Sunday 4 April 2021

The best time to shop at Koki Fish Market

The Koki Fish Market  in  Moresby South is probably  one of those shopping icons one should not miss in Port Moresby.

Well that is if you are after sea food.

Situated next to the stilt homes of Wanigela village, this National Fisheries Authority funded set up is proving to be beneficial to fishermen, vendors and buyers.

Couple of vendors I chatted with were selling fish from Fishermen Island, just offshore from Port Moresby's  CBD.

There's variety of sea food.

Well not really really variety but there seems to be a few.

I went looking for squid but only found octopus for a crazy K5. Unbelievable.

A bundle of "malangur" went for an unbelievable K10.

At road side markets this would be K30.

I think the prices were  slashed because vendors were rushing  to go home.

So my assumption is the best time to shop at Koki fish market would be late in the afternoon.

Now there's bonus for buyers.

There's  young  men who can clean your fish at the sinks there for you to take home and  have them straight into the pot or pan.

Which ever way you're cooking it.

Their bill, any tip is good.

I look at how much effort they put into it.

I gave a K6.

Koki Fish Market is a good infrastructural investment.

We need to ensure it serves its ultimate purpose and keep other vendors out.

People selling betel nut, cigarettes  and cooked food should not be allowed to vend there.

They are occupying the walkway with their illegal set up.

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