Friday 4 March 2022

High Blood Pressure causes an MP from Papua New Guinea to die

Papua New Guinea and the people of Goilala District are mourning the death of the Member of Parliament representing the people of Goilala, Hon William Samb.

Prime Minister James Marape has confirmed the passing of Samb.

Hon William Samb MP Source: Post Courier website

"I have, late last night, received confirmation of the passing of the Honorable William Samb, at a hospital in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

"The Honorable William Samb who is the Minister for Commerce and Industry was on official duty travel to Dubai when he met his fate.

He was reportedly unwell and in hospital when he passed away. I have received this news with deepest regret. Our prayers are with his family and the people of Goilala at this time."

PNG Loop reports officials in Dubai while confirming his death said Samb had high blood pressure and was admitted to a hospital but succumbed to death.

Samb was born in 1973 and was a civil engineer graduated from the Papua New Guinea University of Technology and has a post graduate degree in project management from the Queensland University of Technology.

He entered Parliament during the Goilala open seat by election in 2015 and later won again in the 2017 National General Election serving a period of seven years in Parliament.

CEO of the Goilala DDA said on NBC Central that Samb was a grassroots people's person.

Samb is very popular with many journalists in Papua New Guinea as he has hosted several trips for journalists to Tapini and the greater mountainous Goilala.

He wanted journalists to write about the changes and the good things in Goilala rather than the bleak views about Goilala being a dangerous remote district in Papua New Guinea.

Arrangements have now been made to repatriate his body to Papua New Guinea.

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