Tuesday 11 May 2021

How you should campaign during elections?

There is no fixed formula to use when finalising your communications strategy to campaign during national elections.

So what you and your team do is your prerogative.

What I would like to share here is with the intent to stress on key areas during communications with key consideration given to audience, messaging, platforms and use of the 5W and 1H.

  • Audience
Always consider your audience as No:1. So when you communicate with them, use the language that many people understand. If you are not conversant with the language majority know about, apologise and continue with what you can fluently communicate and articulate your ideas and plans
  • Messaging
Your messaging must be CONSISTENT. I can't stress this enough. Be consistent with what you say. Do not criticise or talk about others. Discuss yourself. Discuss your visions and plans. In my next point I will discuss what you need to say. But for now, you see many people get into court for slander because they want to talk about others. That makes you weak. Don't! Be inclusive always use "we" not "I" often. Sometimes over praising yourself will make your fans lose that traction with you. 
  • Platforms
There are many platforms to use and all have niche audience. So you need to plan out your budget. Your messaging and choose appropriate platform at an appropriate time. Popular platforms are
  1. Social Media (Facebook, YouTube)
  2. Radio
  3. Television
  4. Newspaper
  5. Video campaigns
In the six weeks of your campaign plan which key messages need to be driven out on a weekly basis so that they are driven into the hearts and minds and are permanently stored.
That's how crazy you would have to be.
Within your budget choose which media platform to use. Appropriate messaging for a platform one at a time but each must be relevant, consistent and appreciative. Eg throw a key punch on a 15 seconds radio advert. Draw them to a One Min Facebook video teaser which will draw them to a 30 mins video on a TV station that can be watched again on your Facebook page. A key theme about your vision or plan can be advertised on newspaper and your posters. Keep them simple and protuding. Don't over do your messaging.
  • 5W and 1H
Many people miss this a lot. In your messaging. Focus on HOW you will do it. It's become too monotonous candidates discuss WHAT they will do. But affluent voters now see it as talk being too cheap. They want to know HOW you will do it and if you've done your research well, delve to WHEN you will do it. If you cannot, stick to HOW.

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