Sunday 16 May 2021

Do we have time to sit as family pray and eat?

 Just over 40 years of Independence and mind you if you had an oversight, so much has happened to Papua New Guinea.

  • Many people have graduated from universities
  • Technology has been introduced and people adapted or are adapting to it
  • Many people have cars than before
  • Lifestyle changes, people adapting to Western culture
  • Many people  speak English fluently and can understand it as well

Well these are a few sticking out from me.

You may have countless others.

Essentially we have transitioned and for the better or not, you be the judge.

For me I feel there were some ideals practiced in the far gone days that held us as a family unit and nation together.

For example sitting together for dinner.

In fact a prayer is culturally offered before meals and during meals parents offer guidance and give wisdom talk to children.

It's a promotion of behaving well and abiding by laws.

Sadly today in my view we are not into this.

People in urban areas like Port Moresby are too concerned about money and they work overtime selling items on streets or working at their offices.

In settlements, when it should be dinner time to sit together and eat, children as young as five or four are roaming the streets.

They probably just head to bed without spending time with families praying and eating, and parents care less.

Parents are overworked and tired.

Their dwellings are not spacious as a home so family can sit together and eat.

Some families live in just one room.

The housing challenge faced in urban Papua New Guinea in one way or another does not promote a happy healthy family growth.

It exerts enormous stress and pressure on families and so they can't sit together, pray and eat.

We should break that challenge. I choose challenge over problem because we can over come it.

We need to change the culture.

Revert back to the culture of family sitting together for dinner pray and eat.

The government has a responsibility to make decent housing affordable for anyone.

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