Monday 10 May 2021

Man killed during hit and run accident along Poreporena Freeway

Nothing much but we stress here that can our bus drivers take heed and be conscious about safety.

Obey police and traffic rules.

Last week members of NCD Traffic Police impounded two buses and fined them K1000 each using Traffic Infringement Notices.

The PMV operators were told to pay the fine at the Department of Finance and produce the official receipt before they could reclaim their buses.
This police action was taken because the PMV buses were traveling along the Poreporena Freeway; which is an unauthorized route.
Coincidentally, a man who came out of a PMV along the Hohola section of the Poreporena Freeway was run over and killed yesterday by a speeding vehicle.
The victim reportedly came out of a PMV on this unauthorized route and was crossing the Freeway when he was knocked over.
This is exactly the reason why Traffic Police are clamping down on PMVs who are using this unauthorized route.
It is not only illegal but very dangerous.
Police warn PMV Operators to refrain from driving along the Poreporena Freeway.

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