Monday 21 March 2022

Judge concerned police statement of crime by MP Lohia Boe Samuel poorly prepared

 Papua New Guinea was gripped by an unusual shooting of a person by a serving Member of Parliament a week ago.

Lohia Boe Samuel, from the famous Hanuabada village and Member for Moresby Northwest who succeeded the late Sir Mekere Morauta during the by-election last year is at the centre of this crime.

Lohia Boe Samuel (Facebook)

Post Courier reported today  he was refused bail and is being held at the Boroko Police cell.

His said accomplice and protocol officer Fabian Hera has been allowed a K5,000 bail and K1,000 surety fees from guarantors.

Judge Teresa Berrigan who presided over the bail application by Samuel was unimpressed with how police investigators have prepared the crime report describing the prepared statements as poorly drafted.

According to Post Courier, Judge Berrigan said the statement surmised that an argument took place before the shooting when police used the phrase 'must have'.

She said "whilst what pre-empted the shooting was not clear, the facts spoke to a deliberate, if perhaps unplanned shooting by the applicant (Samuel) using his own weapon".

Samuel's bail application was refused but his lawyer would refile the application.

From the police statements tendered in court Samuel, his protocol officer Fabian Hera and the deceased Robert Jerry were at Fusion 2 Restaurant at Waigani on March 11, 2022 when the shooting happened.

The three were eating and having conversations at the restaurant when a disagreement arose and Samuel drew his firearm , a pistol and shot the deceased straight away on his right neck under his ear penetrating his neck and causing his immediate death.

Police statement says Samuel then stood up, banged the table and yelled out "Fabian, Fabian why did you do that, why?" before putting the pistol down pointing to Fabian and walked out while Fabian stood there with his hands on his head looking puzzled.

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