Wednesday 1 December 2021

NCD Governor welcomes construction of new Central Province Hospital

Putting politics aside, Governor Powes Parkop attended the launch of the new 300 bed hospital arriving early with other politicians.

His media unit says he was elated about the invitation and therefore attended the ceremony at Bautama along the Magi Highway.

Governor Powes Parkop has welcomed and expressed his full support and that of NCD towards the establishment of the hospital for the Central people outside Port Moresby. 

His media unit reports that by rubbing shoulders with his Central Province counterpart Robert Agarobe it was maturity in political leadership.

A picture of their golden handshake has been shared and acknowledged widely on social media.

Parkop and Agarobe have had quite a sour relationship based on their stance and issues regarding land demarcation, GST shares, markets and provincial capital.

Endorsing the hospital Parkop said with the increased population of Port Moresby the , it was totally inadequate to cater for the health needs for its increasing population as well as that of Central and Gulf Provinces.. 

Governor Parkop said the launch was a momentous event for Central Province in that for the first they will have a major facility of their own available in the first instance to Central Province and subsequently to our people of NCD and the rest of the country. 

“ I look forward to more such facilities both public and private can be built so eventually the concept of two great cities co-existing side by side can become a reality . 

When completed, he said, the new hospital will help to shoulder the skies of the provinces together, adding it will relieve the stress on medical workers and end relatives  camping outside Port Moresby General Hospital awaiting for the sick relatives. 

“This initiative has ushered in a new era for NCD, Central Province and the Country and on behalf of all our people in NCD, I commend Prime Minister Honourable James Marape and Governor Robert Agarobe for their leadership in getting this project started. It is I hope a start of a new journey in the right direction and I call on everyone to support this initiative and journey.”

NCD is expected to build a five star hospital at Gerehu (Tete) and this should relieve the strain on Port Moresby General Hospital as well so it can concentrate as a teaching and specialist referral hospital.

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