Sunday 16 May 2021

Do we have time to sit as family pray and eat?

 Just over 40 years of Independence and mind you if you had an oversight, so much has happened to Papua New Guinea.

  • Many people have graduated from universities
  • Technology has been introduced and people adapted or are adapting to it
  • Many people have cars than before
  • Lifestyle changes, people adapting to Western culture
  • Many people  speak English fluently and can understand it as well

Well these are a few sticking out from me.

You may have countless others.

Essentially we have transitioned and for the better or not, you be the judge.

For me I feel there were some ideals practiced in the far gone days that held us as a family unit and nation together.

For example sitting together for dinner.

In fact a prayer is culturally offered before meals and during meals parents offer guidance and give wisdom talk to children.

It's a promotion of behaving well and abiding by laws.

Sadly today in my view we are not into this.

People in urban areas like Port Moresby are too concerned about money and they work overtime selling items on streets or working at their offices.

In settlements, when it should be dinner time to sit together and eat, children as young as five or four are roaming the streets.

They probably just head to bed without spending time with families praying and eating, and parents care less.

Parents are overworked and tired.

Their dwellings are not spacious as a home so family can sit together and eat.

Some families live in just one room.

The housing challenge faced in urban Papua New Guinea in one way or another does not promote a happy healthy family growth.

It exerts enormous stress and pressure on families and so they can't sit together, pray and eat.

We should break that challenge. I choose challenge over problem because we can over come it.

We need to change the culture.

Revert back to the culture of family sitting together for dinner pray and eat.

The government has a responsibility to make decent housing affordable for anyone.

Wednesday 12 May 2021

From humble beginnings: Rose Delicacy opens at Unity Mall


Begin somewhere; you cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do- Liz Smith

I met my college friend Dennis Orere at the Unity Mall centre at Waigani in Port Moresby.

He was just having his light breakfast before heading off to work at EMTV.

He works as a journalist/presenter and producer. No need to introduce him but for this space, I am doing so.

Dennis says that is more his usual daily routine in the last five days.

Why? He pointed to his right and says he owns a little food café and just checking out his team, more like the family is setting up for the day.

I was so… so impressed with Dennis and honestly confirmed to him that I am scouting for a place too.

Unfortunately upon inquiry most available spaces similar to Dennis' space have been taken. Size of about 2m by 3m.

They are just a little under K2,000 a month.

Denise says that is his side hustle to generate income and support him and his family.

In Papua New Guinea or Port Moresby today, we can’t be too dependent on our salary to keep us going for two weeks and that is a reality.

But on a serious and bigger note for Dennis, this is the small beginning with many opportunities for huge success in my strong view.

Why do I say this?

First his opened a place in a place where thousands of potential customers would come.

It’s like getting out from a shed in your backyard to a billboard.

You get noticed and potential to attract a customer is higher then being at your backyard shed.

Many MSME people are looking for a formal place to set up and start up.

He has scored it.

Second and this is most important, he is selling food.

You won’t go wrong running a trade store selling food.

You will have customers every time no doubt. 

People need food and water to survive.

One just has to  build stocks and sell fast.

Don’t look far, the Asians are good at that and they start from a tuck store to a supermarket.

Denise has begun with his local menu and once that is loved by customers, that’s his unique product.

If he doesn’t prosper and expand, it would be mismanagement.

Just had to be forthright here Dennis, proud of you.

Dennis unique menus are tapioca cake, banana cake and pariva with ripe banana or sago.

Check out the Rose Delicacy at the Unity Mega Mall, its named after his mum.

If you are an ex-DWU Communications Arts student, check out Rose Delicacy anytime.

Dennis' business venture reminds me of Liz Smith's quote that we have to start somewhere.


Tuesday 11 May 2021

Rigo Rice produced from Central Province is on sale

Hey Papua New Guinea.

Rigo Rice from the Central Province is now on sale at main supermarkets.

The current distributer is Wantok Wholesale based at Six Mile-in the same compound where DHL office is located.

Upon inquiry today, their wholesale prices are

  • 20 kg K74.00
  • 10 kg K35.00
  • 5 kg K18.50
They boast that the price is higher than other brands because of quality.

Some Papua New Guineans say if its locally produced, its price should be lower than the imported ones.

You be the judge and make your decision if you are after quality (relational shopper) or price (transactional shopper).

Motu-Koitabu mobile health service

Dadi Toka Jr assumed the political leadership as Chairman of the Motu-Koitabu Assembly last year and he is not stopping anywhere to deliver health and education services.

 Recently a mobile bus clinic.

"Thank you to all the stakeholders involved with the modification of this 40 seater bus into a mobile clinic for Motu Koita villages," he said.

" This mobile unit will be launched soon for the covid19 vaccination rollout in our villages.”

 #papuanewguinea #motukoitavillages #nzhighcommission #steamships #ncdpha #digicel #mka #mobileclinic #vaccination #mkhealth #sleevesup #partnership

How you should campaign during elections?

There is no fixed formula to use when finalising your communications strategy to campaign during national elections.

So what you and your team do is your prerogative.

What I would like to share here is with the intent to stress on key areas during communications with key consideration given to audience, messaging, platforms and use of the 5W and 1H.

