Sunday 11 April 2021

What's in store for us having the office of National Library and Archives

There used to be a public library in Vanimo near Dali Beach.

There  is no more today.

We must make it mandatory to have public libraries in all ptovincial centres.

Our success for growth as a nation is to have highly educated and innovative population.

And one of the best ingredients to achieve this is to develop a reading culture and finally have a reading population.

Children as early as five must start to read and borrow books from public  libraries.

The office of the National Libary and Archives must head this.

Have full time librarians and support staff to run the libraries.

They must work with schools to promote programs about reading and writing to preserve our history.

With the introduction of internet there must be accessibility to online encyclopedia and research free of charge.

Drive membership for minimum fees for older population.

The office seems to pop up only during the book week and it goes back into hibernation.

The government and the education  department must seriously look into this.

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