Saturday 8 May 2021

RH 5 Mile fuel station rakes customers

 When ownership of the 5 Mile service station was changed last year, Papua New Guineans protested against it.

What we saw  was indeed a protest of great magnitude with very less or nill number of cars refueling at the service station on a daily basis.

A great contrast to what it used to be described as one of the busiest service stations in Papua New Guinea.

The protest was against logging giant Rimbunan Hijau (RH) who got the contract from Mobil after local company Lifu Holdings held the contract for several years.

Sadly though the protest has been short lived.

RH still wins. Mobil still wins.

The place is now raking customers again.

We just received a close up picture of the service station.

We think if we want to challenge the status quo we must be firm about it.

In this case do not buy fuel there at all.

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