Wednesday 12 May 2021

From humble beginnings: Rose Delicacy opens at Unity Mall


Begin somewhere; you cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do- Liz Smith

I met my college friend Dennis Orere at the Unity Mall centre at Waigani in Port Moresby.

He was just having his light breakfast before heading off to work at EMTV.

He works as a journalist/presenter and producer. No need to introduce him but for this space, I am doing so.

Dennis says that is more his usual daily routine in the last five days.

Why? He pointed to his right and says he owns a little food café and just checking out his team, more like the family is setting up for the day.

I was so… so impressed with Dennis and honestly confirmed to him that I am scouting for a place too.

Unfortunately upon inquiry most available spaces similar to Dennis' space have been taken. Size of about 2m by 3m.

They are just a little under K2,000 a month.

Denise says that is his side hustle to generate income and support him and his family.

In Papua New Guinea or Port Moresby today, we can’t be too dependent on our salary to keep us going for two weeks and that is a reality.

But on a serious and bigger note for Dennis, this is the small beginning with many opportunities for huge success in my strong view.

Why do I say this?

First his opened a place in a place where thousands of potential customers would come.

It’s like getting out from a shed in your backyard to a billboard.

You get noticed and potential to attract a customer is higher then being at your backyard shed.

Many MSME people are looking for a formal place to set up and start up.

He has scored it.

Second and this is most important, he is selling food.

You won’t go wrong running a trade store selling food.

You will have customers every time no doubt. 

People need food and water to survive.

One just has to  build stocks and sell fast.

Don’t look far, the Asians are good at that and they start from a tuck store to a supermarket.

Denise has begun with his local menu and once that is loved by customers, that’s his unique product.

If he doesn’t prosper and expand, it would be mismanagement.

Just had to be forthright here Dennis, proud of you.

Dennis unique menus are tapioca cake, banana cake and pariva with ripe banana or sago.

Check out the Rose Delicacy at the Unity Mega Mall, its named after his mum.

If you are an ex-DWU Communications Arts student, check out Rose Delicacy anytime.

Dennis' business venture reminds me of Liz Smith's quote that we have to start somewhere.


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