Sunday 4 April 2021

Port Moresby taxis illegally park at places traffic has to flow

 Travelling to Erima and further from Gordons can be challenge maneuvering traffic caused by drivers negligence.

The bypass lane  for cars to turn into Gordon's Market is illegally occupied by taxis.

Yes I say illegally.

This compels cars to queue in the main lane to travel to Erima and beyond and making cars heading that way to use only one lane.

This should not be happening if we adhere to rules.

Obviously it causes traffic congestion.

Thank you to the Australia, New Zealand Governments and National Capital District Commission, the new Gordons Market has been an attraction for shoppers.

The ones who like organic foods.

But we need to manage these flaws that make movement difficult.

We need to build a city that is user friendly  allowing people to move about with ease.

Elsewhere in the city, issues of taxis taking up public parking for hours at popular business venues have been concerning too.

Downtown Port Moresby and Garden City, Boroko are few examples.

We need to regulate how they operate.

At the moment they operate as they please, and that is not good  for the  city's  image.

They also illegally park at public footpaths  near shops-forcing pedestrians to walk just at the edge of footpaths and drains.

We need to manage these issues now before they become cultural or may be they already are.

Can the National Road Safety Authority or NCDC look into this.

For the Gordon's Market situation.

Well not all of us have cars. So there must be  a designated taxi rank for drop off and pick up.

We can't have taxis waiting and occupying road sections where traffic has to flow.

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