Wednesday 16 February 2022

'The Last Man Standing' acknowledged for nation building


Eastern Highlands Governor Peter Numu and his local level government presidents have acknowledged a founding political leader in nation building.

Numu led a team of 24 LLG presidents from the eights districts, provincial administrator John Gimiseve and other members of the provincial executive council to New Ireland Province and acknowledge the contributions by Sir Julius Chan dubbed 'The Last Man Standing' for his contributions to nation building.

Sir Julius was one of the members of the House of Assembly in the formative years of PNG politics and later became the first Finance Minister when PNG gained independence.

Numu was frank when his team met Sir Julius: “This year we will be going into the Elections, and I don’t know if the people will put me back so whilst I have the opportunity as a young Governor I want my Government to appreciate the work you put in for this country. Because you are the last man standing, after you there will be no other."

“Over the years other founding parties like Pangu have changed but the People’s Progress Party has remained steadfast to keep you as its leader since the beginning.”

At the customary grounds at Nokon in New Ireland the Eastern Highlands delegation marched in with other members of their community revealed they had made the unannounced trip at such short notice because they simply wanted to say thankyou for Sir Julius' contributions to the country.

They presented gift offerings of six Pigs, bundles of Taro, Goroka's finest export coffee, a bow and arrows, bilums and a headdress reserved for great chiefs.

Numu  said his government was interested in the decentralization policy being put forward by the New Ireland Government that gives more power to the provinces. 

Numu and his team had the opportunity to tour the New Ireland Legislative Assembly and see first hand how other policies are being implemented.

Sir Julius expressed his utmost appreciation to Governor Numu and his Eastern Highlands delegation for making the journey to New Ireland to express their appreciation.

“You have accorded me the highest respect, all the titles I have are meaningless without the recognition. Your actions and words spoken about my work for this country means a lot to me. I accept your gesture as a combined respect from the young and old people of Eastern Highlands,” he said.

"You belong to an age where everyone wants to become leaders, but you brought yourself down with all your leaders to my village. This is a sign of your humbleness. And this country needs humility so we can move forward."

Sir Julius told the Eastern Highlands delegation to go back knowing that New Ireland really appreciated their kind gesture and wished his colleague Governor Numu all  the best for the upcoming national elections.



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