Sunday 12 December 2021

Pioneer Grade 12 from Oksapmin finishes among top 10 as Glenda Giles retires

Remote Oksapmin Secondary School in the highlands of West Sepik finished sixth in the final rankings of grade 12 performance in the country.

This feat has received overwhelming commendations from people around the country.

Only for the first time, it led the provinces top and consistent performing school, a Catholic run St. Ignatius Secondary School who finished seventh on its overall rankings.

St Ignatius had its first grade 12 pass out in 1998 and in the last decade it has been among the top ten performing secondary schools in the country.

While Oksapmin celebrates the great achievement in its cold valley, there is also an emotional feeling of losing someone special who is acknowledged as the mentor and chief architect behind Oksapmin's consistent impressive performance in academic achievements.

Missionary volunteer Glenda Giles will be going finish, retiring to her home country in New Zealand.

She first arrived in the country in 1967 as a member of the Christian Mission in Many Lands missionaries.

Glenda has spent many years working with schools in Southern Highlands and West Sepik teaching, translating languages, being a headmistress, a school inspector and mentoring staff in the areas of school curriculum materials development, administration and mission work.

Few of her work are published in the Bilum Books publication- some work she collaborated with Ray O'Farrell to develop the content.

Oksapmin has been achieving high MRI for its Grade 10 results within the last decade and it was not surprising it did well too with its pioneer Grade 12.

As we celebrate the high academic achievements for Oksapmin, we also acknowledge the mentorship and input from Glenda Giles and wish her well in her retirement.

A selfless woman who loved PNG with all her heart.

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