Monday 6 December 2021

Deloitte to review public services payroll system


Chairman of the Special Parliamentary Committee on Public Sector Reform and Service Delivery (SPCPSR&SD) is very pleased today to witness the execution of a long overdue review of the integrity of the Public Services payroll system.

 “Over many years the country, the taxpayers, many governments and many public servants themselves have been voicing strong opinions on the integrity of the Public Service Payroll. As recent as last week in the Budget 2022 sessions the matter was raised as a national concern,” Juffa said.

“This issue was raised with me late last year as Chairman of the reconstituted SPCPSR&SD. We as a Committee have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to activate momentum to secure an independent status update by an independent internationally recognized firm” 

International firm, Deloitte through public tender, has been awarded the contract which is being signed today. 

The Department of Personnel Management will be the lead government agent to facilitate Deloitte. However, the Special Parliamentary Committee will be ensuring through its  sub- committee that there exists accountability by all parties that the milestones and independence of the Review are achieved. 

“It has to be independent to tell us exactly what is actually going on,” Mr Juffa said.

The Review will run over a 6-month period. It will cover the effectiveness of the Public Service current payroll system and its Human Resource Framework and recommend corrective action.

It is believed that the actioning of the recommendations of this Review will be a solid basis to modernize the public service payroll system and save substantial amounts of money. 

“About 130,000 public servants will be paid more than K6 Billion in the 2022 Budget- many have asked the question- For what? Why is that for every year for the last 10 years we have hundreds of Millions in Kina overruns in public service salaries and emoluments? 

Either someone cannot draft budgets or someone is just adding people onto the public payroll at will or ghosts have appeared through ghost holes. Either way- it has to stop”, Mr Juffa said.

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