Wednesday 15 December 2021

There is no restraining order against Garden Hills eviction

The eviction at Garden Hills settlement in Port Moresby will proceed unhindered as the owners of the land, the Assemblies of God (AOG) Church have obtained a court order to do this.

There was also more than 30 days notice issued for squatters to vacate the land.

Police have issued a statement that unless a restraining order is obtained from the court, the eviction would proceed.

Prime Minister James Marape yesterday released a statement asking the land lease holder to halt eviction and collaborate with NCDC and the Department of Lands and Physical Planning to find land to settle those affected.

The public has disapproved the stance taken by Marape and praised police for being firm and independent in executing their duties.

Garden Hills settlement demolished Source: Facebook

Police say they have maintained static presence at Garden Hill overnight, to ensure safety of those removing their property and the residential area are not disrupted by anyone.
As of last night until this morning Fox 200 units, Mobile Squad one and Dog Unit were at the location.
The general situation at the area has been reported quiet.
Those evicted continue to remove their properties.
Police will remain in the area to ensure there is normalcy despite the eviction.

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