recently announced.

“Isolation and contact tracing of the patients will start tonight as the surveillance team in NCD gather more details about the 25 cases.”

Meanwhile the Rita Flynn Isolation Centre has reopened testing after staff went on strike for non-payment of salaries.

“We understand the critical role the health staff at the Rita Flynn are playing therefore we have resolved the issue today (7 August).

“Effective contact tracing by the provinces have indicated that the transmission was from people who had recently been in Port Moresby. These include the confirmed cases of AROB, Western, West Sepik and Southern Highlands provinces who have been contacts of cases who have been in Port Moresby,” said Deputy Controller Dr Dakulala, adding that as of tonight, there will travel restrictions limiting persons travelling by aircraft from one province in PNG to another province.

“This is part of the government’s strategy to contain the spread of the transmission to other provinces.

“Other strategies include the setting up of testing areas in urban clinics in NCD, including the calling out the PNG Defense Force to assist the police in the COVID-19 emergency operations.

“We are calling on all Papua New Guineans to adhere and practice health measures by washing your hands, coughing into your elbows, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, avoid crowded areas and stay at home if you are sick,” Dr Dakulala said.

Thursday 6 August 2020

West Sepik provincial assembly members inducted on their roles and responsibilities

Local Level Government presidents and Commissioners in West Sepik last week were inducted about their roles and responsibilities at the sub national level.

A team of officials from the Department of Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs, the Department of Implementation and Rural Development, Finance and Parliamentary Services were in Vanimo.

West Sepik has four districts of Vanimo Green River, Aitape-Lumi, Nuku and Telefomin.

It has 18 LLG’s and 236 wards.

Director of District Development Authority at DPLGA Frank Akrakri said the presidents should work closely with the district administrators and the public servants in the district to assist them plan for projects and development in their wards.

This is the first time such a workshop was conducted in West Sepik and many had applauded as an eye opener.

They were now ready to plan and run their local level governments in their respective districts.

They have realized that in the past few members and the chairman control assembly meetings and passed agenda on projects that are not viable and beneficial to everyone in the community.

The aim of the workshop was to help presidents know and understand their roles and responsibilities so that they can deliver services to people.

Brian Bell Gordon's Plaza exhilarates me

Hey Port Moresby residents.

The refurbished Gordon's Plaza by Brian Bell is a must visit latest shopping amenity.

From the outside well you have ample parking and easy drive in and out. More like 360 degrees access.

To me if there was an emergency, everyone could leave quick and easy.

May be that was the agenda with the design and construction.

When I first visited, I was indeed exhilarated.

Too clean. Well set up. Feels like home.

I walked in from the south end where Trends Hair and Beauty Shop is on left and the re-branded ( I think) Keynote Music is on the right.

I was quick to grab a recorder from Keynote for my daughters music class.

It was calm, dim and nice inside like you've walked into a pub where there's going to be a band performing and they were setting

The recorder costs K30 as opposed to another shop at a mall costing K60. Well I was informed.

I rushed out quick, a satisfied shopper.

Two days later I went back and did a tour of the new look Plaza.

First I like the set up. The coffee shop was great. I experienced top stuff customer service.

They were prompt to serve, greeting me and speaking to me politely.

Already a sales pitch and I would definitely visit later.

At the main shop there were some sale but I found the Esky to be worth checking.

Here are some pictures.

But at the New Zealand Health Shop, I suggest you visit.

Check their products like the Moringa capsules.

I recommend Moringa to boost our immune system.

It is widely acclaimed as the tree of life.

Now at the Trends Hair and Beauty shop before you exit through the south entry, check out these Dr Teals Bodywash.

It's no ordinary shampoo, trust me.

It costs around K40.

What you should do is obviously buy one.

When you have shower, use it on your body after soaping or shampooing yourself.

Then you use Dr Teal.

You'd feel like there's a coating over your body.

Go to sleep and soon you will go into real long deep sleep.

And then you will wake up so fresh and early, rejuvenated and ready for any challenge.

It relaxes your muscles and releases some stress.

So there's always something-just few here you can find at Gordons Plaza that's worth a visit.

Thank you for reading

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Let's stop this cat and mouse game with Port Moresby police

The onset of Covid-19 Pandemic across the world and in Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby is deadly serious.

We have the government putting measures to help mitigate the spread of Covid-19.

As of this post, reported cases have soared to 153.

Prime Minister James Marape told his Australian counterpart Scott Morrison in a video conference today.

At Port Moresby's notorious Garden Hills  where squatter settlers live on the western end as you drive up from the Moni Plus on Waigani Drive, it was business as usual.

Betel nut, cigarette and food trade were on.

The road leading to Garden Hills and Moni Plus on right. Vendors occupy side walks

There was no regard for restriction on social distancing and big gatherings.

At 2.30pm Wednesday, August 5, gun shots were heard.

As I drove past- police in three different Toyota Troopers were dispersing the ignorant vendors.

Betel nut strewn on the roads and cars that drove past smashed them.

