Thursday 5 March 2020

New Ireland develops model tourism village

New Ireland has a first tourism model village.
The provincial government has recognized Lossuk Village in Ward Seven of the Tikana Local Level Government area as the First Tourism Model Village.
Governor Sir Julius Chan says developing tourism village concepts endeavours to address social ills that mostly cause law and order issues.
Acknowledging that half the population are young people, he said immediate attention of the government is to contain abuse of alcohol, illegal home brewed alcohol which described as poisonous, and marijuana.
The concept will enable the village to tap into the economic benefits of tourism, agriculture, fisheries and forestry through the village planning committees in wards.
At the the local level governments level they will develop small businesses in communities to sustain and empower themselves with the youth population taking the lead.
The New Ireland Government assisted with K10,000 to construct ten VIP toilets which were completed by the youths and launched two days before Christmas last year under the New Ireland Government’s WaSH project.   
The Lossuk Tourism Model Village concept is based around the traditional New Ireland hausbois’ but includes a central meeting house and eight hausbois constructed through sweat equity valued around K50,000 by the youths.
The provincial government has directed the New Ireland Tourism Authority and the provincial administration to rollout the project to the remaining nine LLGs in the province.
The Hausboi at Lossuk is also captured in the design of the new Provincial Assembly building which is currently under construction.  
The provincial government has appointed Hon. Demas Kavavu who has been closely involved in the establishment of the Cultural and Tourism villages to involved in the roll out of the concept.

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