Wednesday 15 December 2021

Notorious Garden Hills settlement in Port Moresby demolished and settlers displaced

A thirty-day eviction notice to vacate the prime land at Port Moresby's central Waigani-Garden Hills was not complied with and squatters on this land got the shock on early Monday morning as heavy machinery moved in and pulled down infrastructure.

Post Courier reports the demolition and eviction is approved by the court following a court order obtained recently.

Police enforced the court order to ensure the owners of the land, the Assemblies of God (AOG) Church successfully evict the settlers.

The "disgusting" scenario as stated by one Steven Kilage and quoted on FM 100 news site is calling for an intervention from NCD Governor Powes Parkop and respective Moresby Northeast and Northwest MPs John Kaupa and Lohia Boe Samuel.

Kilage said the settlers should not be treated like this but many from the public spoke on social media that it was time the settlement should be removed.

Post Courier reported police have identified the place as a crime hotspot.

Eviction at Garden Hills Source: Post Courier Online

Thousands of men, women and children were affected by the eviction right at the heart of Port Moresby.

Though there was  resistance by settlers to stop the demolition on Monday, it did not succeed as senior police officers who were able to convince dissenting leaders that ample time had been given for them to resettle elsewhere.

Pleas from residents of Garden Hills Estate who live west from the settlement repeatedly calling for the removal of the settlement because of crimes often committed on residents by settlement youths have fallen on deaf years.

Six weeks ago a property worth about K 3 million for a woman from Enga was burnt to ashes by youths from the settlement after an 8 hour fight one Saturday evening.

There were many serious of crimes reported earlier on as well. One notable one was an attack by youths on one Dr Steven Bogosia.

Despite the settlement being labelled as a crime hotspot, it abodes many middle class employees from various companies and state institutions.

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