Some vendors were carrying their market stalls and running for safety.

Others stared horrified.

The place looked cleared up.

It is one hell of a stressful stretch to drive past everyday I must say.

Vendors and people loiter and stand in the way of cars.

They have in fact taken the driveway as their side walks have been taken by vendors.

The sad truth today though, the police intervention never worked.

An hour later, the ignorant vendors were back with their trade as the picture shows.

Absolutely we have no regard for rules and authority.

Good citizens must help police curb this nonsense by not buying stuff from the vendors.

This should start with staff from Moni Plus and residents of Garden Hills Estate.

We need to help police.

And for the settlers, let's comply with  rules in this trying times as government imposes restrictions on trade, movement and meetings as a result of Covid-19.

To protect our lives for heaven's sake.

The cat and mouse game should stop.

Saturday 18 July 2020

Kavieng International Airport to be complete in two years


Over 25 years after New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan raised the need for

New Ireland to have an International Airport and finally the Ground breaking

took place on Wednesday the 15th of July 2020.

Witnessed by Prime Minister James Marape and 7 state Minister’s including

Minister for Civil Aviation Captain Lekwa Gure, National Planning and

Monitoring Sam Basil, Treasurer Ian Ling Stuckey, Transport and Infrastructure

William Sam, Forestry Solan Mirisim, Fisheries Dr. Lino Tom, Finance

Minister Rainbo Paita and Samarai Murua MP Isi Henry Leonard. It was also a

very rare occasion where the three local members of parliament Governor Sir J,

Kavieng Open Ian Ling Stuckey and Namatanai Open MP Walter Schnaubelt

attended a public gathering together for the greater good of the people of New


Other Dignataries included China’s Ambassador to PNG HE Xue Bing,

stakeholders from the Business community, Airport Landowners and 100

participants of the NIPG Community Awareness program from the Matalai and

Namatanai LLG’s.

Minister Captain Lekwa Gure relayed the Kavieng Airport upgrade project will

involve the upgrade of the existing runway pavement and apron, extension of

the existing runway by 500 metres, design and construction of the new type B

terminal which will have a floor space of 2640 square metres, car park and

access road, construction of perimeter fence around runway extension area,

construction of NAC staff house, office building, workshop plus power house,

rehabilitation of NAC facility roads and associated works .Once the runway

extension and strengthening are completed the runway dimensions itself will be

2.2 kilometres by 30 metres wide and have a pavement classification of 50

which will be long and strong enough to accommodate Boeing 737- 800 series

type of aircraft or its equivalent,” said Minister Capt. Lekwa Gure.

The contract was awarded in March this year to China Railway Construction

Engineering Group PNG at a value of 98.5 million. “Now that the ground

breaking is taking place today we expect the contractor to start work tomorrow

and the clock will start ticking for the next 24 months.”

Prime Minister James Marape noting the New Ireland Government’s and the

people’s desire for the Airport Terminal to have a uniquely New Ireland flavor

inspired by the Provincial bird “Drongo” agreed the terminal building should

possess the “Bilas” flavor. “We can still relook at the design of the terminal to

incorporate New Ireland flavor but we will have to put in extra funds from both

the National Government and the Provincial government to make it happen. It’s


important that New Ireland must have its own distinct design,” said PM


Governor Sir J’s vision for the International Airport was first raised back in the

1990s, when he was the Open Member for Namatanai. “I realised that New

Ireland – if it was to reach its full potential – needed a direct link to the rest of

the world.

“I thought then – and I think now – that we need an International Airport

because of what New Ireland has to offer to the world. And I think everyone

here today can recognise what New Ireland has to offer.

“As a tourist destination, New Ireland is at the very top of the list in Papua New

Guinea, in the entire Pacific. Where else can you get the beauty of mountains?

with rainforests, pristine beaches with white sand and palm trees, crystal clear

waters for swimming and world class diving, surfing sites that are the envy of

the world, and – our greatest attraction of all – people who say hello when you

pass them on the street. People who shake your hand - instead of picking your


“We want our tourists to visit the people in the village, to stay at community

guesthouses. Because a person in a village in New Ireland is a member of the

village, a member of the community. And, in New Ireland, the village takes care

of its own.

“THAT is what New Ireland is all about. THAT is what makes New Ireland

unique. THAT is what we want to market to the world,” said Sir J.

A cheque of K3 million was handed over to the landowners as partial payment

for the use of their land, the outstanding will be paid in due course after further

consultations with the landowners. This includes further compensation for the

delay in payments.

The multimillion kina airport project is one of 27 impact projects promised by

the State in 1995 under the Lihir MOA that will add significant value and match

the already newly constructed four-lane Kavavu Avenue from the airport to the

waterfront built by the Government of New Ireland. It is expected to be

complete in July 2022, two years from now.

It has taken 25 years to start just 1 of the four major projects under the Lihir

MOA, this is an obligation of the State since 1995. It is time to restore the

peoples trust in the Government to meet its promises


Criteria for pap smear