Tuesday 1 March 2022

U-Vistract scam in Bougainville to be stopped

Autonomous Bougainville Government President Ishmael Toroama has told ABC Radio that he will put an end to the pyramid money scheme U-Vistract run by Noah Musingku.

President Ishmael Toroama Source: Facebook

Musingku and his loyal supporters who are based at Tonu in South Bougainville have continued this scam for decades and declaring they have a currency -the Bougainville Kina.

Recently, there were reports that Musingku and his team have regained energy and convinced people from as far as New Britain and two ABG Members of the House of Assembly recognised Musingku and his scam.

But Toroama said: “I will not work with Noah Musingku...I will challenge those activities."

President Toroama said U-Vistract is harmful to Bougainvilleans and has caused plenty of disharmony among communities.

“There  are a lot people that have invested into the schemes many have died waiting for big amounts of money Noah Musingku promised them,” he told ABC Radio.

"Within the third year of my term I will be challenging every illegal activity in Bougainville."

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