  • Audience
Always consider your audience as No:1. So when you communicate with them, use the language that many people understand. If you are not conversant with the language majority know about, apologise and continue with what you can fluently communicate and articulate your ideas and plans
  • Messaging
Your messaging must be CONSISTENT. I can't stress this enough. Be consistent with what you say. Do not criticise or talk about others. Discuss yourself. Discuss your visions and plans. In my next point I will discuss what you need to say. But for now, you see many people get into court for slander because they want to talk about others. That makes you weak. Don't! Be inclusive always use "we" not "I" often. Sometimes over praising yourself will make your fans lose that traction with you. 
  • Platforms
There are many platforms to use and all have niche audience. So you need to plan out your budget. Your messaging and choose appropriate platform at an appropriate time. Popular platforms are
  1. Social Media (Facebook, YouTube)
  2. Radio
  3. Television
  4. Newspaper
  5. Video campaigns
In the six weeks of your campaign plan which key messages need to be driven out on a weekly basis so that they are driven into the hearts and minds and are permanently stored.
That's how crazy you would have to be.
Within your budget choose which media platform to use. Appropriate messaging for a platform one at a time but each must be relevant, consistent and appreciative. Eg throw a key punch on a 15 seconds radio advert. Draw them to a One Min Facebook video teaser which will draw them to a 30 mins video on a TV station that can be watched again on your Facebook page. A key theme about your vision or plan can be advertised on newspaper and your posters. Keep them simple and protuding. Don't over do your messaging.
  • 5W and 1H
Many people miss this a lot. In your messaging. Focus on HOW you will do it. It's become too monotonous candidates discuss WHAT they will do. But affluent voters now see it as talk being too cheap. They want to know HOW you will do it and if you've done your research well, delve to WHEN you will do it. If you cannot, stick to HOW.

The story of West Papua's fight for de-colonisation will be never ending

The story of West Papua's fight for de-colonisation will be never ending 

I moved with my parents to our village in Green River, West Sepik in mid 1990.

For almost three decades my parents lived in Amanab, just north of Green River.

It was quite an experience for me adapting to life in the village that is situated about less than 20 mins drive from Green River government station and several kilometres from the PNG/Indonesia border.

Some of the care free life adventures I enjoyed though were going fishing, hunting for 'ton' in the jungles and swimming at the pristine Green River that meanders from Kambriap in the far north and quite near the PNG Indonesian border through to my village and then to the Sepik River, at Yabru village.

I recall sometimes I felt a bit apprehensive when we used to have Indonesian military helicopters heard flying over and then the sounds fade.

They were quite regular.

One one Sunday during church service we literally saw a helicopter and hear its sound- I think it was like a Chinook hovering around the Kambriap area.

At that time there was quite a heated guerilla ambushes and attacks between the Indonesian military and West Papua freedom fighters.

The borders were not quite as opened today.

We believe they were looking for OPM guerilla fighters.

It was at that same year refugees at Amanab, Green River and Vanimo (Black Wara) were repatriated back to their districts in West Papua (formerly Irian Jaya).

In Green River, there were reports of villagers along the Sepik coming across dead bodies of Indonesian military floating down the Sepik River presumably killed by OPM rebels around the Patom and Huhi areas.

I heard it from elderly men who were trustworthy village leaders.

This week we hear reports about Indonesia launching an oppressive against the West Papua Freedom fighters (formerly identified as OPM).

SBS International TV in Australia has reported about this.

In Papua New Guinea, a Facebook video that has gone viral, has a group in military camouflage and weapons, identifying them as 'Sepiks' have claimed to be now fighting with the West Papua Freedom fighters to kick out Indonesia and ultimately declare Independence.

"That's their ultimate goal."

The PNG police and military officials are investigating the viral video because the PNG government's political stance on West Papua issue is that 'it is an internal issue for Indonesia.'

Though Melanesian countries like Vanuatu has openly declared its position that Indonesia must afford Independence to West Papua.

You see, the issue of West Papua is complex and will be never ending.

The energy and campaign option be it protests, guerilla ambush and war or media releases and attendance to world meetings to garner support will not cease.

This is their cry from the heart.

But in my view they need to fight as 'one'.

And not necessarily taking up arms.

They must talk and discuss. No matter how long it takes.

War must not be an option.

What should Papua New Guinea do?

The report about Papua New Guineans supporting the West Papua Freedom fighters could trigger Indonesia to step up its presence at the border and with the border already opened up, innocent PNG citizens can be caught in between.

I just received information from my uncles back in Green River that they bring their sun dried cocoa beans through the Hauser River and then to a country Indonesian post.

They say roads there are prefect and small sedans pick them up where the river ends and they get off.

Indonesia has really built attractive infrastructure along its border from Jayapura to the mid highlands, west of places like Green River, Yapsie, Tumolbil and Telefomin.

These infrastructure and improved services are like bright city lights for PNG citizens at the border where service delivery as compared to Indonesia is poor.

While the PNG government sees West Papua issue as 'internal' its people at the border from Vanimo to Western Province can be caught in a cross fire when the political war escalates and the government must do everything it can to protect the people.

  • Develop the border region so that people are not attracted to Indonesia


  • Step up military, customs and police presence to stop any illegal border crossing for people to join the freedom fighters


  • Government must proactively engage in dialogue to settle the West Papua issue once and for all. The country and its people will be caught in between in any circumstance

Monday 10 May 2021

Man killed during hit and run accident along Poreporena Freeway

Nothing much but we stress here that can our bus drivers take heed and be conscious about safety.

Obey police and traffic rules.

Last week members of NCD Traffic Police impounded two buses and fined them K1000 each using Traffic Infringement Notices.

The PMV operators were told to pay the fine at the Department of Finance and produce the official receipt before they could reclaim their buses.
This police action was taken because the PMV buses were traveling along the Poreporena Freeway; which is an unauthorized route.
Coincidentally, a man who came out of a PMV along the Hohola section of the Poreporena Freeway was run over and killed yesterday by a speeding vehicle.
The victim reportedly came out of a PMV on this unauthorized route and was crossing the Freeway when he was knocked over.
This is exactly the reason why Traffic Police are clamping down on PMVs who are using this unauthorized route.
It is not only illegal but very dangerous.
Police warn PMV Operators to refrain from driving along the Poreporena Freeway.

Criteria for pap smear